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本帖最后由 fellboy 于 2017-11-2 11:02 编辑
看到一句话:Global warming has mostly made the weather more pleasant for Americans over the last 40 years, which may explain why much of the public doesn't rank climate change as big a threat as do scientists and the rest of the world, a new study suggests.
我理解的是“在过去的 40 年间,全球变暖对于美国人来说使得当地天气更加怡人,这可能也解释了为什·么大多数美国民众不像科学家们和世界其他国·家那样,视气候变化为一个威胁。”
①:much of the public doesn't,the public 当中主语的时候,谓语动词可以用单数或者复数,都是可以的。(public in 牛高 7:The public has/ have a right to know what is contained in the report. 民众有权了解报告的内容。)那是不是当 the public 当作单数的时候,就当作是不可数名词来看待了呢?因为我看在当中用的是 much 这个单词。或者可不可以改成 most of the public don't...?
② 当中为什·么是 as do scientists and the rest of the world 而不是 as scientists and the rest of the world do?
来源:https://apnews.com/fb9bcb7ac30b4 ... ather-we-prefer-now
关于问题 ②,最开始查了《张道真实用英·语语法》的“连接代词”、“关系代词”、“定语从句”章节,都没有查到结果。
刚才在网上搜索,发现这是 as 的【倒装用法】,但是在《张道真实用英·语语法》的“语序”章节没有收录。希望有朋友在哪儿看过相关解释说明,烦请告知与我,感谢!
以下内容引自 @张满胜 微博:
Mary cooked a turkey, as did Jenny. 这里是说两人各自都烹饪了一只火鸡。另一方面,如果不用倒装,这样说:Mary cooked a turkey as Jenny did. 则可表示Mary烹饪火鸡的方式与Jenny一样,此时还可以说...as Jenny would have。所以,倒装与不倒装,意思可能会有差别。这个比较难。 原文:But pains of these kinds do not destroy the essential quality of life, as do those that spring from disgust with self.
关于问题 ② 如下图(见参考书目 [4]、[5])
在查找过程也看了一些关于 as 比较有意思的文章,也贴出来分享给大家:
[1] BBC,你关于可燃冰报道中的这句话最好改改吧?
[2] 语法︱ 一词之差大不同:辨析as we know与as we know it
[3] 薄冰. 高级英·语语法[M]. 北·京:世界知识出版社, 2000. 596-598 (往后也有讲 than 后面的省略,值得一看)
[4] 薄冰. 高级英·语语法[M]. 北·京:世界知识出版社, 2000. 897-898
[5] Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2005. p. 326.
[6] Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2005. p. 581.