该phrase一般和walk the walk相对,有纸上谈兵之意,但是有时候也单独使用,但是一般词典的解释很不到位,例如ODE :Speak fluently or convincingly about something or in a way intended to please or impress others: 几乎其他词典的解释也都如此AHD To speak knowledgeably about something, especially something that one claims or implies one can do well. 而OED给出的解释才是真正的解释:
colloq. (orig. U.S.). to talk the (also that) talk: to speak convincingly or effectively, or in a manner consistent with the image one projects or the values one advocates, usually with the implication that such speech is mere rhetoric or posturing without substance. Often contrasted with to walk the (also that) walk后面这个usually的补充和注解非常重要,没有这个注解这个短语很容易理解错误,会理解为正面的speak convincingly,而这几乎不是这个短语使用的场景。我觉得一部词典最大的价值在于:解释到位、准确,而不是误导,所谓的查得率还是其次,如果查的是个错的还不如查不到。 |