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[词典讯] Style Guide与Dictionaries[20140429]











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3.1 English Dictionaries

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 2003. Also available at http://www.merriam-webster.com/.
New Oxford American Dictionary. 2nd ed. Edited by Erin McKean. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Also available at http://www.oxfordamericandictionary.com/.
Oxford English Dictionary. 2nd ed. 20 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. Also available at http://www.oed.com/.
Random House Webster’s College Dictionary with CD-ROM. New York: Random House Reference, 2005.
Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus in Dictionary Form. 3rd ed. Edited by Barbara Ann Kipfer. New York: Delta Trade Paperbacks, 2005.
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. 6th ed. 2 vols. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary. 4th ed. Cleveland: Webster’s New World, 2001.
Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1993. Also available at http://www.merriam-webster.com/.
3.2 Foreign-Language Dictionaries

ABC Chinese–English Comprehensive Dictionary. Edited by John DeFrancis. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003.
Cassell’s Italian Dictionary. Compiled by Piero Rebora, Francis M. Guercio, and Arthur L. Hayward. New York: John Wiley, 1994.
Kenkyūsha’s New Japanese–English Dictionary. 5th ed. Tokyo: Kenkyūsha, 2003.
Larousse French–English, English–French Dictionary. New ed. Edited by Janice McNeillie. Paris: Larousse, 2007.
Minjung’s Essence English–Korean Dictionary. 10th ed. Elizabeth, NJ: Hollym International Corp., 2008.
Oxford English–Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage. Edited by N. S. Doniach. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.
Oxford German Dictionary: German–English, English–German. 3rd ed. Edited by Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht, J. B. Sykes, M. Clark, and O. Thyen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary. 4th ed. Edited by Marie-Hélène Corréard et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Oxford Latin Dictionary. Combined ed. Edited by P. G. W. Glare. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Oxford Russian Dictionary. 4th ed. Edited by Marcus Wheeler, Boris Unbegaun, Paul Falla, and Della Thompson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Oxford Spanish Dictionary. 4th ed. Edited by Beatriz Galimberti Jarman and Roy Russell. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
The University of Chicago Spanish Dictionary. 5th ed. Edited by David Pharies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

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