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[词典科普] 查SOED遇到的一些特殊标识符号

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    2020-3-25 07:07
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    发表于 2016-3-17 18:16:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    http://public.oed.com/how-to-use ... -other-conventions/

    Key to symbols and other conventions
    Before a word or sense

    †        = obsolete
    ‖        = not naturalized, alien (not used in New Edition entries)
    ¶        = catachrestic and erroneous uses (not used in New Edition entries)
    After a label ‘Obs.’ or ‘rare’

    —0        indicates a word or sense for which no contextual examples from printed sources were available to the editors
    indicates a word or sense for which only one contextual example from a printed source was available to the editors
    In a listing of variant spellings

    Second Edition entries:

    1        = before 1100
    2        = 12th century (1100-1200)
    3        = 13th century (1200-1300), etc.
    5-7        = 15th to 17th century, etc.
    9-        = 19th century to present, etc.
    20        = 20th century

    New Edition entries:

    eOE        = early Old English
    OE        = Old English
    lOE        = late Old English
    eME        = early Middle English
    ME        = Middle English
    lME        = late Middle English
    14        = 1400-99
    15        = 1500-99, etc.
    16-18        = 1600-1899, etc.
    18-        = 1800-present, etc.
    -17        = before 1700 (labelling Older Scottish forms)
    In an etymology

    *        indicates a word or form not actually found, but of which the existence is inferred
    <        = from (in New Edition entries)
    >        = developed into or borrowed as (in New Edition entries)
    Before a date

    a        = ante
    c        = circa
    ?        indicates an uncertain date
    In a quotation

    …        (within cited text) indicates an omitted part of a quotation
    [ ]        surrounds an editorial insertion
    ~        indicates a hyphen introduced in the printing of the First Edition of the OED, which may not have been present in the cited text
    Around an entire quotation

    [ ]        indicates a quotation is relevant to the development of a sense but not directly illustrative of it
    Around an entire entry

    [ ]        indicates a ‘spurious’ entry