包办婚姻 arranged marriage
::Oxford Chinese Dictionay
父母之命,媒妁之言 fùmǔ zhī mìng, méishuò zhī yán
成语 order of the parents and proposal of a matchmaker
• 过去很多婚姻靠的都是父母之命,媒妁之言。 Many marriages in the past were arranged by parents and matchmakers.
媒妁 méishuò
名 书面语 matchmaker
• 媒妁之言 matchmaker’s remarks
父母之命,媒妁之言fùmŭzhī mìng, méishuò zhī yán
成 command of parents and good offices of a go-between—the old proper way of contracting a marriage
::Dr.eye 汉英辞典 http://www.dreye.com.cn/ews/dict.php
fù mǔ zhī mìnɡ méi shuò zhī yán
to arrange a match by parents' order and on the matchmaker's word
méi shuò
a marriage go-between; a matchmaker
the command of parents and the good offices of a go-between—(in former times) the proper way of contracting a marriage
<书> matchmaker
▪ 媒妁之言 the good offices of a matchmaker
媒妁méishuò 〈书fml.〉媒人matchmaker:
父母之命,~之言。match arranged at the parents' order and on the advice of a matchmaker
1.媒人matchmaker; go-between:
做~be a matchmaker|~妁之言。words of a matchmaker
父母之命, 媒妁之言
arrange a match by parents' order and on the matchmaker's word -- old-fashioned marriage; Matches are arranged by go-betweens according to the wishes of the parents.
the words of a match-maker [go-between]
媒妁 [ mei2shou4], n., as in (LL) 父母之命,媒妁之言 make match by parents’ order and on matchmaker's word--old-fashioned marriage.