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[词典讯] building 新牛津在线更新之新瓶装旧酒










Rank: 6Rank: 6



发表于 2016-3-12 11:21:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发现 http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/building 更新了这个词条,主要是增加了一条义项,但这个义项属于稀有罕见用法。在我手头的电子版词典中搜寻,也只有 OED2、韦氏新国际、SOED6、Chambers 11 这四本收录有下面的义项:

3 rare A flock of rooks:
    a picture of her standing amongst a building of rooks


  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2016-3-12 11:44:19 | 只看该作者
    A Crash of Rhinoceroses 
    A School of Fish  
    A Litter of Pups  
    A Flock of Sheep  
    A String of Ponies  
    A Covey of Partridges  
    A Pride of Lions  
    A Herd of Elephants  
    A Plague of Locust  
    A Colony of Ants  
    A Covey of Quail  
    A Kindle of Kittens  
    A leap of Leopards  
    A Pod of Seals  
    A Sloth of Bears  
    A Rafter of Turkeys  
    A Pace of Assses  
    A Walk of Snipe  
    A Gam of Whales  
    A Nest of Rabbits  
    A Gang of Elk  
    A Fall of Woodcocks  
    A Dule of Doves  
    A Skulk of Foxes  
    A Dissimulation of Birds  
    A Spring of Teal  
    A Peep of Chickens  
    A Bevy of Roebucks  
    A Business of Ferrets  
    A Bale of turtles  
    A Pitying of turtledoves  
    A Drift of Hogs  
    A Paddling of Ducks  
    A Siege of Herons  
    A Trip of Goats  
    A Charm of Finches  
    A Cete of Badgers  
    A Deceit of Lapwings  
    A Shoal of Bass  
    An Exaldation of Larks  
    A Drove of Cattle  
    A Singular of Boars  
    A Tidings of Magpies  
    A Gaggle of Geese  
    A Congregation of Plovers  
    A Hust of Hares  
    An Unkindness of Ravens  
    A Labor of Moles  
    A Richness of Martens  
    A Cast of Hawks  
    A Knot of Toads  
    A descent of Woodpeckers  
    A Sounder of Swine  
    A Mustoring of Storks  
    A Clutch of Eggs  
    A Bouquet of Pheasants  
    An Army of Caterpillars  
    A Hover of Trout  
    A Flight of Swallows  
    A Troup of Kangaroos  
    A Clowder of Cats  
    A Watch of Nightingales  
    A Barren of Mules  
    A Shrewdness of Apes  
    A Rag of Colts  
    A Murmuration of Starlings  
    A Building of Rooks  
    A Smack of Jellyfish  
    A Harras of Horses  
    A Parliament of Owls  
    A Route of Wolves  
    A Host of Sparrows  
    An Ostentation of Peapocks 









    Rank: 6Rank: 6



     楼主| 发表于 2016-3-12 12:59:40 | 只看该作者
    elusty 发表于 2016-3-12 11:44
    A Crash of Rhinoceroses 
    A School o ...


    A Crash of
    A School of
    A Litter of
    A Flock of

    在搜索引擎中搜,可以找到不同的名词搭配,of 后接的事物没有限制,只要合理即可。

    而 building 这个词的第三个义项,如果去搜索,可用搭配就没那么多了。所以和上面要区别起来对待。

    如果按新牛津在线给的定义,这个 building 第三个义项就只能翻译作:


    但是从它给出的例句中可以发现搭配全是 (a|the) building of rooks,那这里的 building 似乎只是相当于汉语里面的 。但是这个 building 没有那么可用范围大,因为从它的定义及例子推断,building 只能用于 秃鼻乌鸦 这个物种。作为证明,使用 "a building of ducks","a building of horses" 等在 Bing.com 搜索,未有任何结果。所以 building 原意只可能为 鸦群 之意,但之所以不单独用,而要加上  (a|the)  of rooks ,可能是怕意思容易与 building 做建筑物解时混淆,所以例句都是  (a|the) building of rooks 这样形式的原因。

    SOED6 的解释:

    A company (of rooks); a rookery

    OED2 的解释:

    A company (of rooks), a rookery

    Chambers 11 的解释:

    Used as a collective noun for a gathering of rooks


    <archaic> a flock of rooks : rookery

    秃鼻乌鸦群                                                                ODE Online, SOED6,OED2, Chambers 11,韦氏新国际
    一群                                                                          SOED6,OED2
    一群(秃鼻乌鸦)                                                       SOED6,OED2
    秃鼻乌鸦结巢处                                                          SOED6,OED2,韦氏新国际

    作为集合名词来用,指秃鼻乌鸦群                                Chambers 11
    <古体的, 不再通用的> 秃鼻乌鸦群; 秃鼻乌鸦结巢处      韦氏新国际









    Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11



    发表于 2016-3-12 13:43:20 | 只看该作者
    gnoweb 发表于 2016-3-12 12:59

    A Crash of

  • TA的每日心情
    2020-3-25 07:07
  • 签到天数: 5 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2016-3-12 13:59:28 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2016-3-12 14:13 编辑
    gnoweb 发表于 2016-3-12 12:59

    A Crash of

    * rooks: A building of rooks
    * rooks: A clamour of rooks
    * rooks: A parliament of rooks ruffs A hill of ruffs
    * rooks: A parliament of rooks.
    At any rate, here’s my in-progress compiled collection of collectives. Blame them on PADI.

    * actors: A troupe of actors
    * actors: A cast of actors
    * actors: A company of actors
    * actors: A pride of actors
    * admirals: A bridge of admirals
    * academics: A faculty of academics
    * alcoholics: A bevy of alcoholics
    * alpacas: An inflation of alpacas
    * angels: A flight of angels
    * angels: A host of angels
    * angels: A chorus of angels ?
    * angels: A choir of angels
    * ants: A colony of ants (standard)
    * ants: A bike of ants ?
    * ants: A nest of ants
    * ants: An army of ants
    * antelope: A herd of antelope
    * apes: A shrewdness of apes + ?
    * apes: A troop of apes (standard).
    * asses: A herd of asses (standard)
    * asses: A pace of asses ?
    * authors: A chapter of authors

    * baboons: A flange of baboons. ?
    * baboons: A congress of baboons
    * baboons: A tribe of baboons
    * baboons: A troop of baboons.(standard)
    * bacteria: A culture of bacteria.
    * badgers: A cete of badgers. + ?
    * badgers: A colony of badgers (standard)
    * badgers: A minge of badgers
    * badgers: A set of badgers
    * bananas: A hand of bananas.
    * bananas: A bunch of bananas
    * barons: A thought of barons
    * bastards: A shower of bastards
    * bats: A colony of bats – at roost
    * bats: A crevice of bats
    * bears: A sloth of bears + ?
    * bears: A slough of bears
    * beauties: A bevy of beauties
    * beavers: A colony of beavers
    * beavers: A musty of beavers
    * beavers: A lodge of beavers
    * bears: A sleuth of bears + ?
    * bees: A bike of (wild) bees. ?
    * bees: A byke of (wild) bees. ?
    * bees: A cast of bees (a secondary swarm)
    * bees: A cluster of bees (workers around queen).
    * bees: A colony of bees
    * bees: A drift of bees – in flight ?
    * bees: An erst of bees.
    * bees: A game of bees.
    * bees: A grist of bees.
    * bees: A hanover of bees
    * bees: A hive of bees. (standard)
    * bees: A rabble of bees.
    * bees: A stand of bees.
    * bees: A swarm of bees – in flight. (standard)
    * birds: A flock of birds (standard)
    * birds: A flight of birds (standard)
    * birds: A pod – small flight – of birds ?
    * birds: A fleet of (small) birds +
    * birds: A dissimulation of (small) birds +
    * birds: A mimsy of birds
    * birds: A volary of birds in an aviary.
    * bitterns: A boltard of bitterns
    * bitterns: A sedge of bitterns. ?
    * bitterns: A siege of bitterns. ?
    * blackfish: A grind of blackfish
    * boar A singularity of (wild) boar.
    * boar A sounder of (wild) boar
    * bomblets: A cluster of bomblets
    * bonobos: A box of bonobos
    * books: A library of books
    * bother : A spot of bother
    * boys: A blush of boys. + ?
    * boys: A boister of boys.
    * brats: A passel of brats
    * boys: A rascal of boys
    * bread: A batch of breads
    * brumbies: A band of brumbies
    * brumbies: A mob of brumbies
    * brush (wood): A bavin of brush (wood)
    * bucks: A leash of bucks
    * buffalo: A filibuster of buffalo
    * buffalo: A herd of buffalo
    * builders: A lean of builders
    * bullets: A shower of bullets
    * bullets: A hail of bullets
    * bullfinches: A kukpowder of bullfinches
    * butterflies: A rabble of butterflies
    * butterflies: A rainbow of butterflies
    * butterflies: A swarm of butterflies (standard)
    * butterflies: A kaleidoscope of butterflies
    * butterflies: A flutter of butterflies
    * buzzards: A wake of buzzards

    * cabbies: A drove of cabbies
    * canal lock: A flight of locks
    * candidates: A postern of candidates
    * capercaillie A tok of capercaillie
    * capons A bivouak of capons
    * cards: A deck of cards.
    * cards: A house of [specially arranged] cards.
    * cards: A pack of cards.
    * cards: A tower of [specially arranged] cards.
    * caribou A herd of caribou
    * Catholics: A mass of Catholics
    * cats: A clowder of cats. +?
    * cats A clutter of cats
    * cats: A glaring of cats. +?
    * cats: A dowt of cats. +?
    * cats: A destruction of wild cats +?
    * caterpillars: An army of caterpillars
    * cattle: A drove of cattle
    * cattle: A kine of cattle
    * cattle: A herd of cattle
    * chamois: A herd of chamois
    * chickens: A brood of chickens
    * chickens: A peep of chickens
    * chicks: A clout of chicks
    * children: A handful of children
    * chocoholics: A galaxy of chocoholics
    * choughs: A brouhaha of choughs
    * choughs: A chattering of choughs. +?
    * circuits: A bank of circuits
    * clams: A bed of clams
    * clowns [derivative]: A bunch of clowns.
    * clowns: A nest of clowns.
    * clowns: A trunkload of clowns
    * cobblers: A drunken ship of cobblers
    * cockroaches: An intrusion of cockroaches
    * cod: A lap of cod
    * consultants: A flange of consultants
    * consultants: A prevarication of consultants
    * coins: A sack of coins
    * coins: A rouleau of coins
    * colts: A rag of colts
    * colts: A rake of colts
    * concretors: A slurrie of concretors.
    * convicts: A gang of convicts
    * conies: A bury of conies
    * coots: A cover of coots
    * coots: A covert of coots.
    * coots: A daft of coots
    * Corgis: A plague of Corgis
    * cormorants: A flagon of cormorants
    * courtesans: A harem of courtesans
    * courtiers: A threatening of courtiers
    * cows: A herd of cows
    * cows: A merger of cows
    * cows: A flink of cows
    * coyotes: A pack of coyotes
    * cranes: A herd of cranes.
    * cranes: A sedge of cranes.
    * cranes: A siege of cranes
    * crocodiles: A bask of crocodiles
    * crows: An alibi of crows
    * crows: A hoover of crows
    * crows: A murder of crows. +
    * cubs: A litter of cubs
    * cunts: A shower of cunts
    * curlews: A buff of curlews
    * curs: A cowardice of curs
    * curlews: A cummerbund of curlews
    * cyclists: A peloton of cyclists

    * dancers: A troupe of dancers
    * deer: A department of deer
    * deer: A herd of deer
    * deer: A hug of deer
    * deer: A potpourri of deer
    * developers: A sulk of developers
    * doctors: A doctrine of doctors ?
    * doctors: A field of doctors (standard)
    * doctors: A dose of doctors
    * documents: A suite of documents
    * dogs: A pack of dogs.
    * dogs: A kennel of dogs
    * dolphins: A school of dolphins
    * dolphins: A pod of dolphins
    * dolphins: A podule of dolphins
    * dotterel: A trip of dotterel
    * doves: A piteousness of doves
    * doves: A flight of doves
    * doves: A dule of doves
    * doves: A pitying of doves
    * doves: A prettying of doves
    * doves: A dole of doves
    * dragons: A stumble of dragons
    * dragons: A drive of dragons
    * dragons: A blaze of dragons
    * dragons: A horde of dragons (standard)
    * dragons: A nimbus of dragons
    * drunks: A stumble of drunks
    * drummers: A fagot of drummers
    * ducks (diving): A dopping of ducks (diving)
    * ducks (flying): A nadger of ducks (flying)
    * ducks (on water): A paddling of ducks (on water)
    * ducks: A team of ducks
    * ducks: A flush of ducks
    * ducks: A raft of ducks
    * ducks: A fondle of ducks
    * dunlin: A merkin of dunlin
    * dwarves/dwarfs: A shortage of dwarves/dwarfs

    * eagles: An aerie of eagles
    * eagles: A conflagration of eagles
    * eagles: A convocation of eagles
    * eels: A swami of eels
    * eels: A stephen of eels
    * eggs: A clutch of eggs
    * elephants: A herd of elephants.
    * elephants: A hero of elephants
    * elephants: A paradise of elephants
    * elk: A gang of elk
    * emo: A clan of emos
    * emo: An freakshow of emos
    * emo: An unsatisfaction of emos
    * employee: A staff of employees
    * emu: A mob of emus

    * fairies: A herd of fairies
    * falcons: A cast of falcons
    * farts: A gross of farts
    * ferrets: A flagellation of ferrets
    * ferrets: A bustier of ferrets
    * ferrets: A business of ferrets
    * finches: A trembing of finches
    * finches: A chain of finches
    * finches: A turandot of finches
    * finches: A charm of finches.
    * finches: A chirm of finches +?
    * finches: A flock of finches (standard)
    * fish: A draught of fish
    * fish: A shoal of fish
    * fish: A scale of fish
    * fish (drawn, netted or driven): A draft of fish
    * fish (caught or cooked): A mess of fish
    * fish: A school of fish
    * fish: A run of fish (in motion). (standard)
    * flamingoes A stand of flamingoes
    * flamingoes: A flamboyance of flamingoes
    * flies: A business of flies
    * flies: A cloud of flies.
    * flies: A swarm of flies
    * footballers: An eleven of footballers.
    * footballers: A squad of footballers.
    * footballers: A team of footballers. (standard)
    * foxes: A skulk of foxes
    * foxes: A leash of foxes
    * friars: A scull of friars
    * frogs: An army of frogs
    * fry: A nursery of fry

    * gangsters: A knuckle of gangsters
    * geese: (flying) A wedge of geese
    * geese: A flock of geese
    * geese: A skein of geese
    * geese: A nide of geese
    * geese: A gaggle of geese. (standard)
    * geese: A skein of flying geese. (standard)
    * geese: A team of flying geese.
    * genes: A bank of genes
    * geologists: An outcrop of geologists
    * geologists: A formation of geologists
    * ghosts: A fright of ghosts
    * giraffes: A corps of giraffe
    * giraffes: A tower of giraffes
    * girls: A giggle of girls
    * gnats: A cloud of gnats
    * gnats: A clout of gnats
    * gnats: A horde of gnats
    * gnats: A swarm of gnats
    * gnus: A herd of gnus
    * gnus: An implausibility of gnus
    * goats: A tribe of goats
    * goats: A trip of goats
    * goats : A drove of goats
    * goats : A herd of goats
    * goblins: A vomit of goblins
    * gods: A pantheon of gods
    * gods: A conception of gods
    * goldfinches: A drum of goldfinches
    * goldfinches: A troubling of goldfinches
    * gorillas: A band of gorillas
    * gorillas: A woop of gorillas
    * goshawks: A flight of goshawks
    * grasshoppers: A cloud of grasshoppers
    * grasshoppers: A cluster of grasshoppers
    * grouse: A broiled beard of grouse
    * grouse: A covey of grouse
    * grouse: A lek of grouse
    * grouse: A pack of grouse
    * guillemots: A bazaar of guillemots
    * gulls: A colony of gulls
    * gulls: A screech of gulls
    * gypsies: A band of gypsies

    * hackers: A cruft of hackers
    * hares: A down of hares
    * hares: A husk of hares
    * hares: A leap of hares
    * hares: A trace of hares
    * hares: A trip of hares
    * harlots: A heard of harlots
    * harpers: A melody of harpers
    * hawks: A kettle of hawks
    * hawks: A boil of hawks ?
    * hawks: A cast of hawks. ? (strictly two let fly).
    * hawks: An aerie of hawks. ?
    * hedgehogs: An array of hedgehogs
    * hedgehogs: A prickle of hedgehogs
    * hens: A brood of hens
    * herons: A siege of herons
    * herring: A shoal of herring
    * herring: A glean of herrings
    * hippopotamuses: A bloat of hippopotamuses
    * hippopotamuses: A crash of hippopotamuses
    * hitmen: A magnum of hitmen
    * hogs: A drift of hogs
    * hogs: A parcel of hogs
    * hogs: A passel of hogs
    * hoodlums: A gang of hoodlums
    * horsemen: A cavalcade of horsemen
    * horses: A harass of horses
    * horses: A stable of horses
    * horses: A taboon of horses
    * horses: A team of horses
    * hounds: A cry of hounds
    * hounds: A mute of hounds
    * hounds: A pack of hounds
    * hummingbirds: A charm of hummingbirds
    * husbands: A multiply of husbands
    * hyenas: A clan of hyenas

    * idiots: A thicket of idiots
    * impediments: A vagary of impediments
    * infantry: A creche of infantry
    * in-laws: An imposition of in-laws
    * insects: A swarm of (various) insects.
    * Irish: A thirst of irish.
    * jays: A band of jays
    * jays: A party of jays
    * jays: A scold of jays
    * jellyfish: A brood of jellyfish
    * jellyfish: A jive of jellyfish.
    * jellyfish: A smack of jellyfish
    * jellyfish: A swarm of jellyfish (standard)
    * jugsaw puzzlers: An assemblage of jigsaw puzzlers
    * jugglers: A neverthriving of jugglers

    * kangaroos: A mob of kangaroos
    * keyboards: A qwerty of keyboards
    * kite (bird)s: A brood of kites
    * kite (bird)s: A kettle of kites
    * kite (bird)s: A roost of kites
    * kite (bird)s: A soar of kites
    * kite (bird)s: A stooping of kites
    * kite (bird)s: A string of kites
    * kite (bird)s: An eyrie of kites
    * kittens (cats): A kindle of kittens
    * kittens (cats:) A smattering of kittens
    * kittens: A litter of kittens (standard)
    * kittens: A claw of kittens ?
    * kittens (rabbits): A wrack of kittens
    * kleptomaniacs: A clutch of kleptomaniacs
    * knights: A banner of knights
    * knights: A rout of knights

    * ladies: A bevy of ladies
    * lambs: A fall of lambs
    * lapwings: A deceit of lapwings
    * lapwings: A desert of lapwings
    * larks: An ascension of larks
    * larks: An exaltation of larks
    * lawyers: A huddle of lawyers
    * lawyers: A disputation of lawyers
    * leaves: A pile of leaves
    * leopards: A leap of leopards
    * leopards: A spot of leopards
    * leopards: A lepe of leopards +?
    * lice: A flock of lice +?
    * lies: A pack of lies
    * lies: A web of lies
    * lions: A sault of lions
    * lions: A sowse of lions
    * lions: A pride of lions
    * locusts: A plague of locusts
    * lorries: A convoy of lorries

    * magpies: A steal of magpies
    * magpies: A tiding(s) of magpies
    * mallard: A sord of mallard +?
    * mallard: A sute of mallard +?
    * mallards: A lute of mallards
    * managers: A circus of managers
    * mares: A stud of mares
    * martens: A richness of martens
    * martens: A richesse of martens +?
    * mathematicians: A tweed of mathematicians
    * mathematicians: A number of mathematicians
    * matrons: A riches of matrons
    * meatheads: A density of meatheds
    * mice: A mischief of mice
    * midges: A bite of midges
    * misers: A horde of misers
    * mites: A mite of mites
    * moles: A company of moles
    * moles: A labour of moles
    * moles: A movement of moles
    * monitors: A bank of monitors
    * monkeys: A circus of monkeys
    * monkeys: A mission of monkeys
    * monkeys: A tribe of monkeys
    * monkeys; A troop of monkeys
    * monks: An abomination of monks
    * mosquitoes: A scourge of mosquitoes
    * mourners: A cortege of mourners
    * mudhen: A fleet of mudhen
    * muggers: A snatch of muggers
    * mules: A barren of mules
    * mules: A rake of mules
    * munters: A montage of munters

    * natives: A tribe of natives
    * nightingales: A watch of nightingales
    * noobs: A baffle of noobs
    * nuns: A superfluity of nuns

    * otters: A bevy of otters
    * otters: A romp of otters
    * owls: A parliament of owls
    * owls: A stare of owls
    * oxen: A span of oxen
    * oxen: A team of oxen
    * oysters (young): A set of young oysters

    * painters: An illusion of painters
    * palm readers: A handful of palm readers
    * parents: An embarrassment of parents
    * parrots: A company of parrots
    * parrots: A pandemonium of parrots
    * partridges: A bew of partridges
    * partridges: A covey of partridges
    * peacocks: A muster of peacocks
    * peacocks: A pride of peacocks
    * peacocks: An ostentation of peacocks
    * Pekingese: A pomp of pekinese
    * penguins: A colony of penguins
    * penguins: A creche of penguins
    * penguins: A huddle of penguins
    * penguins: A parcel of penguins
    * penguins: A rookery of penguins
    * performers: A troupe of performers
    * pheasants: A bouquet of pheasants
    * pheasants: A covey of pheasants
    * pheasants: A nye of pheasants
    * physicians: A college of physicians
    * pigeons: A kit of pigeons
    * pigeons: A loft of pigeons
    * pigeons: A kit of pigeons flying together.
    * piglets: A farrow of piglets
    * piglets: A waltz of piglets
    * piglets: A litter of piglets.
    * pigs: A drove of pigs
    * pigs: A fleet of pigs
    * pigs: A herd of pigs in a field or yard.
    * pigs: A sounder of pigs (or wild boar) foraging in woodland.
    * platypi: A pile of platypi
    * plovers: A congregation of plovers
    * plovers: A congregation of plovers. +?
    * plovers: A stand of plovers.
    * plovers: A wing of plovers
    * plumbers: A flood of plumbers
    * polar bears: An aurora of polar bears
    * polecats: A chine of polecats
    * politicians: A charm of politicians
    * ponies: A string of ponies
    * porpoises: A turmoil of porpoises
    * porpoises: A herd of porpoises ? .
    * porpoises: A pod of porpoises (standard);
    * porpoises: A school of porpoises (standard);
    * possum: A passel of possum
    * poultry: A fillet of poultry
    * preachers: A converting of preachers
    * preachers: A pontification of preachers
    * preachers: A pulpititude of preachers
    * prelates: A pontifica of prelates
    * pricks: A bunch of pricks
    * princes: A state of princes
    * professors emeriti: An ex cathedra of professors emeriti
    * prostitute: A lust of prostitutes
    * prostitutes: An anthology of pros
    * puns: A groan of puns
    * puppies: A litter of puppies

    * quail: A bevy of quail
    * quail: A covey of quail
    * quail: A bevy of quail (standard)
    * quail: A drift of quail.
    * quail: A flight of quail (standard)

    * raccoons: A gaze of raccoons
    * racoons: A nursery of raccoons.
    * rapists: A sweat of rapists
    * rats: A pack of rats
    * rats: A rabble of rats
    * rats: A mischief of rats.
    * ravens: A conspiracy of ravens
    * ravens: An unkindness of ravens
    * rhinoceroses: A crash of rhinoceroses
    * robots: A cog of robots
    * roes: A bevy of roes
    * rooks: A building of rooks
    * rooks: A clamour of rooks
    * rooks: A parliament of rooks ruffs A hill of ruffs
    * rooks: A parliament of rooks.

    * salmon: A bind of salmon
    * salmon: A run of salmon
    * sandpipers: A fling of sandpipers
    * sasquatches: An impossible of sasquatches
    * satellites: A constellation of satellites
    * schoolgirls: A giggle of schoolgirls
    * scientists: A volume of scientists
    * Scots: A disworship of Scots
    * sea fowl: A cloud of sea fowl
    * sea otter: A raft of sea otters (standard);
    * seagulls: A flock of seagulls
    * seals: A plum of seals
    * seals: A pod of seals
    * seals: A spring of seals
    * Security Engineers: A scare of Security Engineers
    * Security Guards: A doork of Security Guards
    * senators: A house of senators
    * servants: An obeisance of servants
    * sharks: A shiver of sharks
    * sheep: A flock of sheep
    * sheep: A trip of sheep
    * sheldrakes: A doading of sheldrakes
    * show dogs: A bench of show dogs
    * skeletons: A drudge of skeletons
    * smokers: A billow of smokers
    * snails: A rout of snails
    * snakes: A slither of snakes
    * snipe: A walk of snipe
    * snipe: A wisp of snipe
    * software: A bunch of software;
    * sparrows: A host of sparrows
    * sparrows: A quarrel of sparrows
    * sparrows: A ubiquity of sparrows
    * spiders: A cluster of spiders
    * spiders: A clutter of spiders
    * spoons: A stir of spoons (standard);
    * squirrels: A dray of squirrels
    * squirrels: A church of squirrels;
    * starfish: A galaxy of starfish
    * starlets: A galaxy of starlets
    * starlets: A cupful of starlets
    * starlings: A murmuration of starlings
    * stem cells: A swerd of stem cells
    * stick insects: A bushel of stick insects
    * storks: A muster of storks
    * storks: A phalanx of storks
    * surfers: A wave of surfers
    * swallows: A flight of swallows
    * swallows: A gulp of swallows
    * swans (flying): A wedge of swans
    * swans: A bank of swans
    * swans: A bevy of swans
    * swans: A gaggle of swans
    * swans: A garggle of swans
    * swans: A whiteness of swans
    * swans: An eyrar of swans
    * swine: A drift of wild swine
    * swine: A herd of swine (standard);
    * swine: A sounder of tame swine
    * sycophants: A swarm of sycophants

    * tarts: A jam of tarts
    * teal: A diving of teal
    * teal: A spring of teal
    * thieves: A gang of thieves.
    * thrushes: A mutation of thrushes
    * thugs: A gang of thugs.
    * tigers: A streak of tigers
    * tigers: An ambush of tigers
    * toads: A knot of toads
    * tourists: A flock of tourists
    * tourists: A pack of tourists
    * town criers: A heard of town criers
    * trekkies: A dork of trekkies
    * troops: A parel of troops
    * trout: A hover of trout
    * tulis: A chutiya of tulis
    * turkeys: A flock of turkeys
    * turkeys: A raffle of turkeys
    * turkeys: A rafter of turkeys
    * turtledoves: A pitying of turtledoves
    * turtles: A bale of turtles
    * turtles: A dule of turtles
    * turtles: A turn of turtles

    * unicorns: A blessing of unicorns

    * vegetarians: A pod of vegetarians
    * vicaries (vicars): A prudence of vicaries

    * walruses: A herd of walruses
    * walruses: An ugly of walruses
    * waiters: An absence of waiters
    * wankers: A bolus of wankers
    * washing: A load of washing
    * waterfowl: A knob of waterfowl
    * waterfowl: A plump of waterfowl
    * weapons engineers: A brilliance of WEOs
    * weasels: A sneak of weasels
    * whalers: A gam of whalers.
    * whales: A gam of whales
    * whales: A herd of whales
    * whales: A grind of bottle nosed whales.
    * whales: A pod (small school) of whales (standard)
    * whales: A school of whales (standard)
    * whales: A shard of whales (standard)
    * widgeon: A coil of widgeon
    * widows: An ambush of widows
    * wildfowl: A bunch of wildfowl.
    * wildfowl: A knob less than 30 wildfowl.
    * wildfowl: A plump of wildfowl
    * wildfowl: A trip of wildfowl.
    * witches: A coven of witches
    * wolves: A rout of wolves
    * wolves: A pack of wolves (standard)
    * women: A gaggle of women
    * woodpeckers: A descent of woodpeckers
    * worms: A clew of worms
    * worms: A knot of worms

    * yeomen: A fellowship of yeomen

    * zebra: A dazzle of zebra
    * zebra: A herd of zebra
    * zebra: A zeal of zebra
    * zombie: A horde of zombies
    * zombie: A plague of zombies
    * zombie: A stench of zombies

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