I have download the files, but when I decompress these files just failure to generate ...
You must first remove “gfy_”, “xjz8_” etc. from the beginning of the “rar” files. Then, it can be extracted.
gfy_internet_encyclopedia_of_philosophy2017_.part1 ->internet_encyclopedia_of_philosophy2017_.part1
mahdiassadi 发表于 2018-1-10 23:39
You must first remove “gfy_”, “xjz8_” etc. from the beginning of the “rar” files. Then, it c ...
mahdiassadi :
Thanks a lot, it's working. and thanks a million.
that will be very helpful to assist me to read the book" Introducing Philosophy: A text with integrated readings; Robert C. Solomon"
mahdiassadi 发表于 2018-1-10 23:39
You must first remove “gfy_”, “xjz8_” etc. from the beginning of the “rar” files. Then, it c ...
i follow your way to change the files `s names ,but it does not take effect ,when i import the files to another software. so i want to ask you,what is the problem? thank you for your help.