最常用六万字之后,还"应该"收什么其他字(或已收的字还"应该"增添什么其他定义或用法),是个颇为主观(i.e.仁者见仁智者见智)的问题,于是甲字典里有的,乙未必有,and vice versa, for no single dictionary can include every word in a language. Since one of the reasons a book lover favours a particular dictionary is the range of words it includes (as demonstrated above and in many other places within and without this forum), checking the presence (or the absence) of some certain words might help one better understand those reference works, e.g....
常用率排名八万多的monetize 差不多本本词典都有收录,
排名前九千位的fluffer, 卻只有较实用主义+不拘泥的字典愿意收。。。
(notes to revision:敝人敝中文跟敝英文一样烂,总是没人看得懂我在说什么敝话,sorry sorry。)(惯敝性剽人图文自敝用,是次不例外,thank you thank you)(上O大说的已拜读了,感谢重复(和重复))