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[语言讨论] Associate director@Lexisnexis英汉法律辞典

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    2020-3-25 07:07
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    发表于 2016-5-17 14:36:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 elusty 于 2016-5-17 14:52 编辑

    今天查associate director一词的准确含义,发现Lexisnexis英汉法律词典的解释有很大误导性(个人观点):


    其实国外根本没有联席董事的说法,只有联席董事长(联席董事局主席)的说法。联席董事是对associate director的一种错误翻译,有人提到的co-director也是根本没有的职位。associate的确有联合这一翻译,但是在职位中更多翻译为副职或助理。而director也要根据其具体情况区分,一种翻译为总监,在某些总监烂大街的外国公司其实就相当于小主管或者科级干部,详见高盛有12000名VP?为何如此之多?,而另一种翻译为董事,如果是董事会/董事局(board of directors)的成员。因此associate director更为准确的翻译为副总监或总监助理,而非联席董事。

    http://www.pbookshop.com/the-con ... -9789628855759.html(是否就是这本?)
    副董事 (?)
    In company law, a person appointed as a director, usually with more limited powers and duties than other directors. An associate director is often a junior executive of a company. Such a director is often appointed to act in an advisory capacity because of his or her expertise in a particular area. See also Director; Director’s duties.
    於公司法上,獲委任為董事的人,其權力及職責通常比其他董事較有限。副董事通常為公司內年資較淺的行政人員。該董事因於某特定的範疇內的專長,常獲委任以顧問的身份行事。另見 Director; Director’s duties。

    http://simply-docs.co.uk/Non-Exe ... _Associate_Director
    This Letter - Appointment of Associate Director should be used to appoint anyone (usually an employee) who it is proposed will be an Associate Director.

    The office of Associate Director is often used by companies to give an incentive to key employees by recognising their importance within a company. It is a role of implied seniority but is not a legally recognised term. An associate director is therefore not a director within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006. A person so described, who is not a member of the board, will have no responsibilities as a director and should not give third parties the impression that he/she is a member of the board. Companies should therefore exercise caution as under section 40 of the Companies Act 2006, persons who claim to be statutory directors of a company (but are not) can make binding commitments on the company when dealing with third parties who are acting in good faith.

    The position of Associate Director should therefore only be given to trustworthy employees who are not likely to enter the company into unwarranted commitments or contracts. An undertaking in this respect is required from the Associate Director in order to protect the company.

    主管,总监,董事,VP,CEO,总裁?是director,但不一定是board of directors的成员。
    A director is a person from a group of managers who leads or supervises a particular area of a company, program, or project.[1] Companies that use this term often have many directors spread throughout different business functions or roles (e.g. director of human resources).[2] The director usually reports directly to a vice president or to the CEO directly in order to let them know the progress of the organization. Large organizations also sometimes have assistant directors or deputy directors. Director commonly refers to the lowest level of executive in an organization, but many large companies use the title of associate director more frequently. Some companies also have regional directors and area directors. Regional directors are present in companies that are organized by location and have their departments under that. They are responsible for the operations for their particular country. Though directors are the first stage in the executive team, area directors are seen as higher up, based on their area of control.

    Depending upon the size of an organisation or a company, the number of directors can vary. Start-up companies can have a single director, which is the minimum for a private limited company according to the law. However, as organisations and businesses expand, the number of directors can increase because more tasks and responsibilities become present. For example, if the company expands and has more than one department, such as finance, sales, marketing, production and IT, then the business may form a board of directors, with each director overseeing a department and maintaining full responsibility within that department.