楼主 |
发表于 2016-1-22 21:14:04
顺便,7 water cooler ,指那个机器的话,图示机器是可以供应热水的哒(明显一个蓝色一个红色出水钮),water dispenser 更恰当。当然,现实世界显然是不严谨的,也懒得纠结这些了。
water cooler ,查 OALD http://www.oxfordlearnersdiction ... nglish/water-cooler
a machine, for example in an office, that cools water and supplies it for drinking
See related entries: In the office
used when referring to a place where office workers talk in an informal way, for example near the water cooler
It was a story they'd shared around the water cooler.