本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2013-12-10 21:51 编辑
belleyeah 发表于 2013-12-10 16:58 ![]()
这里有巨师讨论:http://www.stph.com.cn/mybbs/Ann ... mp;q=1&r=162933
[英-汉] 《英汉大词典(第2版)》主要参考书目(2 b continued) https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-11375-1-1.html
根据我自己的使用经验,《21世纪大英汉词典》似乎参考World Book Dictionary、W3比较多,《英汉大词典》也一样,给我的感觉就是paraphrase了释义,增添了些义项,去掉或改选(写)了例句。
World Book Dictionary(N年不修订或修订较少)
test 1 «tehst», noun, adjective, verb.
an examination or trial: The teacher gave us a test in arithmetic. People who want a license to drive an automobile must pass a test. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under trial.
a means of trial: Trouble is a test of character.
Chemistry. a the examination of a substance to see what it is or what it contains: A test showed that the water was pure. b the process or substance used in such an examination. c the result of such an examination.
a cupel used in assaying or refining precious metals. a examination by a test or cupel.
British. a Test match.
■[英国口语]= test match
of or having to do with a test: There are other test issues (New York Times).
taken, done, or made as a test: a test specimen, test laws.
to put to a test of any kind; try out: to hang on a rope testing it for strength. The doctor tested my eyes. He tested the boy’s honesty by leaving money on the table. The teacher will test the class in spelling. The winter at Valley Forge tested the loyalty of the American troops (Marshall Smelser).
The teacher will test us on our French.
She has had her eyes tested.
She tested her boy friend's honesty.
to test someone's power of endurance
to test ore for gold
to test urine for sugar
to undergo a test; be tested: Everybody wants to test for a part in the play.
to show a certain result on a test: The water tests pure. The car tested better on the highway than in city traffic.
to give a test (for): to test a child for comprehension, to test a patient for an allergy.
[< Old French test small pot in which to treat ore to find out how much metal it has < Latin testū earthen container or pot, variant of testa; see etym. under testa]
–test′a|ble, adjective.
test 2 «tehst», noun.
Zoology. the hard covering of certain animals; shell.
Botany. testa.
2.■【植物学】= testa (1.)
[< Latin testa; see etym. under testa]
man|tel «MAN tuhl», noun.
a shelf above a fireplace with its supports. The fireplace looked very plain after we removed the mantel.
the shelf itself; mantelpiece: The picture above the fireplace fell to the mantel.
the decorative framework around a fireplace: a mantel of tile.
2.■壁炉架 [亦作 mantle,亦称作 mantelpiece,mantlepiece,mantle-shelf]
似乎和Random House Webster's College Dictionary更相似。
1) a construction framing the opening of a fireplace and usu. covering part of the chimney breast in a decorative manner
2) Also called mantelshelf
a shelf above a fireplace opening.
Also calledman′tel•piece`,mantlepiece