本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2014-9-23 07:17 编辑
仿 [英-汉] 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第4版)电子词库版本考 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-12461-1-1.html
参考:2014-3-2 22:55 [iso][mdx][bgl]Oxford English Dictionary光盘、词库整理 http://www.all-terms.com/bbs/for ... thread&tid=7546
感谢词典编纂者,感谢 Rayman,感谢词库提取、制作、修改者miled、jiushiworr、itarcy、whitegerry、jeffcn 等。
4. mdx 版本
4.1转自dsl or bgl,4.2~4.4在4.1基础上修改?4.5系独立提取。
jiushiworr 2010-12-7 07:46[英-英] 年度巨作:0ED 2nd edition v 4.0 updated 1.1版 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-5523-1-1.html
qiushui3000 115网盘分流oed1.1 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-5627-1-1.html
jeffcn 2014-3-23 16:29:15 [英-英] 0ED 2nd edition v 4.0 updated 1.1版【修正版】 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-12202-1-1.html
itarcy https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-12314-1-1.html 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sj9Byah 密码: kum8
匿名 2014-8-6 19:00:33 [英-英] WTNID & OED2 排版小改 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-12867-1-1.html
whitegerry 2014-9-21 20:12 [英-英] Oxford English Dictionary 2nd edition, V3光盘提取,mdx与Mac词典格式 https://pdawiki.com/forum/thread-13126-1-1.html
参考拙贴:https://pdawiki.com/forum/forum. ... &fromuid=147948
0. 在线版:http://www.oed.com/ OED3-,尚在编纂中。
1. 光盘版
[牛津英语大词典]Oxford.English.Dictionary_OED2_Version4.iso 678,494,208
Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition)一共出过4个版本CD-ROM。
Version 1 (1992) http://www.tpbunblocked.me/torrent/3252097/ {v1.14 Uploaded: 2004-10-30 17:57:55 本人未验证}
Version 2 (1999)
Version 3 (2002) version 3.1.1 (2007) http://www.tpbunblocked.me/torrent/4834197/
Version 4 (2009) http://www.tpbunblocked.me/torrent/5128182/ http://www.tpbunblocked.me/torre ... Version_4.0_for_Mac
参考:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_Dictionary 。
1987 1. Once the text of the dictionary was digitized and online, it was also available to be published on CD-ROM. The text of the first edition was made available in 1987.
1992 2. Afterward, three versions of the second edition were issued. Version 1 (1992) was identical in content to the printed second edition, and the CD itself was not copy-protected.
1999 3. Version 2 (1999) included the OED Additions of 1993 and 1997.
2002 4. Version 3.0 was released in 2002 with additional words from the OED3 and software improvements.
2007 5. Version 3.1.1 (2007) added support for hard disk installation, so that the user does not have to insert the CD to use the dictionary. It has been reported that this version will work on operating systems other than Microsoft Windows, using emulation programs.
2009.6 6. Version 4.0 of the CD, available since June 2009, works with Windows 7 and Mac OS X (10.4 or later).
2. Lingvo 版本
DSL version 1.0 (12 May 2010) by miled
DSL version 2.0 (01 June 2012) by 44nonymous
DSL version 3.0 (15 July 2012) by AlterEgoMc, aka LuckyBull, aka LuckiestBull
3. Babylon版本
#Oxford English Dictionary (2nd Edition) .bgl 214,890,554
4. mdx版本见帖子顶部
5. dict format 纯文本格式,用oed2dict脚本转换的。
http://www.tpbunblocked.me/torre ... T_format_v1.1_(OED)
oed2dict is a set of scripts that convert the full Oxford English Dictionary v2 (CD-ROM version 3.0) into the jargon and DICT file formats. These can then be consulted with any DICT compatible dictionary lookup program. The resulting DICT files are much faster to use when compared with the proprietary program from the original distribution, and are significantly smaller, with the whole database only weighing around 190MiB.
OED テキスト化スクリプト