Collins Pocket Webster's Thesaurus https://item.jd.com/1098307755.html
其实整出一些如牛津韦氏词典、商务印书馆韦氏词典 etc. 也是可以的,但是人家出版社也有底蕴,也有逼格,一般都不会这么干的。
Random House 以及 Webster's New World 的出版商,当初在词典名字里用 Webster's 甚至包装都差不多,是有自己的考虑的,毕竟 Webster's 名声在外,跟我们小学生非《新华字典》不买,美国人也非 Webster's 不买,差不多情况。
上世纪 90 年代初的官司,结果就是 Random House 很满意,Merriam-Webster 很伤心。 http://www.nytimes.com/1991/10/2 ... war-over-words.html
Merriam-Webster, with sales of less than $20 million a year (but half of that from the dictionary), sued Random House in Federal District Court in Manhattan earlier this year. It charged that Random House, with sales of more than a billion dollars a year, stole its trademark and "trade dress," meaning the appearance of the product. What Would Noah Think?