本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2013-8-13 14:05 编辑
asicsfree 发表于 2013-8-13 13:36 ![]()
我是不懂它的index內容是怎麼搜尋出來的,例如talk 要我們參考talk 1, 2, 6, 18, 18。但talk整篇都是talk ...
其实这很容易理解,我在http://pan.baidu.com/share/link? ... 95&uk=489821977 密码:dg5d 分享了一本《朗文简明英语联想活用词典_11191846》(是LLA的缩编,PDG格式,可用老马阅读器打开),前言有说明用法。印象中LDOCE的DVD中肯定也有介绍Longman Language Activator的使用方法,在帮助文档里找找。
to talk to somebody
1. to talk to someone
2. to talk to someone about a problem, plan, or serious subject
3. to start a conversation
4. to talk to someone for a long time about unimportant things
5. a conversation
6. to talk about other people’s private lives
7. to talk too much about a particular thing
8. to talk for a long time in a confused or boring way
9. to talk to someone in a way that shows you are attracted to them
10. to talk to yourself
11. to talk to someone as if they were stupid
12. someone who talks a lot or too much
13. someone who does not talk much
14. to stop talking
15. what you say to someone to tell them to stop talking
16. to not talk about a particular subject
17. when people who have argued do not talk to each other
to make a speech
18. when someone makes a speech
19. someone who makes a speech
5. a conversation
▷ conversation /ˌkɒnvəʳˈseɪʃən∥ˌkɑːn-/ [countable/uncountable noun]
when people talk to each other, especially in an informal situation:
▪ Martha’s a fascinating woman. I really enjoyed our conversation.
▪ The noise of the traffic made conversation almost impossible.
▪ They didn’t realize someone was taping their telephone conversation.
conversation with
▪ I was too shy to start a conversation with anyone there.
have a conversation
▪ Vicky was having a long conversation with the bartender.
topic of conversation
▪ Baker’s resignation became a hot topic of conversation around the office.
come up in conversation
be mentioned as part of the conversation
▪ Every time his father’s name came up in conversation, Tom became nervous.
▷ chat /tʃæt/ [countable noun] especially British
an informal, friendly conversation:
▪ He didn’t want anything in particular. He just stopped for a chat.
▪ Mary took Tina in the other room for a private chat.
have a chat
▪ I’m actually glad you’re late - it gave Ken and me a chance to have a good chat.
▷ small talk /ˈsmɔːl tɔːk/ [uncountable noun]
the kind of conversation in which people talk about unimportant things in order to be polite or to avoid serious subjects:
▪ Most of what gets said at parties is just small talk.
make small talk
▪ Heath doesn’t waste time making small talk - he comes straight to the point.
没有talk作为词头,但是里面的词头conversation、chat、small talk都是和talk相关的。
See ↑DISCUSS 1, ↑SPEAK 1, ↑TALK 1,2,6,18,18, ↑TELL 9
就是说在DISCUSS下的第一个section,TALK的第1、2、6、18个section下有talk作为词头,而第18th section下talk出现了两次,一次是countable noun,一次是intransitive verb;在TELL的第9个section也出现了talk。
说白了,LLA就是Longman自己的Thesaurus,多了些噱头而已。 |