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Secrets to Improving Your English
来自ESLPod Blog上的Jeff的录音。所述内容如上面的名字所言,值得一听!
I’ve been teaching over 20 years and I’ve tried so many different things, on the computer and off. Our kids tend to struggle with word learning these days because they don’t read as much as we used to. It’s an area of need, but how do you do it without reading? Then I thought of Vocabulary.com... I’ve enjoyed the way the words are presented and the game quality that keeps you going. I knew there was the
capability of making your own list. When I saw how easy it was, I thought, Why not try this?
— Deborah Ryles, English teacher, Correia Middle School, San Diego, CA
---vocabulary white paper: How Vocabulary.com Uses the Science of Learning to Boost Vocabulary Instruction
一封newsletter,来自www.eslpod.com(需要科学上网)的主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan. (关于ESLPOD,详情见wikipedia)
To pick up or "acquire" a language, to really KNOW a language, you have to understand it.
To pick up a language, all you really need to do is understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't acquire it.
But it isn't obvious at all. In fact, many people spend YEARS doing lots of things instead of just trying to understand English. They "study" grammar, "memorize" vocabulary, make lists and flashcards, try to repeat everything, take tests and examinations - all things they think might help them improve their English.
None of those things is necessary. (And some of them may make things worse!)
The ONLY thing you have to do to improve your English is find things you can understand in English, then read or listen to them. Your brain will take care of the rest.
有同学会说那我背别的词汇书怎么样?比方刘毅的那套从基础词汇到20000貌似很流行啊,其实哥也做过测试,并不比别的主流词汇书来的效率高。可以告诉大家的是,语言学家在掌握词汇方法VLS(Vocabulary Learning Strategies)上常年关注和推荐的是通过自然语言情境掌握(natural context)。也就是说如果你扩大词汇的方式是多读英美报刊、多看电影、多和老外聊天、多写英文信,不仅语言应用能力会提升、能获得语言之外的知识乐趣、扩大词汇量...更重要的是你的词汇结构会更高效。也就是说通过这样方式掌握词汇,高频词会比低频词更早掌握。尤其对于中高级学习者,大量用英语,是突破英语各个方面能力的最佳途径。
再给一个例证:理解 to acquire a language 和 to learn a language 的不同。尽管这是一个学术上的假设,但实证研究表明确实有效(在下面的两个PDF中就能发现大量的empirical test/study)。
http://www.sdkrashen.com/content/articles/remarks_roundtable.pdf (非常推荐通篇读完这篇论文)
Acquired competence plays a much larger role in language use than learned competence does. Acquired competence provides our fluency and nearly all of our accuracy when we speak or write in a second language. Learned competence makes only a small contribution to our grammatical accuracy, and only when stringent conditions are met: We must consciously know the rule, which is daunting considering the complexity of the grammar of any language, we must have time to apply the rule, which is not usually available in conversation, and we must be thinking about correctness, or focussed on form.
在“remarks_roundtable.pdf”的第6页(Will they stick with easy reading?),一个来自中国合肥的证据表明,自由地主动地阅读并不会让孩子一直停留在简单的阅读材料上。
值得注意的是(a matter of concern),在“remarks_roundtable.pdf”的第7-9页,Dr. Stephen Krashen通过对比那些家长和孩子都喜欢阅读的国家(包括New Zealand, Australia, Canada etc)和家长和孩子都不喜欢阅读的国家(包括HK, Taiwan, Singapore, Italy),后者的语言水平测试分数并不亚于前者,其原因可能是我们熟知的一些应试技巧和考前培训(包括a heavy dose of assigned, difficult reading),导致的后果就是他们再也不会对阅读产生兴趣。显然,分数上来了,但是语言能力没有提升,反而会随着时间而下降。(相关实证研究见http://www.sdkrashen.com/content ... mersion_try_fvr.pdf)
还有个更详尽的:Dr. Stephen Krashen的部分研究成果
http://successfulenglish.com/wp- ... -about-FVR-2009.pdf
选择自己能理解且感兴趣的阅读/听力材料(fiction or nonfiction)
http://www.sdkrashen.com/content ... posing_process_.pdf
Good writers realize that as they go from draft to draft, they come up with better and clearer ideas. Thus, acquisition of the special language of writing comes from reading, but our ability to use writing to solve problems comes from knowledge of the composing process. Susan Sontag says the same thing: "Any productive writer learns that you can't wait for inspiration. That's the recipe for writer's block” (Brodie, 1997, p. 38), as does Madeleine L’Engle: "Inspiration usually comes during work, rather than before it” (Brodie, 1997, p. 35). Successful writers also tell us that a modest amount of daily regular writing is much more efficient than “binging,” that is, occasional long sessions of intensive effort. The regular writers were clearly more relaxed as well as more productive: The binge writers showed three times as many signs of "blocking": When binge writers actually wrote, "they more commonly did nothing or very little (for example, recasting a first sentence or paragraph for an hour; staring at a blank screen).”
个人小结:不阅读只写作不会带来提高,但是如果在有阅读的基础上,那些常写作的人通常比偶尔写作或者不写作的人更善于写作,写起来更轻松,同时更能创作出优秀的作品。另外,反复地读和修改自己的文章对写作大有助益。 |