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[英汉] 分享自制柯林斯双解词典(数据来至百度翻译),2017.2.26更新

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-27 16:17
  • 签到天数: 37 天









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    发表于 2017-2-15 16:18:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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    Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



    发表于 2017-4-17 14:40:24 | 只看该作者




    1. à la
    2. à la carte
    3. abbreviated
    4. abdication
    5. abduction
    6. abductor
    7. abjectly
    8. abnormally
    9. abominably
    10. abrogation
    11. abruptly
    12. abruptness
    13. absently
    14. absent-mindedly
    15. absent-mindedness
    16. absolutist
    17. absorbency
    18. abstractedly
    19. abstractly
    20. absurdity
    21. absurdly
    22. abuser
    23. abysmally
    24. academically
    25. acceptability
    26. acceptably
    27. accessibility
    28. accidentally
    29. acclaimed
    30. acclimatization
    31. acclimatized
    32. accountability
    33. accreditation
    34. accurately
    35. accusingly
    36. acidity
    37. acidly
    38. acoustically
    39. acquisitiveness
    40. acrimoniously
    41. activation
    42. actively
    43. acuteness
    44. adamantly
    45. adaptability
    46. adeptly
    47. adequately
    48. adjudication
    49. adjudicator
    50. administratively
    51. admirably
    52. admiringly
    53. admonishment
    54. adopter
    55. adoption
    56. adoringly
    57. adroitly
    58. adroitness
    59. adulteration
    60. advantageously
    61. adversely
    62. advisability
    63. aerodynamically
    64. aesthetically
    65. affability
    66. affably
    67. affectionately
    68. affirmation
    69. affirmatively
    70. affordability
    71. affronted
    72. aggravating
    73. aggravation
    74. aggregation
    75. aggressively
    76. aggressiveness
    77. agility
    78. agonizingly
    79. agreeably
    80. agricul- turally
    81. -aided
    82. aimlessly
    83. aimlessness
    84. airily
    85. airing
    86. airworthiness
    87. alarmingly
    88. alertness
    89. alienated
    90. alienation
    91. alkalinity
    92. allegedly
    93. alleviation
    94. alluringly
    95. aloofness
    96. alphabetically
    97. alternately
    98. alternation
    99. amalgamation
    100. amazed
    101. amazingly
    102. ambiguously
    103. ambitiously
    104. ambivalence
    105. ambivalently
    106. amelioration
    107. amiably
    108. amicably
    109. amorality
    110. amplification
    111. amply
    112. amputation
    113. amusingly
    114. analytically
    115. anatomically
    116. anciently
    117. anglicized
    118. angrily
    119. angularity
    120. animatedly
    121. annexation
    122. annihilation
    123. annoyingly
    124. annually
    125. anonymity
    126. anonymously
    127. anthropological
    128. anthropologist
    129. anxiously
    130. apologetically
    131. appallingly
    132. appealingly
    133. appeaser
    134. appetizingly
    135. applicability
    136. apportionment
    137. appreciably
    138. appreciatively
    139. apprehensively
    140. appropriately
    141. appropriateness
    142. approvingly
    143. approximately
    144. aptly
    145. arbitrarily
    146. arbitrariness
    147. arbitrator
    148. archaeological
    149. archaeologist
    150. architecturally
    151. archly
    152. ardently
    153. aroused
    154. arousing
    155. arresting
    156. arrogance
    157. arrogantly
    158. artfully
    159. arthouse
    160. articulacy
    161. artificiality
    162. artificially
    163. artistically
    164. asexually
    165. asphyxiation
    166. assassination
    167. assertion
    168. assertively
    169. assertiveness
    170. assiduously
    171. assimilation
    172. assuredness
    173. astonishingly
    174. astoundingly
    175. astringency
    176. astrological
    177. astrologically
    178. astronomically
    179. astutely
    180. astuteness
    181. athletically
    182. atrociously
    183. attaché
    184. attaché case
    185. attacking
    186. attentively
    187. attentiveness
    188. attracted
    189. attractively
    190. attractiveness
    191. attribution
    192. audaciously
    193. audibly
    194. augmentation
    195. authentically
    196. authentication
    197. authenticity
    198. authoritatively
    199. authorization
    200. automatically
    201. automation
    202. autonomously
    203. availability
    204. avenger
    205. averagely
    206. avidly
    207. avowedly
    208. awareness
    209. awesomely
    210. awfully
    211. awfulness
    212. awkwardly
    213. awkwardness
    214. babysitter
    215. babysitting
    216. backbreaking
    217. -backed
    218. backpedal
    219. back-pedalling
    220. backtracking
    221. backwardness
    222. bacteriological
    223. badness
    224. baffled
    225. baffling
    226. baldly
    227. baldness
    228. balefully
    229. balloting
    230. banality
    231. banning
    232. barefaced
    233. bargainer
    234. bargaining
    235. barracking
    236. barred
    237. barrenness
    238. bash out
    239. bashfullness
    240. bashfully
    241. bathing
    242. batting
    243. battler
    244. beatification
    245. beating-up
    246. beautifully
    247. becomingly
    248. befuddled
    249. beguilingly
    250. behaviourist
    251. belatedly
    252. belligerence
    253. belligerently
    254. belonging
    255. bemusedly
    256. benevolence
    257. benevolently
    258. benignly
    259. berthed
    260. beseechingly
    261. betrayer
    262. bewilderingly
    263. bewitching
    264. biannually
    265. bickering
    266. bifurcation
    267. bilaterally
    268. billing
    269. binge drinker
    270. biologically
    271. biologist
    272. biotechnologist
    273. bioterrorist
    274. bisexuality
    275. bitchiness
    276. bitterness
    277. bizarrely
    278. blacklisting
    279. blackmailer
    280. blandness
    281. blankly
    282. blankness
    283. blasé
    284. blasphemer
    285. blasting
    286. bleakly
    287. bleakness
    288. blessedly
    289. blindingly
    290. blindness
    291. blissfully
    292. blithely
    293. blogger
    294. blogging
    295. bloodily
    296. bloodlessly
    297. bloody-mindedness
    298. -blooming
    299. blossoming
    300. bluntly
    301. bluntness
    302. blurred
    303. boarded up
    304. boisterously
    305. boldly
    306. boldness
    307. bombing
    308. bonding
    309. booing
    310. bootlegger
    311. boozing
    312. boringly
    313. bossiness
    314. bothered
    315. boxed in
    316. boyishly
    317. brainstorming
    318. brashly
    319. brashness
    320. bravely
    321. brawling
    322. brazenly
    323. breaded
    324. -breasted
    325. breast-feeding
    326. breathing
    327. breathlessly
    328. breathlessness
    329. breathtakingly
    330. breezily
    331. brewing
    332. brightly
    333. brightness
    334. brilliance
    335. brilliantly
    336. -brimmed
    337. briskly
    338. briskness
    339. broadminded
    340. browbeaten
    341. bruised
    342. brusquely
    343. brutally
    344. budgeting
    345. buffeting
    346. buffing
    347. bugging
    348. bulletproof
    349. bullying
    350. bungling
    351. busing
    352. busking
    353. buzzing
    354. byproduct
    355. café
    356. café bar
    357. cafetière
    358. cagily
    359. calibration
    360. called
    361. callously
    362. callousness
    363. calming
    364. calmness
    365. camping
    366. canapé
    367. cancellation
    368. candidly
    369. cannily
    370. canonization
    371. canvasser
    372. capably
    373. capitalization
    374. capitulation
    375. capping
    376. capriciousness
    377. carefully
    378. carelessness
    379. carousing
    380. carping
    381. carpooling
    382. castigation
    383. castration
    384. casualization
    385. casually
    386. casualness
    387. catastrophically
    388. categorically
    389. categorization
    390. caterwauling
    391. 'cause
    392. cause célèbre
    393. caustically
    394. cautiously
    395. ceaselessly
    396. centrality
    397. centralization
    398. centrally
    399. centred1
    400. centred2
    401. ceremonially
    402. certification
    403. chanting
    404. chaotically
    405. characteristically
    406. charitably
    407. charmingly
    408. charring
    409. chastened
    410. chateau
    411. chauvinist
    412. cheaply
    413. cheapness
    414. cheating
    415. checkup
    416. -cheeked
    417. cheekily
    418. cheerfully
    419. cheerfulness
    420. cheerily
    421. cheering
    422. chemically
    423. cherished
    424. -chested
    425. childishly
    426. childishness
    427. chillingly
    428. chipped
    429. chirping
    430. chitchat
    431. christian scientist
    432. chronically
    433. chronicler
    434. chronologically
    435. circumcision
    436. circumnavigation
    437. circumspectly
    438. circumvention
    439. citizens' band
    440. civilly
    441. clairvoyance
    442. clamper
    443. clamping
    444. clandestinely
    445. clanging
    446. clarification
    447. class-consciousness
    448. classlessness
    449. cleaning
    450. cleanly
    451. clearly
    452. cleverly
    453. cleverness
    454. cliché
    455. clichéd
    456. clinging
    457. clinically
    458. clogged
    459. clogged up
    460. clowning
    461. cloyingly
    462. clumsily
    463. clumsiness
    464. cluttered
    465. coagulation
    466. coarsely
    467. coarseness
    468. coated
    469. cockiness
    470. co-dependency
    471. codification
    472. coeducational
    473. cogency
    474. cogently
    475. cogitation
    476. cohabitation
    477. coherently
    478. cohesiveness
    479. cold calling
    480. cold-bloodedly
    481. coldly
    482. coldness
    483. collaboratively
    484. collation
    485. collectively
    486. collectivization
    487. colloquially
    488. colonization
    489. colonizer
    490. colossally
    491. colour-blindness
    492. colourfully
    493. combativeness
    494. comfortingly
    495. comically
    496. commemoration
    497. commendably
    498. commendation
    499. commensurately
    500. commercialization
    501. commercialized
    502. commercially
    503. commiseration
    504. -commissioned
    505. committed
    506. commonly
    507. communally
    508. communicator
    509. communiqué
    510. commuter
    511. compacted
    512. compaction
    513. compactness
    514. companionably
    515. comparability
    516. comparably
    517. comparatively
    518. compartmentalized
    519. compassionately
    520. compatibility
    521. compellingly
    522. competently
    523. competitively
    524. competitiveness
    525. complacently
    526. complementarity
    527. completely
    528. completeness
    529. completion
    530. composting
    531. compression
    532. compulsively
    533. compulsorily
    534. computerization
    535. con
    536. conceivably
    537. conceptualization
    538. conceptually
    539. conciliator
    540. concisely
    541. concluding
    542. conclusively
    543. concretely
    544. concurrently
    545. condescendingly
    546. conditionally
    547. conditioning
    548. conductivity
    549. confectioners' sugar
    550. confidentiality
    551. confidently
    552. confiding
    553. confirmation
    554. confiscation
    555. conflation
    556. confusedly
    557. confusingly
    558. congenitally
    559. congestion charging
    560. congratulation
    561. conscientiously
    562. consciously
    563. consecration
    564. consecutively
    565. conservatively
    566. considerably
    567. considerately
    568. consistently
    569. consolation
    570. consolidation
    571. consoling
    572. consommé
    573. conspicuously
    574. conspiratorially
    575. constantly
    576. constitutionally
    577. constrained
    578. constricted
    579. constricting
    580. constructively
    581. -consuming
    582. consummately
    583. consummation
    584. contaminated
    585. contamination
    586. contemplation
    587. contemporaneously
    588. contemptuously
    589. contentedly
    590. contentiously
    591. continually
    592. continuously
    593. contractually
    594. contravention
    595. contrition
    596. controlled
    597. -controlled
    598. controversially
    599. conveniently
    600. conventionally
    601. conversationally
    602. convertibility
    603. convincingly
    604. conviviality
    605. convulsively
    606. cooling
    607. coolly
    608. coolness
    609. co-operation
    610. co-operatively
    611. coordinate
    612. co-ordinated
    613. co-ordinator
    614. cop off with
    615. copiously
    616. copulation
    617. copying
    618. cordiality
    619. cordially
    620. correctly
    621. correctness
    622. corresponding
    623. corroboration
    624. corroded
    625. corruptly
    626. 'cos
    627. cosily
    628. cosiness
    629. cosmological
    630. cosmologist
    631. cosseted
    632. cost-effectively
    633. cost-effectiveness
    634. coughing
    635. counterfeiter
    636. counterfeiting
    637. counterterrorist
    638. coup d'état
    639. coupé
    640. courageously
    641. courteously
    642. courtmartial
    643. -covered
    644. covertly
    645. cowed
    646. coyly
    647. coyness
    648. cramming
    649. crash-landing
    650. crassly
    651. crassness
    652. craving
    653. craziness
    654. creased
    655. creatively
    656. creativity
    657. crèche
    658. credibly
    659. creditably
    660. creditworthiness
    661. cremation
    662. crème de la crème
    663. crème fraiche
    664. criminality
    665. criminally
    666. criminologist
    667. cripplingly
    668. crisply
    669. crispness
    670. critically
    671. crookedly
    672. cross-breeding
    673. cross-dresser
    674. cross-dressing
    675. cross-examination
    676. crossly
    677. crucially
    678. crudely
    679. crudeness
    680. crudités
    681. crudity
    682. cruelly
    683. cruising
    684. crumpled
    685. cryptically
    686. crystallization
    687. culling
    688. culpability
    689. cultivation
    690. culturally
    691. cumulatively
    692. cunningly
    693. curiously
    694. currently
    695. curtly
    696. customarily
    697. cybercafé
    698. cybersquatter
    699. cycling
    700. d'
    701. -'d
    702. daintily
    703. damaging
    704. damnably
    705. dangerously
    706. daringly
    707. darkly
    708. darkness
    709. darning
    710. daunted
    711. dauntingly
    712. dawning
    713. day trading
    714. dazzlingly
    715. deafness
    716. dealing
    717. deal-making
    718. debased
    719. debating
    720. debilitated
    721. debilitating
    722. decadence
    723. decapitation
    724. decayed
    725. deceleration
    726. decently
    727. decentralization
    728. deceptively
    729. decimation
    730. decisively
    731. decisiveness
    732. decomposed
    733. deconstruction
    734. decontamination
    735. decorating
    736. decorously
    737. decriminalization
    738. deeply
    739. defecation
    740. defection
    741. defensively
    742. defensiveness
    743. deferentially
    744. defiantly
    745. definitively
    746. deflated
    747. defoliation
    748. deforestation
    749. deformation
    750. deformed
    751. deftly
    752. deftness
    753. degeneration
    754. degrading
    755. dehumanization
    756. dehumanizing
    757. dehydrated
    758. dehydration
    759. déjà vu
    760. dejectedly
    761. deletion
    762. deliberately
    763. delicately
    764. deliciously
    765. delightedly
    766. delightfully
    767. delineation
    768. deliriously
    769. demilitarization
    770. demobilization
    771. democratically
    772. democratization
    773. demographer
    774. demonstrably
    775. demonstratively
    776. demoralization
    777. demoralized
    778. demotion
    779. demurely
    780. demutualisation
    781. denationalization
    782. denigration
    783. densely
    784. dented
    785. depleted
    786. depletion
    787. deplorably
    788. depopulated
    789. depopulation
    790. deportation
    791. deprecatingly
    792. depreciation
    793. depressingly
    794. derisively
    795. dermatology
    796. desecration
    797. desegregation
    798. deserted
    799. desertion
    800. desirability
    801. desired
    802. desolated
    803. desolating
    804. desperately
    805. despondently
    806. destabilization
    807. destructively
    808. destructiveness
    809. desultorily
    810. deterioration
    811. determinedly
    812. detestation
    813. devaluation
    814. devalued
    815. devastatingly
    816. deviance
    817. devilishly
    818. deviousness
    819. diabolically
    820. diagonally
    821. dieting
    822. differentiation
    823. differently
    824. diffidence
    825. diffidently
    826. diffusion
    827. digestibility
    828. digitally
    829. digression
    830. dilated
    831. diligence
    832. diligently
    833. dimly
    834. dimness
    835. diplomatically
    836. dipping
    837. directness
    838. disabling
    839. disagreeably
    840. disappointingly
    841. disapprovingly
    842. disarmingly
    843. disastrously
    844. discoloration
    845. discoloured
    846. discomfited
    847. disconcerted
    848. disconcertingly
    849. disconsolately
    850. discouraged
    851. discouraging
    852. discoverer
    853. discredited
    854. discreetly
    855. disdainfully
    856. disembarkation
    857. disestablishment
    858. disfigured
    859. disgracefully
    860. disguised
    861. disgustedly
    862. dishonestly
    863. dishonourably
    864. disingenuously
    865. disintegration
    866. dismally
    867. dismayed
    868. dismissively
    869. disorientation
    870. disoriented
    871. disorienting
    872. disparagingly
    873. dispassionately
    874. disproportionately
    875. disqualification
    876. disquieting
    877. disrespectfully
    878. dissection
    879. dissemination
    880. dissimilarity
    881. dissociation
    882. distanced
    883. distended
    884. distillation
    885. distinctively
    886. distinctiveness
    887. distinctly
    888. distorted
    889. distractedly
    890. distressingly
    891. disturbingly
    892. diversification
    893. divinely
    894. divisiveness
    895. divorcé
    896. divorcée
    897. dizzily
    898. dizziness
    899. dizzying
    900. dna testing
    901. docilely
    902. docility
    903. doctoring
    904. doggedly
    905. doggedness
    906. dogmatically
    907. dogmatist
    908. dolefully
    909. dolled up
    910. domestically
    911. domestication
    912. domination
    913. dormancy
    914. double-glazed
    915. doubtfully
    916. dourly
    917. downshifter
    918. downshifting
    919. downsizing
    920. drabness
    921. drained
    922. draining
    923. dramatically
    924. dramatization
    925. drastically
    926. drearily
    927. -drenched
    928. drilling
    929. drink-driving
    930. droning
    931. dropping
    932. drowsily
    933. drowsiness
    934. drunk driving
    935. drunkenly
    936. drunkenness
    937. dryness
    938. dubiously
    939. dullness
    940. dully
    941. dumbing down
    942. dumbly
    943. dumping
    944. durability
    945. dusting
    946. dutifully
    947. dynamically
    948. eagerly
    949. eagerness
    950. earnestness
    951. earthed
    952. earthiness
    953. eavesdropper
    954. eavesdropping
    955. ebullience
    956. eccentrically
    957. éclair
    958. ecologically
    959. economically
    960. eco-tourist
    961. ecstatically
    962. editing
    963. editorially
    964. educational psychologist
    965. educationally
    966. eectrochemical
    967. eerily
    968. effectiveness
    969. effervescence
    970. efficiently
    971. effortlessly
    972. effusively
    973. ejaculation
    974. ejection
    975. elaborately
    976. elaboration
    977. élan
    978. elected
    979. electorally
    980. electrically
    981. electrifying
    982. electrocution
    983. electronically
    984. elegance
    985. elegantly
    986. eligibility
    987. elimination
    988. elliptically
    989. eloquence
    990. eloquently
    991. elucidation
    992. elusiveness
    993. emancipation
    994. emasculation
    995. embalming
    996. embarkation
    997. embarrassingly
    998. embedded
    999. embryological
    1000. embryologist
    1001. emigration
    1002. émigré
    1003. emotionally
    1004. empirically
    1005. empiricist
    1006. emulation
    1007. enabling
    1008. encapsulation
    1009. enchanted
    1010. encouraged
    1011. encouragingly
    1012. encryption
    1013. encumbered
    1014. endearingly
    1015. endlessly
    1016. enduring
    1017. energetically
    1018. energizing
    1019. enigmatically
    1020. enjoyably
    1021. enlarged
    1022. enlightening
    1023. ennobling
    1024. enormously
    1025. enraged
    1026. -enriched
    1027. entertaining
    1028. enthralling
    1029. enthusiastically
    1030. enticingly
    1031. entomologist
    1032. entranced
    1033. entrancing
    1034. entrée
    1035. entrenched
    1036. entwined
    1037. enunciation
    1038. enviously
    1039. environmentally
    1040. épée
    1041. equably
    1042. equalization
    1043. equipped
    1044. equitably
    1045. equivocation
    1046. eradication
    1047. eroded
    1048. erotically
    1049. erratically
    1050. erroneously
    1051. eruption
    1052. escalation
    1053. escaped
    1054. estimated
    1055. eternally
    1056. ethically
    1057. ethnically
    1058. euphemistically
    1059. evacuation
    1060. evaluation
    1061. evangelistic
    1062. evaporation
    1063. evasively
    1064. evasiveness
    1065. even-handedly
    1066. even-handedness
    1067. evocatively
    1068. exacerbation
    1069. exaggeratedly
    1070. exaggeration
    1071. exasperation
    1072. excavation
    1073. excellently
    1074. exceptionally
    1075. excessively
    1076. excision
    1077. excitability
    1078. excitedly
    1079. excitingly
    1080. exclusiveness
    1081. exclusivity
    1082. excommunication
    1083. excretion
    1084. excruciatingly
    1085. execution
    1086. exemption
    1087. exertion
    1088. exfoliating
    1089. exfoliation
    1090. exhalation
    1091. exhausted
    1092. exhausting
    1093. exhaustively
    1094. exhortation
    1095. exhumation
    1096. exoneration
    1097. exorbitantly
    1098. exotically
    1099. expansively
    1100. expectantly
    1101. expeditiously
    1102. expensively
    1103. experimentally
    1104. experimentation
    1105. experimenter
    1106. expertly
    1107. expiation
    1108. explication
    1109. explicitly
    1110. explicitness
    1111. exploitation
    1112. exploration
    1113. explosively
    1114. exponentially
    1115. exposé
    1116. expressively
    1117. expressiveness
    1118. expressly
    1119. expropriation
    1120. expurgated
    1121. exquisitely
    1122. extensively
    1123. extermination
    1124. externally
    1125. extradition
    1126. extraordinarily
    1127. extrapolation
    1128. extravagantly
    1129. exuberantly
    1130. exultantly
    1131. exultation
    1132. fabrication
    1133. fabulously
    1134. facetiously
    1135. factually
    1136. faded
    1137. faintly
    1138. faintness
    1139. fall in with
    1140. fallibility
    1141. falsely
    1142. falsification
    1143. falsity
    1144. fanatically
    1145. fantastically
    1146. farmers' market
    1147. fashionably
    1148. fastidiously
    1149. fasting
    1150. fatally
    1151. fatness
    1152. faultlessly
    1153. favourably
    1154. favoured
    1155. fearfully
    1156. fearlessly
    1157. feasibility
    1158. feasting
    1159. fecundity
    1160. federally
    1161. feebly
    1162. feeding
    1163. femaleness
    1164. fermentation
    1165. ferociously
    1166. fertility
    1167. fertilization
    1168. fervently
    1169. feverishly
    1170. fiancé
    1171. fiancée
    1172. fickleness
    1173. fielding
    1174. fiendishly
    1175. fiercely
    1176. fight down
    1177. fighting
    1178. figuratively
    1179. figure up
    1180. file away
    1181. filled
    1182. -filled
    1183. fin de siècle
    1184. financially
    1185. fine-tuning
    1186. firebombing
    1187. firing
    1188. firmly
    1189. firmness
    1190. fiscally
    1191. fitfully
    1192. fittingly
    1193. flagrantly
    1194. flake out
    1195. flamboyance
    1196. flamboyantly
    1197. flatly
    1198. flatness
    1199. flatteringly
    1200. flawlessly
    1201. fleetingly
    1202. flexibility
    1203. flexibly
    1204. flippancy
    1205. flippantly
    1206. flirtation
    1207. flogging
    1208. flooded
    1209. flourishing
    1210. fluctuation
    1211. fluency
    1212. fluently
    1213. fluidity
    1214. flummoxed
    1215. fluorescence
    1216. flustered
    1217. fondly
    1218. fondness
    1219. foolhardiness
    1220. foolishly
    1221. foolishness
    1222. forcefully
    1223. forcefulness
    1224. forcibly
    1225. forger
    1226. forgetfulness
    1227. forlornly
    1228. formalist
    1229. formalization
    1230. formally
    1231. formidably
    1232. forms
    1233. fornication
    1234. fortified
    1235. forwardness
    1236. fossilized
    1237. foul up
    1238. fractionally
    1239. fractured
    1240. fragility
    1241. fragmentation
    1242. fragmented
    1243. franchising
    1244. frankness
    1245. frantically
    1246. fraudulently
    1247. frayed
    1248. freeenterprise
    1249. frenetically
    1250. frequently
    1251. freshness
    1252. friendliness
    1253. frighten into
    1254. frighteningly
    1255. frightfully
    1256. frigidity
    1257. frostily
    1258. frostiness
    1259. frugality
    1260. frugally
    1261. fruitfully
    1262. fruitlessly
    1263. frustrated
    1264. frustratingly
    1265. frustration
    1266. fry up
    1267. fulfilled
    1268. fulfilling
    1269. fulmination
    1270. fulsomely
    1271. fumigation
    1272. functionalist
    1273. functionally
    1274. fundamentalist
    1275. -funded
    1276. fur up
    1277. furiously
    1278. furtively
    1279. fussily
    1280. fussiness
    1281. futurologist
    1282. gainfully
    1283. gallantly
    1284. galling
    1285. gaping
    1286. gardening
    1287. garishly
    1288. gatecrasher
    1289. gayness
    1290. gazumping
    1291. gender-bending
    1292. genealogical
    1293. generically
    1294. generously
    1295. genetically
    1296. geniality
    1297. genially
    1298. gentleness
    1299. gently
    1300. gentrification
    1301. genuinely
    1302. genuineness
    1303. geographically
    1304. geologically
    1305. geologist
    1306. geometrically
    1307. germination
    1308. gesticulation
    1309. ghostwrite
    1310. giddiness
    1311. glacé
    1312. gladly
    1313. gladness
    1314. glaringly
    1315. gleefully
    1316. glibly
    1317. globalization
    1318. globally
    1319. globe-trotter
    1320. globe-trotting
    1321. gloomily
    1322. glorification
    1323. gloriously
    1324. glowingly
    1325. glumly
    1326. godlessness
    1327. gorgeously
    1328. gossip columnist
    1329. gouging
    1330. gracefully
    1331. gracelessly
    1332. graciously
    1333. -grained
    1334. grammatically
    1335. graphically
    1336. gratefully
    1337. gratification
    1338. gratified
    1339. gratifying
    1340. gratuitously
    1341. gravely
    1342. grazed
    1343. greatness
    1344. greedily
    1345. greenness
    1346. greyness
    1347. grievously
    1348. grilling
    1349. grimly
    1350. grimness
    1351. grindingly
    1352. gripping
    1353. groping
    1354. grossly
    1355. grotesquely
    1356. grudgingly
    1357. gruesomely
    1358. gruffly
    1359. grumbling
    1360. grumpily
    1361. guardedly
    1362. guiltily
    1363. gullibility
    1364. gummed
    1365. gunfighter
    1366. gushing
    1367. -guzzling
    1368. gynaecological
    1369. gynaecologist
    1370. gyration
    1371. habitually
    1372. habitué
    1373. haemorrhaging
    1374. haggling
    1375. half-heartedly
    1376. haltingly
    1377. hammering
    1378. handling
    1379. handsomely
    1380. haphazardly
    1381. happiness
    1382. hardening
    1383. hardiness
    1384. hardness
    1385. harmlessly
    1386. harmoniously
    1387. harmonization
    1388. harried
    1389. harshly
    1390. harshness
    1391. harvesting
    1392. hastily
    1393. hated
    1394. haughtily
    1395. hauntingly
    1396. healthily
    1397. heartened
    1398. heartening
    1399. heartily
    1400. heatedly
    1401. heaviness
    1402. heckler
    1403. heckling
    1404. hectoring
    1405. helpfully
    1406. helpfulness
    1407. helplessly
    1408. helplessness
    1409. hermetically
    1410. heroically
    1411. hesitancy
    1412. hesitantly
    1413. heterosexuality
    1414. high-handedness
    1415. hijacking
    1416. hiking
    1417. hilariously
    1418. -hipped
    1419. hissing
    1420. historically
    1421. hitchhiker
    1422. hoarder
    1423. hoarsely
    1424. hoarseness
    1425. hollowness
    1426. homelessness
    1427. homesickness
    1428. homogenization
    1429. homosexuality
    1430. honourably
    1431. honoured
    1432. hoovering
    1433. hopelessly
    1434. hopelessness
    1435. hor
    1436. horizontally
    1437. horrendously
    1438. horribly
    1439. horrifically
    1440. horrified
    1441. horrifyingly
    1442. hospitalization
    1443. hot-desking
    1444. huffily
    1445. hugely
    1446. -hulled
    1447. humanely
    1448. humanist
    1449. humbled
    1450. humbling
    1451. humbly
    1452. humiliated
    1453. humiliatingly
    1454. humming
    1455. humorously
    1456. hunger striker
    1457. hungrily
    1458. hurriedly
    1459. huskily
    1460. hydraulically
    1461. hyperactivity
    1462. hyperventilation
    1463. hypnotist
    1464. hypothetically
    1465. hysterically
    1466. icily
    1467. idealist
    1468. idealization
    1469. idealized
    1470. identically
    1471. ideologically
    1472. idiotically
    1473. idleness
    1474. idly
    1475. ignominiously
    1476. illegality
    1477. illegally
    1478. illogically
    1479. illuminating
    1480. illustrated
    1481. imaginatively
    1482. imbued
    1483. immaculately
    1484. immaturity
    1485. immensity
    1486. immersed
    1487. imminence
    1488. immobility
    1489. immorality
    1490. immortality
    1491. immunity
    1492. immunization
    1493. impacted
    1494. impaired
    1495. impartiality
    1496. impartially
    1497. impassively
    1498. impatience
    1499. impatiently
    1500. impeccably
    1501. impenetrably
    1502. imperceptibly
    1503. imperfectly
    1504. imperiously
    1505. impermanence
    1506. impersonally
    1507. impersonation
    1508. impishly
    1509. implacably
    1510. implantation
    1511. implausibly
    1512. implementation
    1513. implicitly
    1514. imploringly
    1515. importantly
    1516. importation
    1517. imposition
    1518. impossibility
    1519. impossibly
    1520. impoverished
    1521. -impregnated
    1522. impressed
    1523. impressionist1
    1524. impressionist2
    1525. impressively
    1526. improbability
    1527. improbably
    1528. improperly
    1529. improvisation
    1530. impudence
    1531. impulsively
    1532. impulsiveness
    1533. inaccessibility
    1534. inaccurately
    1535. inactivity
    1536. inadequately
    1537. inadvertently
    1538. inanely
    1539. inanity
    1540. inappropriately
    1541. inauguration
    1542. incandescence
    1543. incapacitated
    1544. incarceration
    1545. incautiously
    1546. incensed
    1547. incessantly
    1548. incineration
    1549. incoherence
    1550. incoherently
    1551. incompatibility
    1552. incongruously
    1553. inconspicuously
    1554. incontrovertibly
    1555. inconveniently
    1556. incorporation
    1557. incorrectly
    1558. incredibly
    1559. incredulously
    1560. incriminating
    1561. incubation
    1562. incurably
    1563. indebtedness
    1564. indecently
    1565. indecisiveness
    1566. indefatigably
    1567. indelibly
    1568. independently
    1569. indescribably
    1570. indifferently
    1571. indignantly
    1572. indirectly
    1573. indiscriminately
    1574. indisputably
    1575. indistinctly
    1576. individualized
    1577. individually
    1578. indoctrination
    1579. indubitably
    1580. indulgently
    1581. industrialization
    1582. industriously
    1583. ineffably
    1584. ineffectiveness
    1585. ineffectually
    1586. inefficiency
    1587. inefficiently
    1588. inescapably
    1589. inexcusably
    1590. inexorably
    1591. inexplicably
    1592. inexpressibly
    1593. infallibility
    1594. inferiority
    1595. infertility
    1596. infestation
    1597. infested
    1598. -infested
    1599. infiltration
    1600. infinitely
    1601. infinitesimally
    1602. infirmity
    1603. inflated
    1604. inflected
    1605. inflexibility
    1606. infliction
    1607. informality
    1608. informally
    1609. infrequently
    1610. infuriated
    1611. infuriatingly
    1612. ingeniously
    1613. ingenuously
    1614. ingestion
    1615. ingloriously
    1616. inherently
    1617. innately
    1618. inoculation
    1619. inordinately
    1620. inpatient
    1621. inquiringly
    1622. inquisitively
    1623. inquisitiveness
    1624. insanely
    1625. insecurity
    1626. insemination
    1627. insensitivity
    1628. inseparably
    1629. insertion
    1630. insidiously
    1631. insincerity
    1632. insinuation
    1633. insistently
    1634. insolence
    1635. inspection
    1636. -inspired
    1637. instantaneously
    1638. instantly
    1639. instigation
    1640. instinctively
    1641. institutionalization
    1642. institutionally
    1643. insufferably
    1644. insufficiency
    1645. insufficiently
    1646. insularity
    1647. insulted
    1648. insultingly
    1649. integration
    1650. intellectually
    1651. intelligently
    1652. intensely
    1653. intensification
    1654. intensity
    1655. intensively
    1656. intentionally
    1657. intently
    1658. interaction
    1659. interactivity
    1660. interception
    1661. interchangeably
    1662. interdiction
    1663. interminably
    1664. intermingled
    1665. intermittently
    1666. internalization
    1667. internally
    1668. internationalization
    1669. internationally
    1670. internet café
    1671. interrogator
    1672. interruption
    1673. intimately
    1674. intimidation
    1675. intolerably
    1676. intravenously
    1677. intricately
    1678. intriguingly
    1679. intrinsically
    1680. intuitively
    1681. inventiveness
    1682. inversely
    1683. investigation
    1684. invigilator
    1685. invigorated
    1686. invincibility
    1687. inviolability
    1688. invisibility
    1689. invisibly
    1690. invitingly
    1691. involuntarily
    1692. invulnerability
    1693. inwardly
    1694. irked
    1695. ironing
    1696. irradiation
    1697. irrationality
    1698. irrationally
    1699. irredeemably
    1700. irregularity
    1701. irregularly
    1702. irrelevantly
    1703. irreparably
    1704. irrepressibly
    1705. irresistibly
    1706. irresponsibility
    1707. irresponsibly
    1708. irretrievably
    1709. irreverence
    1710. irreverently
    1711. irreversibly
    1712. irrevocably
    1713. irrigation
    1714. irritability
    1715. irritably
    1716. irritated
    1717. irritatingly
    1718. isolationist
    1719. itching
    1720. jackknife
    1721. jalapeño
    1722. jammed
    1723. jamming
    1724. jarring
    1725. jauntily
    1726. jaw-droppingly
    1727. jealously
    1728. jeering
    1729. jerkily
    1730. jerkiness
    1731. job sharing
    1732. joblessness
    1733. jogging
    1734. jointly
    1735. jousting
    1736. joviality
    1737. jovially
    1738. joyfully
    1739. joyously
    1740. judging
    1741. judicially
    1742. judiciously
    1743. juggling
    1744. justifiably
    1745. keenly
    1746. keenness
    1747. kidnapper
    1748. kidnapping
    1749. kindliness
    1750. kneading
    1751. knitter
    1752. knocking
    1753. knowledgeably
    1754. laboriously
    1755. lacerated
    1756. laconically
    1757. laddishness
    1758. ladies' man
    1759. ladies' room
    1760. lamé
    1761. lamentably
    1762. landscaping
    1763. languidly
    1764. lap dancer
    1765. lapping
    1766. lateness
    1767. laterally
    1768. lauded
    1769. laughably
    1770. launderer
    1771. lavishly
    1772. lawfully
    1773. lawlessness
    1774. laxity
    1775. lazily
    1776. laziness
    1777. leading-edge
    1778. legalization
    1779. legally
    1780. legitimacy
    1781. legitimately
    1782. legitimation
    1783. lending
    1784. leniently
    1785. lessening
    1786. leveraged
    1787. levitation
    1788. lewdness
    1789. lexicographer
    1790. liberalization
    1791. liberally
    1792. liberating
    1793. liberation
    1794. licentiousness
    1795. life coaching
    1796. lightly
    1797. lightness
    1798. limiting
    1799. limply
    1800. -lined
    1801. linguistically
    1802. lip reading
    1803. liquidation
    1804. listlessly
    1805. listlessness
    1806. lithographic
    1807. littered
    1808. liveliness
    1809. -'ll
    1810. loading
    1811. lobbying
    1812. -lobed
    1813. locally
    1814. loftily
    1815. logically
    1816. logistically
    1817. -looking
    1818. loosely
    1819. loosening
    1820. looting
    1821. loping
    1822. loudly
    1823. loudness
    1824. loveliness
    1825. lovingly
    1826. lowering
    1827. loyally
    1828. lubrication
    1829. lucidity
    1830. lucidly
    1831. ludicrously
    1832. lugubriously
    1833. luridly
    1834. lushness
    1835. lustily
    1836. luxuriously
    1837. lynching
    1838. lyrically
    1839. -'m
    1840. machining
    1841. macroeconomic
    1842. maddeningly
    1843. madness
    1844. magically
    1845. magnanimously
    1846. magnetically
    1847. magnificence
    1848. magnificently
    1849. majestically
    1850. maleness
    1851. malevolence
    1852. malevolently
    1853. maliciously
    1854. maniacally
    1855. manically
    1856. manifestly
    1857. manipulation
    1858. manliness
    1859. -mannered
    1860. manoeuvring
    1861. manqué
    1862. manually
    1863. manufacturing
    1864. marginalization
    1865. markedly
    1866. market testing
    1867. marketability
    1868. marvellously
    1869. masochist
    1870. massively
    1871. mass-produced
    1872. mastication
    1873. masturbation
    1874. materially
    1875. mathematically
    1876. matriculation
    1877. matter-of-factly
    1878. maximization
    1879. measurably
    1880. mechanically
    1881. mechanization
    1882. mechanized
    1883. meddler
    1884. mediation
    1885. mediator
    1886. medically
    1887. medicinally
    1888. meditatively
    1889. meekly
    1890. meekness
    1891. melodically
    1892. melodramatically
    1893. memorably
    1894. menacingly
    1895. menopausal
    1896. menstruation
    1897. mentally
    1898. mentoring
    1899. mercilessly
    1900. mesmerized
    1901. mesmerizing
    1902. messily
    1903. metaphorically
    1904. meteorologist
    1905. methodically
    1906. methodological
    1907. meticulously
    1908. microbiologist
    1909. microeconomic
    1910. microscopically
    1911. migration
    1912. militancy
    1913. militantly
    1914. militarily
    1915. milking
    1916. mindlessly
    1917. mind-numbingly
    1918. miniaturization
    1919. minimally
    1920. minting
    1921. miraculously
    1922. mirrored
    1923. misappropriation
    1924. miscalculation
    1925. mischievously
    1926. misdirected
    1927. miserably
    1928. mishandling
    1929. misinterpretation
    1930. misleadingly
    1931. mismatched
    1932. misname
    1933. misreading
    1934. misrepresentation
    1935. mis-selling
    1936. misspelling
    1937. mistakenly
    1938. mixing
    1939. mobility
    1940. mobilization
    1941. mockingly
    1942. modelling
    1943. moderately
    1944. modernity
    1945. modernization
    1946. modernizing
    1947. modestly
    1948. modification
    1949. modulated
    1950. modulation
    1951. molecular biologist
    1952. molestation
    1953. molester
    1954. mollified
    1955. monitoring
    1956. monopolization
    1957. monotonously
    1958. monstrously
    1959. monumentally
    1960. moodily
    1961. moodiness
    1962. moralizing
    1963. morally
    1964. morbidly
    1965. morosely
    1966. mortally
    1967. mothering
    1968. motivated
    1969. -mounted
    1970. mournfully
    1971. moustached
    1972. -mouthed
    1973. moved
    1974. movingly
    1975. muddied
    1976. muddled up
    1977. mugging
    1978. multifaceted
    1979. mushrooming
    1980. musicality
    1981. musically
    1982. musing
    1983. mutation
    1984. mutely
    1985. mutilation
    1986. muttering
    1987. mutually
    1988. mysteriously
    1989. mystification
    1990. mystifying
    1991. mythological
    1992. 'n'
    1993. naively
    1994. naivety
    1995. nakedly
    1996. nakedness
    1997. name-dropper
    1998. name-dropping
    1999. narration
    2000. narrator
    2001. narrowing
    2002. narrow-mindedness
    2003. narrowness
    2004. nastily
    2005. nastiness
    2006. nationalization
    2007. nationally
    2008. naturalization
    2009. naturalness
    2010. naturist
    2011. naughtiness
    2012. nearness
    2013. neatly
    2014. neatness
    2015. necklacing
    2016. née
    2017. needlessly
    2018. negatively
    2019. negativity
    2020. neglected
    2021. negligently
    2022. neighbourliness
    2023. nervously
    2024. nervousness
    2025. netsurfer
    2026. neurologist
    2027. neutrality
    2028. neutralization
    2029. newness
    2030. niceness
    2031. nihilist
    2032. nimbly
    2033. nobly
    2034. noiselessly
    2035. noisily
    2036. nominally
    2037. nonchalance
    2038. nonchalantly
    2039. noncommittally
    2040. nonexistence
    2041. nonexistent
    2042. nonfat
    2043. nonfinite
    2044. nonpayment
    2045. nonstandard
    2046. non-violence
    2047. normalization
    2048. northeast
    2049. northeasterly
    2050. northwest
    2051. northwesterly
    2052. nostalgically
    2053. noticeably
    2054. notionally
    2055. notoriously
    2056. nourishing
    2057. nudist
    2058. numbed
    2059. numbly
    2060. numbness
    2061. numerically
    2062. nurturing
    2063. nutritionally
    2064. o'
    2065. o,
    2066. obedience
    2067. obediently
    2068. obesity
    2069. obfuscation
    2070. objectively
    2071. objectivity
    2072. obligingly
    2073. obliquely
    2074. obliteration
    2075. obliviously
    2076. obliviousness
    2077. obsequiously
    2078. obsequiousness
    2079. obsessively
    2080. obstinacy
    2081. obstinately
    2082. obtrusively
    2083. obtuseness
    2084. obviousness
    2085. occasionally
    2086. occupationally
    2087. occupied
    2088. oceanographer
    2089. oceanographic
    2090. oddness
    2091. offended
    2092. offensively
    2093. officially
    2094. officiously
    2095. old wives' tale
    2096. ominously
    2097. omniscience
    2098. ontological
    2099. opalescence
    2100. open-mindedness
    2101. openness
    2102. operationally
    2103. opportunistically
    2104. optimistically
    2105. opulence
    2106. orally
    2107. orderliness
    2108. organically
    2109. originality
    2110. ornately
    2111. ornithological
    2112. ornithologist
    2113. oscillation
    2114. ostensibly
    2115. ostentatiously
    2116. ousting
    2117. outraged
    2118. outrageously
    2119. outré
    2120. outsourcing
    2121. outspokenness
    2122. overachiever
    2123. overawed
    2124. overcharging
    2125. overeater
    2126. overeating
    2127. overestimation
    2128. overloaded
    2129. overrated
    2130. overreaction
    2131. oversimplification
    2132. oversimplified
    2133. overtly
    2134. overused
    2135. overvaluation
    2136. overvalued
    2137. overwhelmed
    2138. overwhelmingly
    2139. ovulation
    2140. pacification
    2141. padded
    2142. painlessly
    2143. painstakingly
    2144. palaeontologist
    2145. paleness
    2146. palpably
    2147. pampered
    2148. panhandling
    2149. papier-maché
    2150. paradoxically
    2151. paragliding
    2152. paralysed
    2153. paralysing
    2154. parenthetically
    2155. partiality
    2156. participation
    2157. passably
    2158. passé
    2159. passionately
    2160. passively
    2161. passivity
    2162. paté
    2163. patently
    2164. pathetically
    2165. patiently
    2166. patronizingly
    2167. paved
    2168. peculiarly
    2169. peddling
    2170. peevishly
    2171. peevishness
    2172. pencilled
    2173. penetration
    2174. penitently
    2175. pensively
    2176. perambulation
    2177. perceptibly
    2178. perceptively
    2179. perceptiveness
    2180. perched
    2181. percolation
    2182. peremptorily
    2183. perennially
    2184. perforated
    2185. perfunctorily
    2186. perilously
    2187. periodically
    2188. peripherally
    2189. permanence
    2190. permanency
    2191. permanently
    2192. permeability
    2193. permed
    2194. permissiveness
    2195. perpetration
    2196. perpetrator
    2197. perpetually
    2198. perpetuation
    2199. persevering
    2200. personalized
    2201. perspicacity
    2202. persuaded
    2203. persuader
    2204. persuasively
    2205. persuasiveness
    2206. pertinence
    2207. pertinently
    2208. pervasiveness
    2209. perversely
    2210. perversity
    2211. pessimistically
    2212. petrifying
    2213. pettiness
    2214. petulantly
    2215. pharmacological
    2216. pharmacologist
    2217. phenomenally
    2218. phenomenological
    2219. philologist
    2220. philosophically
    2221. philosophizing
    2222. phonetically
    2223. photographically
    2224. photojournalist
    2225. phrenologist
    2226. physically
    2227. physiological
    2228. physiologically
    2229. physiologist
    2230. pick 'n' mix
    2231. picketing
    2232. pickling
    2233. picnicker
    2234. pictorially
    2235. picturesquely
    2236. pièce de résistance
    2237. pied-à-terre
    2238. piercingly
    2239. pig-headedness
    2240. pilfering
    2241. pillaging
    2242. pimping
    2243. pinch-hitter
    2244. pinkish
    2245. pinkness
    2246. piously
    2247. piquancy
    2248. pirated
    2249. pissed off
    2250. pitching
    2251. pithily
    2252. pitiably
    2253. pitifully
    2254. pitilessly
    2255. pityingly
    2256. placidly
    2257. plagiarist
    2258. plaintively
    2259. planting
    2260. plasticity
    2261. plausibility
    2262. plausibly
    2263. playfully
    2264. playfulness
    2265. plea bargaining
    2266. pleadingly
    2267. pleasantly
    2268. pleasingly
    2269. pleasurably
    2270. plentifully
    2271. plodding
    2272. ploughing
    2273. plumpness
    2274. poacher
    2275. poaching
    2276. poetically
    2277. poignantly
    2278. pointedly
    2279. pointlessly
    2280. pointlessness
    2281. poisoned
    2282. poisoning
    2283. polarization
    2284. polarized
    2285. pole dancer
    2286. policing
    2287. politely
    2288. politeness
    2289. politically
    2290. politicization
    2291. politicized
    2292. pollination
    2293. polluted
    2294. pompously
    2295. ponderously
    2296. popularity
    2297. popularization
    2298. populated
    2299. -populated
    2300. portability
    2301. portentously
    2302. positivist
    2303. possessively
    2304. possessiveness
    2305. poster  boy
    2306. post-feminism
    2307. posthumously
    2308. posturing
    2309. potentially
    2310. -powered
    2311. powerfully
    2312. powerlessness
    2313. practicability
    2314. practising
    2315. pragmatically
    2316. pragmatist
    2317. precariously
    2318. precariousness
    2319. precipitately
    2320. precipitously
    2321. précis
    2322. precociously
    2323. predictability
    2324. predictably
    2325. predisposed
    2326. pre-eminence
    2327. pre-emption
    2328. preferably
    2329. preferentially
    2330. prematurely
    2331. preposterously
    2332. preschool
    2333. prescience
    2334. preservation
    2335. press-ganging
    2336. pressured
    2337. pretentiousness
    2338. preternaturally
    2339. prettily
    2340. prettiness
    2341. prevalence
    2342. prevarication
    2343. prevention
    2344. pricing
    2345. primly
    2346. privatization
    2347. probing
    2348. processing
    2349. procrastination
    2350. procreation
    2351. prodding
    2352. prodigiously
    2353. productively
    2354. profanation
    2355. professionalization
    2356. professionally
    2357. profiling
    2358. profitability
    2359. profitably
    2360. profoundly
    2361. profusely
    2362. programming
    2363. progressively
    2364. prohibitively
    2365. proliferation
    2366. prolongation
    2367. prominently
    2368. promiscuity
    2369. promulgation
    2370. propagation
    2371. proportionally
    2372. proportionately
    2373. proposer
    2374. prosaically
    2375. prospecting
    2376. prospector
    2377. protectively
    2378. protectiveness
    2379. protégé
    2380. protruding
    2381. proudly
    2382. providentially
    2383. provider
    2384. provisionally
    2385. provocatively
    2386. prudently
    2387. prudishness
    2388. psychologically
    2389. publicly
    2390. puckered
    2391. puffiness
    2392. pulsation
    2393. puncher
    2394. punctiliously
    2395. punctuality
    2396. punctually
    2397. pungency
    2398. punning
    2399. punting
    2400. purchaser
    2401. purification
    2402. purposefully
    2403. puzzling
    2404. quaintly
    2405. quaintness
    2406. qualitatively
    2407. quantification
    2408. quantitatively
    2409. quarrying
    2410. queasiness
    2411. questioningly
    2412. quickly
    2413. quickness
    2414. quiescence
    2415. quietly
    2416. quietness
    2417. quintessentially
    2418. quirkiness
    2419. quizzically
    2420. rabidly
    2421. racialist
    2422. racially
    2423. radiantly
    2424. radicalization
    2425. radically
    2426. radioactivity
    2427. raggedly
    2428. rakishly
    2429. ram-raider
    2430. randomly
    2431. randomness
    2432. ransacking
    2433. ranting
    2434. rapidity
    2435. rapidly
    2436. raptly
    2437. rapturously
    2438. rashly
    2439. rashness
    2440. rate-capping
    2441. rationality
    2442. rationalization
    2443. rationally
    2444. rattled
    2445. rattling
    2446. raucously
    2447. ravenously
    2448. ravishingly
    2449. rawness
    2450. -'re
    2451. realization
    2452. reasonableness
    2453. reasonably
    2454. reassuringly
    2455. reawakening
    2456. rebelliousness
    2457. recalcitrance
    2458. recapitalization
    2459. recapitulation
    2460. recasting
    2461. receptiveness
    2462. receptivity
    2463. recherché
    2464. recidivism
    2465. reciprocally
    2466. reciprocation
    2467. recklessly
    2468. recklessness
    2469. recognizably
    2470. recommended
    2471. reconciled
    2472. reconnection
    2473. reconsideration
    2474. reconstitution
    2475. recruiter
    2476. recruiting
    2477. recuperation
    2478. recycling
    2479. redecoration
    2480. redirection
    2481. redistribution
    2482. re-education
    2483. re-election
    2484. reenact
    2485. re-examination
    2486. refining
    2487. reflation
    2488. reflectively
    2489. reflexively
    2490. reflexologist
    2491. reformed
    2492. refraction
    2493. refreshed
    2494. refreshingly
    2495. refrigeration
    2496. refuelling
    2497. regally
    2498. regeneration
    2499. regionally
    2500. regression
    2501. regretfully
    2502. regrettably
    2503. regularly
    2504. regulated
    2505. regulatory
    2506. rehabilitation
    2507. rehashing
    2508. reinforced
    2509. reinvention
    2510. reiteration
    2511. rejection
    2512. rejoicing
    2513. rejuvenating
    2514. rejuvenation
    2515. relegation
    2516. relentlessly
    2517. reliability
    2518. reliably
    2519. relocation
    2520. reluctance
    2521. reluctantly
    2522. remarkably
    2523. reminiscently
    2524. remodelling
    2525. remonstration
    2526. remorsefully
    2527. remorselessly
    2528. remoteness
    2529. renovation
    2530. reorganization
    2531. repairer
    2532. repatriation
    2533. repelled
    2534. replication
    2535. representativeness
    2536. repressively
    2537. reproachfully
    2538. reprovingly
    2539. repudiation
    2540. repugnance
    2541. repulsively
    2542. reputedly
    2543. rescheduling
    2544. rescuer
    2545. researcher
    2546. resentfully
    2547. reshaping
    2548. residents' association
    2549. resignedly
    2550. resilience
    2551. reskilling
    2552. resolutely
    2553. resonantly
    2554. resoundingly
    2555. resourcefulness
    2556. respectability
    2557. respectably
    2558. respectfully
    2559. responsibly
    2560. responsiveness
    2561. restiveness
    2562. restlessly
    2563. restlessness
    2564. restructuring
    2565. résumé
    2566. resuscitation
    2567. retaliation
    2568. retelling
    2569. rethinking
    2570. reticence
    2571. retooling
    2572. retraction
    2573. retraining
    2574. retroactively
    2575. retrospectively
    2576. revaluation
    2577. revamping
    2578. revealingly
    2579. revered
    2580. reverentially
    2581. reverently
    2582. reviled
    2583. revived
    2584. revocation
    2585. rewiring
    2586. reworking
    2587. rhetorically
    2588. rheumatologist
    2589. rhythmically
    2590. richness
    2591. rifying
    2592. righteously
    2593. righteousness
    2594. rightfully
    2595. rigidity
    2596. rigidly
    2597. rigorously
    2598. riled
    2599. rioter
    2600. rioting
    2601. riotously
    2602. ripeness
    2603. rising
    2604. risqué
    2605. ritually
    2606. robustly
    2607. robustness
    2608. rogues' gallery
    2609. role playing
    2610. rollerblader
    2611. rollerblading
    2612. roller-skating
    2613. romantically
    2614. romanticized
    2615. rootlessness
    2616. rosé
    2617. rotating
    2618. roughly
    2619. roughness
    2620. rousing
    2621. rowdiness
    2622. rubbernecker
    2623. rudely
    2624. rudeness
    2625. ruefully
    2626. ruggedly
    2627. ruggedness
    2628. ruinously
    2629. ruminatively
    2630. rundown
    2631. rushed
    2632. ruthlessly
    2633. ruthlessness
    2634. -'s
    2635. sacredness
    2636. saddened
    2637. saddening
    2638. sadist
    2639. sadistically
    2640. sado-masochist
    2641. sagely
    2642. saintliness
    2643. saké
    2644. salaciousness
    2645. salience
    2646. salinity
    2647. salivation
    2648. salted
    2649. saltiness
    2650. sanctimoniousness
    2651. sarcastically
    2652. sardonically
    2653. sartorially
    2654. satanist
    2655. satiated
    2656. satisfactorily
    2657. satisfyingly
    2658. sauté
    2659. savagely
    2660. -saving
    2661. scandalously
    2662. scanning
    2663. scantily
    2664. scapegoating
    2665. scarily
    2666. scathingly
    2667. scavenger
    2668. scenically
    2669. sceptically
    2670. schematically
    2671. scheming
    2672. scientifically
    2673. scorched
    2674. scornfully
    2675. scrambled
    2676. scraping
    2677. screening
    2678. scrounger
    2679. scrupulously
    2680. scuba dive
    2681. scuffed
    2682. seamlessly
    2683. seasickness
    2684. seasonally
    2685. seaworthiness
    2686. secretively
    2687. secretiveness
    2688. secretly
    2689. secularist
    2690. securely
    2691. sedated
    2692. sedately
    2693. seduction
    2694. seductively
    2695. seediness
    2696. seismological
    2697. seismologist
    2698. selectively
    2699. selectivity
    2700. self-awareness
    2701. self-consciously
    2702. self-consciousness
    2703. self-evidently
    2704. self-importance
    2705. selfishly
    2706. selfishness
    2707. selflessly
    2708. selflessness
    2709. self-righteousness
    2710. senility
    2711. sensationally
    2712. sensibly
    2713. sensitively
    2714. sensitivity
    2715. sensuality
    2716. sensuously
    2717. sentimentality
    2718. sentimentally
    2719. separateness
    2720. sequentially
    2721. sequestration
    2722. serenely
    2723. serenity
    2724. seriousness
    2725. servility
    2726. setting up
    2727. severely
    2728. severity
    2729. sex up
    2730. sexily
    2731. sexiness
    2732. sexually
    2733. shabbily
    2734. shabbiness
    2735. shakily
    2736. shallowly
    2737. shallowness
    2738. shamefully
    2739. shamelessly
    2740. sharply
    2741. sharpness
    2742. shearing
    2743. shedding
    2744. sheepishly
    2745. shelling
    2746. shirker
    2747. shocked
    2748. shockingly
    2749. shoddily
    2750. shoplifter
    2751. shopper
    2752. short-changed
    2753. short-sightedness
    2754. shot putter
    2755. shouting
    2756. showing
    2757. showoff
    2758. shrewdly
    2759. shrewdness
    2760. shrillness
    2761. shrilly
    2762. shrivelled
    2763. shrouded
    2764. shyly
    2765. shyness
    2766. sickeningly
    2767. siècle
    2768. signally
    2769. significantly
    2770. silently
    2771. silliness
    2772. simple-mindedness
    2773. simplified
    2774. simplistically
    2775. simultaneously
    2776. sincerity
    2777. sinfulness
    2778. single-handedly
    2779. single-mindedly
    2780. single-mindedness
    2781. singularity
    2782. singularly
    2783. sinner
    2784. siting
    2785. skater
    2786. skating
    2787. sketchily
    2788. skewed
    2789. skier
    2790. skiing
    2791. skilfully
    2792. skipping
    2793. skirmishing
    2794. skiver
    2795. slackening
    2796. slackness
    2797. slanted
    2798. slavishly
    2799. slayer
    2800. sleepily
    2801. sleepiness
    2802. sleeplessness
    2803. sleepwalker
    2804. slickly
    2805. slickness
    2806. slighting
    2807. slimmer
    2808. slimming
    2809. sloping
    2810. sloppily
    2811. sloppiness
    2812. slouched
    2813. slowly
    2814. slowness
    2815. sluggishly
    2816. sluggishness
    2817. slurred
    2818. slyly
    2819. small-mindedness
    2820. smallness
    2821. smartness
    2822. smoker
    2823. smoothly
    2824. smoothness
    2825. smothered
    2826. smuggling
    2827. smugly
    2828. smugness
    2829. snappily
    2830. snappishly
    2831. snatcher
    2832. snidely
    2833. sniffer
    2834. sniffily
    2835. sniping
    2836. snobbishness
    2837. snooper
    2838. snowboarder
    2839. snugly
    2840. sobbing
    2841. soberly
    2842. sociability
    2843. socializing
    2844. socially
    2845. sociological
    2846. sociologist
    2847. softly
    2848. softness
    2849. soignée
    2850. soiled
    2851. solemnity
    2852. solemnly
    2853. soliciting
    2854. solicitously
    2855. solidity
    2856. solidly
    2857. sombrely
    2858. son et lumière
    2859. sonorously
    2860. soothing
    2861. soothingly
    2862. soreness
    2863. sorrowfully
    2864. soufflé
    2865. soulfully
    2866. soundlessly
    2867. soundness
    2868. soundproofing
    2869. souped-up
    2870. sourcing
    2871. sourly
    2872. southeast
    2873. southeasterly
    2874. southwest
    2875. southwesterly
    2876. spaced
    2877. spaciousness
    2878. spammer
    2879. spamming
    2880. sparingly
    2881. sparsely
    2882. spasmodically
    2883. spatially
    2884. specialization
    2885. specificity
    2886. spectacularly
    2887. speculation
    2888. speculatively
    2889. speedily
    2890. speeding
    2891. spending
    2892. spinning
    2893. spiritedly
    2894. spiritualist
    2895. spirituality
    2896. spiritually
    2897. spitefully
    2898. splendidly
    2899. spoilt, spoiled
    2900. spontaneously
    2901. spooked
    2902. sporadically
    2903. spotlessly
    2904. sprained
    2905. spring-cleaning
    2906. spuriously
    2907. spying
    2908. squabbling
    2909. squeamishness
    2910. stabilization
    2911. staffed
    2912. staggered
    2913. staggeringly
    2914. stagnation
    2915. stained
    2916. -stained
    2917. stalking
    2918. stammering
    2919. standardization
    2920. starkly
    2921. startled
    2922. startlingly
    2923. statistically
    2924. statutorily
    2925. staunchly
    2926. steadfastly
    2927. steadfastness
    2928. steadily
    2929. stealthily
    2930. steamed-up
    2931. steeply
    2932. sterility
    2933. sterilization
    2934. sternly
    2935. stickiness
    2936. stiffly
    2937. stiffness
    2938. stigmatized
    2939. stimulating
    2940. stimulation
    2941. stinging
    2942. stipulation
    2943. stoically
    2944. stonewalling
    2945. stooping
    2946. storming
    2947. stoutly
    2948. straightforwardly
    2949. strangeness
    2950. strangler
    2951. strategically
    2952. -streaked
    2953. strenuously
    2954. stretched
    2955. stretching
    2956. strictness
    2957. stridently
    2958. strikingly
    2959. stringently
    2960. striving
    2961. strongly
    2962. structurally
    2963. structured
    2964. stubbornly
    2965. stubbornness
    2966. students' union
    2967. stuffed
    2968. stuffiness
    2969. stultifying
    2970. stunned
    2971. stunningly
    2972. stunted
    2973. stupefied
    2974. stupefying
    2975. stupendously
    2976. stupidity
    2977. stupidly
    2978. sturdily
    2979. stuttering
    2980. stylishly
    2981. stylishness
    2982. stylistically
    2983. suavely
    2984. subconsciously
    2985. subjectively
    2986. subjectivity
    2987. subjugation
    2988. sublimation
    2989. sublimely
    2990. subliminally
    2991. submissively
    2992. subordination
    2993. subsequently
    2994. subservience
    2995. subsidization
    2996. subsidized
    2997. subsidizing
    2998. substantiation
    2999. substitution
    3000. subtly
    3001. subtraction
    3002. successfully
    3003. successively
    3004. succinctly
    3005. suddenness
    3006. sufficiently
    3007. suffocation
    3008. suggestively
    3009. suitability
    3010. sulkily
    3011. sullenly
    3012. summarily
    3013. sumptuously
    3014. sunbather
    3015. sunbathing
    3016. superbly
    3017. superficiality
    3018. superficially
    3019. superlatively
    3020. suppleness
    3021. supposedly
    3022. suppression
    3023. supremely
    3024. sureness
    3025. surfer
    3026. surgically
    3027. surprisingly
    3028. surreptitiously
    3029. surveying
    3030. sustainability
    3031. sustainably
    3032. swashbuckler
    3033. sweating
    3034. swiftly
    3035. swiftness
    3036. swindler
    3037. symbolically
    3038. symmetrically
    3039. sympathetically
    3040. synchronization
    3041. syndication
    3042. synthetically
    3043. systematically
    3044. systematization
    3045. tabulation
    3046. tacitly
    3047. tactfully
    3048. tactically
    3049. -tailed
    3050. tailgating
    3051. tainted
    3052. tamely
    3053. tampering
    3054. tangibly
    3055. tangled
    3056. tangled up
    3057. tanned
    3058. tantalizing
    3059. tantalizingly
    3060. tapered
    3061. taping
    3062. tardiness
    3063. tarnished
    3064. tartly
    3065. tastefully
    3066. tearfully
    3067. teasingly
    3068. technologically
    3069. technologist
    3070. tediously
    3071. teleconferencing
    3072. telepathically
    3073. tellingly
    3074. temporally
    3075. temporarily
    3076. temptingly
    3077. tenaciously
    3078. tendering
    3079. tensely
    3080. tenseness
    3081. tentatively
    3082. tenuously
    3083. terminally
    3084. termination
    3085. terribly
    3086. terrifically
    3087. terrified
    3088. terrifyingly
    3089. tersely
    3090. testily
    3091. theatricality
    3092. theatrically
    3093. thematically
    3094. theological
    3095. theorizing
    3096. thickly
    3097. thickness
    3098. thinly
    3099. thinness
    3100. thirstily
    3101. tho'
    3102. thoroughly
    3103. thoroughness
    3104. thoughtfully
    3105. thoughtfulness
    3106. thoughtlessly
    3107. thoughtlessness
    3108. threateningly
    3109. threshing
    3110. thrillingly
    3111. thro'
    3112. thronged
    3113. throwing
    3114. thru'
    3115. thudding
    3116. ticking
    3117. tickled
    3118. tidily
    3119. tidiness
    3120. tightening
    3121. tightly
    3122. tightness
    3123. -tiled
    3124. timelessness
    3125. timetabling
    3126. timidity
    3127. timidly
    3128. tingling
    3129. tinkering
    3130. -tinted
    3131. tipping
    3132. tired out
    3133. tiredness
    3134. tirelessly
    3135. titillating
    3136. titillation
    3137. -titled
    3138. tittering
    3139. toing and fro-ing
    3140. tolerably
    3141. tolerantly
    3142. toleration
    3143. tonelessly
    3144. topicality
    3145. -topped
    3146. -torn
    3147. totally
    3148. -toting
    3149. touché
    3150. touched
    3151. touchingly
    3152. toughness
    3153. toxicity
    3154. toxicological
    3155. toxicologist
    3156. tracking
    3157. trading
    3158. traditionally
    3159. trafficking
    3160. tragically
    3161. trailblazing
    3162. -trained
    3163. tranquillity
    3164. transfixed
    3165. transformation
    3166. transgression
    3167. transmutation
    3168. transparently
    3169. transplantation
    3170. transposition
    3171. traumatized
    3172. treasured
    3173. trebling
    3174. tremendously
    3175. tremulously
    3176. trespasser
    3177. -trimmed
    3178. triumphantly
    3179. troubling
    3180. -trousered
    3181. truanting
    3182. truculence
    3183. trusted
    3184. trustworthiness
    3185. truthfully
    3186. truthfulness
    3187. tunelessly
    3188. tutoring
    3189. twinkly
    3190. twinning
    3191. typecasting
    3192. ugliness
    3193. unacceptably
    3194. unaccountably
    3195. unambiguously
    3196. unanimously
    3197. unarguably
    3198. unashamedly
    3199. unavoidably
    3200. unbearably
    3201. unbelievably
    3202. unblinkingly
    3203. uncannily
    3204. unceasingly
    3205. uncertainly
    3206. uncharacteristi-cally
    3207. uncomfortably
    3208. uncommonly
    3209. uncompromisingly
    3210. unconditionally
    3211. unconsciously
    3212. unconsciousness
    3213. uncontrollably
    3214. unconvincingly
    3215. uncritically
    3216. undeniably
    3217. underachiever
    3218. underestimation
    3219. underpinning
    3220. underrated
    3221. undersecretary
    3222. understandably
    3223. undervalued
    3224. undoubtedly
    3225. undulating
    3226. uneasily
    3227. uneasiness
    3228. unemotionally
    3229. unequally
    3230. unequivocally
    3231. unerringly
    3232. unevenly
    3233. uneventfully
    3234. unexpectedly
    3235. unfailingly
    3236. unfairly
    3237. unfairness
    3238. unfamiliarity
    3239. unfashionably
    3240. unfavourably
    3241. unflinchingly
    3242. unforgettably
    3243. unhappiness
    3244. unified
    3245. uniformly
    3246. unilaterally
    3247. unimaginably
    3248. unintentionally
    3249. unionist
    3250. uniquely
    3251. uniqueness
    3252. universality
    3253. unjustifiably
    3254. unjustly
    3255. unkindly
    3256. unkindness
    3257. unlawfully
    3258. unmistakably
    3259. unnecessarily
    3260. unnervingly
    3261. unobtrusively
    3262. unofficially
    3263. unpleasantly
    3264. unpleasantness
    3265. unpopularity
    3266. unpredictability
    3267. unpredictably
    3268. unquestionably
    3269. unquestioningly
    3270. unrealistically
    3271. unreality
    3272. unreasonably
    3273. unreliability
    3274. unremittingly
    3275. unreservedly
    3276. unselfishly
    3277. unselfishness
    3278. unsettlingly
    3279. unspeakably
    3280. unsteadily
    3281. unsuccessfully
    3282. unsurprisingly
    3283. unthinkingly
    3284. untidily
    3285. untidiness
    3286. untypically
    3287. unutterably
    3288. unveiling
    3289. unwillingly
    3290. unwillingness
    3291. unwisely
    3292. unwittingly
    3293. uproariously
    3294. upsetting
    3295. urbanity
    3296. urgency
    3297. urgently
    3298. usefully
    3299. usefulness
    3300. uselessly
    3301. uselessness
    3302. utilization
    3303. vacantly
    3304. vaccination
    3305. vacillation
    3306. vagueness
    3307. vainly
    3308. valiantly
    3309. validation
    3310. valued
    3311. variability
    3312. vastness
    3313. -'ve
    3314. vehemence
    3315. vehemently
    3316. venerated
    3317. veneration
    3318. venomously
    3319. ventilation
    3320. verbalization
    3321. verbally
    3322. verbosity
    3323. verification
    3324. versatility
    3325. vertically
    3326. vetting
    3327. vexing
    3328. viability
    3329. vibrancy
    3330. vibrantly
    3331. vibration
    3332. vicariously
    3333. viciously
    3334. viciousness
    3335. victimization
    3336. vigilance
    3337. vigorously
    3338. vilification
    3339. vindication
    3340. vindictiveness
    3341. violation
    3342. violator
    3343. violently
    3344. virility
    3345. virtuality
    3346. virtuously
    3347. virulently
    3348. vis-à-vis
    3349. visibly
    3350. visualization
    3351. visually
    3352. vitally
    3353. vividly
    3354. vividness
    3355. vocally
    3356. vocationally
    3357. vocif-erously
    3358. volatility
    3359. volubly
    3360. voluntarily
    3361. voluptuously
    3362. voluptuousness
    3363. vomiting
    3364. voraciously
    3365. voting
    3366. voyager
    3367. voyaging
    3368. vulgarity
    3369. vulnerability
    3370. waffling
    3371. wailing
    3372. -waisted
    3373. waiting
    3374. waitressing
    3375. wakefulness
    3376. -walled
    3377. wanly
    3378. wanted
    3379. wantonly
    3380. warily
    3381. warmly
    3382. warped
    3383. warranted
    3384. wastefully
    3385. water-skiing
    3386. -waving
    3387. waywardness
    3388. weakly
    3389. weaning
    3390. wearily
    3391. weariness
    3392. weathered
    3393. weaving
    3394. weeding
    3395. weighed down
    3396. weightlessness
    3397. weirdly
    3398. weirdness
    3399. welding
    3400. wetly
    3401. wetness
    3402. wheel-clamping
    3403. wheeling and dealing
    3404. whipping
    3405. whirring
    3406. whistling
    3407. whiteness
    3408. wholeheartedly
    3409. wickedly
    3410. wickedness
    3411. widely
    3412. widening
    3413. wildness
    3414. wilfully
    3415. wilfulness
    3416. willingly
    3417. willingness
    3418. will-o'-the-wisp
    3419. win round
    3420. -winged
    3421. winningly
    3422. wiretapping
    3423. wisely
    3424. wistfully
    3425. wistfulness
    3426. withholding
    3427. wittily
    3428. woefully
    3429. wonderfully
    3430. wondrously
    3431. wooing
    3432. -worded
    3433. wordlessly
    3434. worldliness
    3435. worriedly
    3436. worryingly
    3437. worsening
    3438. worshipper
    3439. worthily
    3440. worthiness
    3441. worthlessness
    3442. wounded
    3443. wrangling
    3444. wretchedly
    3445. wretchedness
    3446. wrinkled
    3447. wrongfully
    3448. wrongly
    3449. wryly
    3450. yodelling
    3451. youthfulness
    3452. yowling
    3453. zealously
    3454. zoning
    3455. zoological
    3456. zoologist
    3457. zoom off


    膜实力刷屏  发表于 2017-6-10 11:05










    Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11



    发表于 2017-2-15 18:02:24 | 只看该作者

    1. 数据没有抓全,如音标, 变形词等
    2. 缺词估计在1000以上这个级别
    3. 有1无2问题
    4. 链接没有处理


    多谢指点,会一一完善  发表于 2017-2-16 09:02
    楼主的大作解开mdd,里面只有css,缺js  发表于 2017-2-15 19:17









    Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



    发表于 2017-2-15 17:28:45 | 只看该作者


  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-10 09:09
  • 签到天数: 940 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2017-2-15 17:35:10 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天









    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



    发表于 2017-2-15 19:00:51 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2017-2-15 19:30 编辑



  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-27 16:17
  • 签到天数: 37 天









    Rank: 5Rank: 5



     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-15 21:34:38 | 只看该作者
    onlyXXenglish 发表于 2017-2-15 17:28











    Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7



    发表于 2017-2-15 21:41:38 | 只看该作者
    ambil 发表于 2017-2-15 21:34

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天









    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



    发表于 2017-2-15 22:01:25 | 只看该作者
    ambil 发表于 2017-2-15 21:34

    以下内容需要积分高于 200 才可浏览

    https://www.pdawiki.com/forum/fo ... &extra=page%3D1


    总算找到了,十分感谢!  发表于 2017-2-15 22:25









    Rank: 6Rank: 6

    发表于 2017-2-17 18:16:01 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-9-2 16:20
  • 签到天数: 111 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9



    发表于 2017-2-18 08:18:00 来自手机 | 只看该作者









    Rank: 2

    发表于 2017-2-23 11:00:07 | 只看该作者









    发表于 2017-2-23 12:22:57 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-27 16:17
  • 签到天数: 37 天









    Rank: 5Rank: 5



     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-24 16:04:42 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 ambil 于 2017-2-24 16:09 编辑
    ming168 发表于 2017-2-23 12:22

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天









    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



    发表于 2017-2-24 17:33:20 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2017-2-24 17:38 编辑
    ambil 发表于 2017-2-24 16:04
    平时要上班,下班要陪小孩,很少有时间做词典,最近每天只能大概抽出睡前的一个小时码代码,所以进度缓 ...










    Rank: 2

    发表于 2017-2-24 21:20:11 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-8 19:28
  • 签到天数: 8 天









    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    发表于 2017-2-25 14:36:32 | 只看该作者
    谢谢 ambil 分享。

    另:可不可以把 css 放在外面,这样每个人都可以改成自己喜欢的样式了。
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-27 16:17
  • 签到天数: 37 天









    Rank: 5Rank: 5



     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-26 07:12:24 | 只看该作者









    Rank: 5Rank: 5

    发表于 2017-2-26 07:23:26 | 只看该作者
    many thanks for your sharing









    Rank: 2

    发表于 2017-2-26 09:00:37 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-5-5 14:17
  • 签到天数: 21 天









    Rank: 3Rank: 3

    发表于 2017-2-26 20:00:39 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情
    2022-8-27 16:17
  • 签到天数: 37 天









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     楼主| 发表于 2017-2-26 20:39:27 来自手机 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 ambil 于 2017-2-26 20:43 编辑

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-1-18 23:24
  • 签到天数: 211 天









    Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12



    发表于 2017-2-26 20:56:48 | 只看该作者
    本帖最后由 kyletruman 于 2017-2-26 21:01 编辑
    ambil 发表于 2017-2-26 20:39

    Freezing isn't a bad way of preserving food...

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-4-2 10:01
  • 签到天数: 34 天









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    发表于 2017-2-27 10:44:11 | 只看该作者