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[词典校勘] LDOCE5 有问题的例句发音











Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



发表于 2016-5-12 23:46:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2017-8-16 09:03 编辑

➤ 词典名录 https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-21149-1-1.html
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seamy 条 the seamy side of the Internet
LDOCE6 改过来了,明显是重录的,这条例句的发音人不同。
4-12 10:49 come from 微博 weibo.com
朗文5 有一个朗读bug, 居然在朗文6 中还没有纠正过的。大家查一下 self-deprecating 这个词就知道了。单词朗读正确,下面的例句读成了 self-depreciating. 就是说连两版词典编著者都没有发现。相信这样的小错误还有很多(比如在5中查seamy)。很多5中的错误在6中都已经纠正过了,但这一条显然没有发现。

dsl 版本 LDOCE5 发音 × 。
mdx 版本 LDOCE6 发音 ✓ 。
propose: We still don’t know how the company proposes raising the money.
go: We’re going down to Bournemouth for the weekend.
shall: What shall I get for dinner?
arguable: Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is arguable.
host: Which country is going to host the next World Cup?
status quo: Will the West use its influence to maintain the status quo and not disrupt the flow of oil?
eminently: Woods is eminently suitable for the job.
end: World War II ended in 1945.
fault: You might not like O’Donnel’s arrogance, but it’s hard to fault what he does on the field.
credit: Your children really do you credit.
west: the west door of the church
fault: There are two serious faults in Hobsbawm’s discussion of nationalism.
call: There have been calls for the secretary to resign.
call: There isn’t much call for black and white televisions these days.
-fashion: They ate Indian-fashion, using their fingers.
credit: They never give Gene any credit for all the extra work he does.
call: This is the last call for flight BA872 to Moscow.
tidy: Tidy your room!
credit: To Jamie’s credit, he remained calm.
unheard of: Travel for pleasure was almost unheard of until the 19th century.
disguise: Try as he might, Dan couldn’t disguise his feelings for Katie.
best: We are stuck here so we might as well make the best of it.
will: That will be Tim coming home now.
thinking: The Administration’s thinking changed as the war progressed.
architecture: the architecture of DNA
chink: the chink of coins
controversy: the controversy surrounding Skinner’s theories
conversion: the conversion of waste into usable products
go: The door was open and all his things had gone.
double: The driver doubled back and headed for Howard Bay.
demand: The exhibition will run for an extra week, due to popular demand.
finale: the finale of a Broadway show
flagship: the flagship of the new Ford range
following: The following have been selected to play in tomorrow’s game: Louise Carus, Fiona Douglas…
fear: The Italian manager must have put the fear of God into his team.
humble: The mighty U.S. army was humbled by a small Southeast Asian country.
final: the NBA finals
applicable: The offer is only applicable to bookings for double rooms.
reschedule: The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19.
expense: The prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to Rio.
easy: The soldiers on the streets are an easy target for terrorists.
tangential: The matter you raise is rather tangential to this discussion. 例句发音里的 tangential 和音标不同。
aggrandizement: the misuse of authority for personal aggrandizement 例句发音里的 aggrandizement 和音标不同。
penitentiary: the North Carolina state penitentiary 例句发音里的 penitentiary 和音标不同。

chance: Ryan will be a candidate in next month’s elections, but his chances are not good.
bruise: She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.
scoff: She scoffed the plate of biscuits.
demand: Should you feed your baby on demand, or stick to a timetable?
song: Suzy was there, making a song and dance about her aching feet.
easy: Take things easy for a few days and you should be all right.
grand: Thank you, Shirley, that’s grand.
complimentary: Jennie was very complimentary about Katharine’s riding.
service: Maybe you should join the services.
ditch: Meg and Neil were due to marry, but she ditched him.
scrap: My mother fed the dog on scraps to save money.
conversion: Newman’s conversion from Anglicanism to Catholicism
host: Next week’s show will be hosted by Sarah Cox.
restricted: No Entry – restricted area for army personnel only.
remind: Oh, that reminds me, I saw Jenny in town today.
tone: Opening remarks are important since they set the tone for the rest of the interview.
restraint: Opposition politicians have called for restraints on public spending.
cultivate: Professor Gladwyn would be an acquaintance worth cultivating.
each: I’m going to ask each of you to speak for three minutes.
hundred: I’m not a hundred percent sure where she lives.
hundred: I’m still not really feeling a hundred percent.
humble: Iacocca rose from humble beginnings to become boss of Ford.
besiege: In April 655, Osman’s palace was besieged by rebels.
restrict: In future we will restrict class sizes to 20 students.
final: In the final years of his life, Hervey achieved high office in the church.
choice: It is the drug of choice for this type of illness.
choice: It was a small shop and there wasn’t much choice.
common: It was common practice for families to attend church together.
difference: Having a good teacher has made all the difference for Alex.
post-haste: He departed post-haste for Verdun.
rebound: He first met me when I was on the rebound, after splitting up with Mark.
blab: Don’t go blabbing to your friends about this.
lose: Don’t try to walk in a heavy snowstorm as you may lose sight of your vehicle.
will: Dr Weir will see you now.
conduit: Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.
draft: Eva’s busy drafting her speech for the conference.
following: Following the president’s speech, there will be a few minutes for questions.
baggage: Check your baggage in at the desk.
rub: Can you rub some sun cream on my back for me?
controlled substance: an arrest for the possession and sale of controlled substances
heart: After a few days of phoning Stephanie, he knew her number by heart.
chorus: a recording of the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’
defect: a Russian actor who defected to the West
sensitive: a very sensitive child
sensitive: Laura’s sensitive about her weight.
basin: a wash basin
custody: A man is being held in police custody in connection with the murder.
rhyme: ‘Hat’ rhymes with ‘cat’.
disguise: ‘Tax reform’ is just a tax increase in disguise.
well: ‘Very well,’ he said. ‘I accept.’
browse: a feature that allows you to browse your hard drive and choose the graphic you want to display
seamy: the seamy side of the Internet









Rank: 2

发表于 2016-5-20 04:52:06 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-23 11:03
  • 签到天数: 45 天









    Rank: 5Rank: 5



    发表于 2016-5-27 09:57:13 | 只看该作者
    favoredstar 发表于 2016-5-20 04:52

    https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/fo ... &extra=page%3D1 朗文5 6是有带例句发音的










    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



     楼主| 发表于 2017-8-16 08:54:33 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2017-8-16 08:57 编辑

    LDOCE 5/6 benefit 条 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/benefit
    You might be entitled to housing benefit.

    entitled 的 t 没发出来,是发错了,还是另有讲究?