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Collins Robert Concise English-French (Eng-Fra) http://lingvodics.com/dics/details/4292/
Collins Robert Concise French-English (Fra-Eng) http://lingvodics.com/dics/details/4293/
ABBYY Lingvo x5
Collins (En-Fr)
Collins (Fr-En)
Collins French Electronic Dictionary, 6th edition 2010 © HarperCollins Publishers 2005. 86000 Headwords, 175000 References, 234000 Translations.
Collins French Electronic Dictionary is an up-to-date dictionary that was designed for all intermediate and advanced learners of French, whether at school, at home, or for business. It has been revised and updated to offer extensive and relevant coverage of today's English and French, with thousands of phrases and examples guiding the user to the most appropriate translation. CollinsGem (En-Fr)
CollinsGem (Fr-En)
Collins Gem French Dictionary, 2009 (10th edition) ©William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1988 ©HarperCollins Publishers 1993, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2009. 28500 Headwords, 38500 References, 60000 Translations.
Collins Gem French Dictionary is the ideal reference guide for travellers, students, business people and the general user alike. This multimillion-selling dictionary has all the latest words reflecting changes in modern lifestyle, special treatment of key words, notes on aspects of French and culture, warnings on commonly confused words and special treatment of difficult words.