首先请参考George Chen的《CALD4使用心得》https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-10995-1-1.html
從內容看,四版與三版最大差別在常用字標示系統的變更,三版時,以 E (Essential), I (Improver), A (Advanced) 三個等級表示語料庫出現的頻率,分別是每一千萬字出現的次數為 400、200 到 400,以及 100 到 200 次。而且常用度標示的基礎是收錄詞條底下的定義,不是粗糙地標注在收錄詞條上。某個字是否常用,通常不是該字的所有定義整體一致的表現,尤其一字多義的字,可能僅只少數幾個定義常用,其他就很普通。CALD3 深入定義標示,做法精確,提供另一種不同角度的觀察方向。
到了 CALD4,常用度標示看不到 E, I, A 的方式,取而代之的是 A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2。原來整套系統改採 Common European Framework of Reference 的定義模式,其大致架構如下:
A Basic User
A1 Breakthrough or beginner
A2 Waystage or elementary
B Independent User
B1 Threshold or intermediate
B2 Vantage or upper intermediate
C Proficient User
C1 Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced
C2 Mastery or proficiency
每個等級的詳細定義可以參考 Wikipedia 的說明。這樣一套標準,比較是人為定義出來的,其主觀的成分自然比客觀的統計來得高些。或許,連「常用度」這名稱都不太適合這樣的設計方式。雖然,最常出現的字與最該認得的字大部分都會重疊,但畢竟兩者背後的理論架構是不一樣的。
接下來就把焦點聚焦到定義上。其實,光是這重點,我花了極長時間,比較 CALD3 與 CALD4 定義文字的差別,甚至將 OALD8 的定義納入一起比較。
新字或還在演進中的字,定義隨之更新是很自然的,如 smartphone 在 CALD3 的定義寫著 a mobile phone that can be used as a small computer,到了 CALD4 變成 a mobile phone that can be used as a small computer and that connects to the internet。要比較定義的品質,看舊字比較真實。
noughties: noun[plural]
● the period of years between 00 and 10 in any century ─ CALD3
● the period of years between 00 and 10 in any century, usually 2000-2010 ─ CALD4
Price 的定義,前後兩版共有的是 the amount of money for which something is sold。CALD4 多了一個 the unpleasant results that you must accept or experience for getting or doing something。
ban: v. [T usually passive]
● to forbid (= refuse to allow), especially officially ─ CALD3
● to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially ─ CALD4
destiny: n.
● the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and which cannot be influenced by people ─ CALD3
● the force that some people think controls what happens in the future, and is outside human control ─ CLAD4
thrash: vt. [informal]
● to defeat someone thoroughly in a game or sports competition ─ CALD3
● to defeat someone very easily in a game or sports competition ─ CALD4
implement: vt.
● to put a plan or system into operation ─ CALD3
● to start using a plan or system ─ CALD4
implement: n.
● a tool which works by being moved by hand or by being pulled across a surface ─ CALD3
● a tool that works by being moved by hand or by being pulled across a surface ─ CALD4
第四版在很多原來用 which 的地方改用 that,底下 incentive 又是一例。
incentive: n.
● something which encourages a person to do something ─ CALD3
● something that encourages a person to do something ─ CALD4
allegation: n.
● a statement which has not been proved to be true which says that someone has done something wrong or illegal ─ CALD3
● a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal that has not been proved to be true ─ CALD4
其他一些零星發現。將兩個單字分別截頭去尾組合成新單字,如 breakfast + lunch → brunch; net + citizen → netizen; satellite + navigation → satnav,這樣的組合字在英文裡有個特定名稱 “portmanteau word”,CALD3 雖有 portmanteau,卻沒有 portmanteau word 這詞條,第四版就收錄進來了,LDOCE5、MED2、OALD8 則早已收錄。friend 底下多了動詞,語意是 to invite someone to be your friend on a social networking,還有片語 with friends like you, who needs enemies? 另外,rumor mill, quantitative easing, … 這些媒體常用字也都在這版出現了。
CALD4 封面特別強調 “Focus on Writing Section”,到底裡面添加什麼獨家秘笈,號稱能幫助學習者提升寫作能力?原來是印刷版中間位置附了三十頁 (C1-C30) 的 Focus on Writing 寫作要領,內容如何不必多說,我附一張這三十頁資料的目錄讓大家看,聰明的讀者不妨想想,短短三十頁要涵蓋這麼多內容,能談出有深度的見解嗎?更無法理解的是,這份三十頁的資料在光碟版裡找不到。 |