http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/的好相信大家已有足够的认识,刚才用了某国外大学(呵呵,就是牛津大学)的图书馆账号进入了带有订阅权限的http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/,发现和免费相比,多了很多的内容,尤其相比免费版,订阅版的例句多了不少,例如rhetoric 第一个解释免费版的就3个例句,而订阅版的例句则至少有10个句(复制下来放在后面供大家参考),订阅版还有英汉 和汉英,随手在汉英中查了几个词,不禁有点吃惊,吐槽是有的:debunk;宅男:otaku 足见功力深厚了,心情大悦,特来分享,还有更多的资源有待挖掘 ,联系到大家都在讨论ODE新增了8万新词,有大咖正跃跃欲试弄新版的MDX,在下想如能根据订阅版而不是免费版弄,这必将更为具有重大的参考价值,请大咖考虑,
Born into a rich provincial family, he studied philosophy as well as rhetoric and law.
Much of the earlier writing is political rhetoric; much of the later is album verse.
In the late twentieth century rhetoric has been revived as the study of the structuring powers of discourse.
From this perspective, Ovidian rhetoric works to conceal the very desire that organizes it.
He too is the victim of the fashionable notion of rhetoric, logic and truth that was so widely admired at the time.
This rhetoric was imitated in Elizabethan schools and began to make an impact on the stage.
It is the common rhetoric in the aftermath of wars that, with the war once won, the peace must not then be lost.
The problem is that using modernist rhetoric does not make one modern.
It may well be that the cities no longer had the resources to support a roster of teachers of grammar and rhetoric.
In short, one can take the science out of rhetoric but not the rhetoric out of science.
Young Athenian democrats needed rhetoric to persuade the democratic assemblies.
But during his twenties he was not only teaching Latin literature and the arts of rhetoric.
They may have seen themselves as reviving a more ancient tradition, that of rhetoric.
Gellert's lectures on poetry, rhetoric, and ethics were exceptionally popular.
The devices of rhetoric, however, did not lose their links with poetry or their practical ties with the law.
As an ability, rhetoric is observable when people choose to engage in it.
But both these opposite models of our selves are equally powerful in current rhetoric.
Invoke the slippery slope and construct a straw man to knock down with one fell swoop of rhetoric.
In either case, we can see that both argument and rhetoric are designed to persuade and impress.
Are the audience really shocked into new ideas about rhetoric, oppression and language? |