Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, The Chambers Thesaurus (1996) and Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997 edition with amendments)
三本词典出版年份为1996年, 1996年,1997年,距今20年。
Chambers 21st Century Dictionary The Chambers Thesaurus (1996) Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997 edition with amendments)
Chambers 21st Century Dictionary 与 论坛已经有的 The Chambers Dictionary, 11th Edition 的区别超出预想。我更喜欢Chambers 21st Century Dictionary。随机截图几张供大家参考(上面是The Chambers Dictionary, 11th Edition ,下面是Chambers 21st Century Dictionary):
大赞楼主,终于有了chambers 21st century dictionary,这是一部非常非常优秀的词典,我很喜欢,经常参考,有时候它的解释是最好的,大家用过就明白。但不知道楼主的Chambers 21st的数据来源是?我电脑上安装有光盘,还有网站也有免费提供,如果需要光盘内容我可以提供给楼主便于进一步修改格式,All in all,you give us a precious gift of the Rooster spring festival!