本帖最后由 Oeasy 于 2017-8-30 14:53 编辑
➤ 词典名录 http://www.pdawiki.com/forum/thread-21149-1-1.html
☑ 感谢各类词典编纂、编译、编辑、出版人员,感谢诸多词典爱好者的交流、分享、切磋。
☑ 本帖将持续更新相关信息,旨在分享词典背景知识、评测、心得等,也是楼主本人的知识整理。
☑ 本帖没有任何资源下载链接,请勿跟帖索取,我也没有相关资源可供分享,期待您的分享。
☑ 真的需要,可以购买纸版、官方 app(如果有的话)或者另寻他法。
☑ 以下每个字都是广告。
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for Children https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I2BYYE6/
A dictionary written especially for the needs of children grades 3-5 (ages 8-11).
- More than 36,000 entries with abundant usage sentences and phrases
- Hundreds of illustrations, photographs, and diagrams
- Nearly 350 word history and synonym paragraphs
- Special sections include U.S. Presidents, Signs and Symbols, Commonly Confused and Misspelled Words, and a guide to punctuation, capitals, and italics.