本帖最后由 sky66 于 2015-7-11 01:27 编辑
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
(Copyright, 1913, By G. & C. MERRIAM CO. All rights reserved.)
基于 http://www.octopus-studio.com/download.cn.htm & https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-353-1-1.html
"The Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (转自 www.dict.org, Junren Shi制作, LastUpdate: 2003/11/18 ) (14.1M)"
The original texts, both printed and electric versions, are public domain.
The dictionary's 1913 edition of the 1900 International, renamed Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, has in modern times been used in various free online resources, as its copyright lapsed and it became public domain.
制作说明: 除下列数点以外, 其他与原mdx相同, 内文几乎没有更动.
1. 重新分段排版, 并调整颜色.
2. 添加Usage、Abbreviations、Authors List.
3. 修正少数几个打字/转换错误的词条,如: \d8Gregarin\91 \d8Gregarinida
4. 有限度的修复一些表格, 但因为没有原书可参考, 所以无法完全修复.
这是一百年前的辞典, 而且当初从纸本转换到电子文本过程中可能有疏漏, 所以内容仅供参考.
个人认为目前内容较完整的版本是: Webster's 1913 (EPWING) Version 0.2
包含了更完整的音标, 以及图片. 可惜我无法将其转换为文本, 来做为mdx版的基础.
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