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Oxford Quick Reference

From astronomy to zoology, the Oxford Quick Reference series is unrivalled in its scope and diversity. Over 100 different subject reference dictionaries offer a wealth of essential information for teachers, students, and interested amateurs.

Each book contains several thousand A to Z entries, offering authoritative explanations of all the terms you're likely to encounter on the subject, and with in-depth entries for broader concepts. Extras include chronologies, maps, and appendices of useful additional information. Many titles also now offer reliable and trustworthy web links which are updated via their free companion webpage.

The series was previously known as Oxford Paperback Reference.

- A Dictionary of Animal Behaviour
- A Dictionary of Astronomy, Revised second edition
- A Dictionary of Biology, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Biomedicine
- A Dictionary of British History, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of British Place-Names, Revised Edition
- A Dictionary of Business and Management, Sixth Edition
- A Dictionary of Chemical Engineering
- A Dictionary of Chemistry, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Computer Science, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying, and Civil Engineering
- A Dictionary of Critical Theory
- A Dictionary of Dentistry
- A Dictionary of Ecology, Fourth Edition
- A Dictionary of Education, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of English Surnames, Third Edition
- A Dictionary of Environment and Conservation, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of Film Studies
- A Dictionary of Finance and Banking, Fifth Edition
- A Dictionary of Forensic Science
- A Dictionary of Geography, Fifth Edition
- A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences, Fourth Edition
- A Dictionary of Hinduism, First Edition
- A Dictionary of Human Geography
- A Dictionary of Journalism
- A Dictionary of Law, Eighth Edition
- A Dictionary of Law Enforcement
- A Dictionary of London Place-Names, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of Marketing, Fourth Edition
- A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering
- A Dictionary of Media and Communication
- A Dictionary of Nursing, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Physics, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Plant Sciences, Third Edition
- A Dictionary of Popes, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of Psychology, Fourth Edition
- A Dictionary of Science, Seventh Edition
- A Dictionary of Shakespeare, Revised Edition
- A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care
- A Dictionary of Sociology, Fourth Edition
- A Dictionary of Statistics 3e, Third Edition
- A Dictionary of the Bible, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of Weather, Second Edition
- A Dictionary of Weights, Measures, and Units
- A Dictionary of World History, Third Edition
- A Dictionary of World Mythology
- A Dictionary of Zoology, Fourth Edition
- A Guide to Countries of the World, Third Edition
- A Guide to Orchestral Music</a></h2> <p>The Handbook for Non-Musicians<p>
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- Concise Medical Dictionary, Ninth Edition
- Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology, Second Edition
- Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Sixth Edition
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- Minidictionary for Nurses, Eighth Edition
- New Oxford Rhyming Dictionary, Second Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of American Art and Artists
- Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms, Third Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases, Second Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations, Fourth Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang, Second Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Musical Terms
- Oxford Dictionary of Political Quotations, Fourth Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Sixth Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Quotations by Subject, Second Edition
- Oxford Dictionary of Word Origins, Second Edition
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- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, Second Edition
- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology
- The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics, Third Edition
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- The Oxford Companion to Cosmology
- The Oxford Companion to Irish History, Second Edition
- The Oxford Companion to Modern Poetry in English, Second Edition
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- The Oxford Dictionary of Architecture, Third Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists, Fourth Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Christian Art and Architecture, Second Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Dance, Second Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, Second Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Islam
- The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, Fourth Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Music, Sixth Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy, Third Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Rhyming Slang
- The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Fifth Edition Revised, Revised Edition
- The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, Third Edition
- The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend
- The Oxford Guide to Plays

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