《英汉大词典》(第2版)的 vaccinate 条,应该是参考的SOED5。
1. 给…接种牛痘(或疫苗):
Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox? / 你的小孩种过牛痘了吗?
When were people first vaccinated against measles? / 人们首次接种麻疹疫苗是什么时候?
2. [计]为…安装疫苗程序
种痘; 行预防接种
vaccinate verb. ['vaksɪneɪt] E19.
[from VACCINE + -ATE3.]
【1】► verb trans. Medicine. Inoculate (a person etc.) with a vaccine, orig. spec., with that of vaccinia (cowpox) or a related virus as a protection against smallpox. E19.
【2】► verb intrans. Medicine. Perform or practise vaccination. M19.
【3】► verb trans. Computing. Provide (a computer) with a vaccine program. L20.
■ vaccinator noun (a) a person who performs, practises, or advocates vaccination; (b) (now rare) an instrument used in performing vaccination: E19.
vaccinate [ˈvaksɪneɪt] verb. E19.
ORIGIN: from vaccine + -ate3.
1 verb trans. Medicine. Inoculate (a person etc.) with a vaccine, orig. spec., with that of vaccinia (cowpox) or a related virus as a protection against smallpox. E19.
2 verb intrans. Medicine. Perform or practise vaccination. M19.
3 verb trans. Computing. Provide (a computer) with a vaccine program. L20.
verb trans. Computing. Provide (a computer) with a vaccine program. L20.
这条释义,OED2/oed.com 上都没有,其它主流词典也没有类似释义,不知道SOED是原创还是参考了计算机方面的资料。 vaccine program 这个东东,Google 也没结果,搜“疫苗程序”、“防疫程序”,得到的结果也没计算机方面的。
Panda USB Vaccine - Antimalware and Vaccine for USB devices http://www.pandasecurity.com/usa/homeusers/downloads/usbvaccine/
ECD2里“Has your child been vaccinated against smallpox? / 你的小孩种过牛痘了吗?”这条例句和The Collins Cobuild School Dictionary of American English 里的一条例句很相似。估计是巧合罢了,后者提示例句来自British magazines。
freq ★☆☆☆☆
■ vaccinates 3rd person present ■ vaccinating present participle ■ vaccinated past tense & past participle V-T If a person or animal is vaccinated, they are given a vaccine, usually by injection, to prevent them from getting a disease. usu passive
Has your child been vaccinated against measles? (British magazines)
Gram be V-ed against n