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[语言讨论] 口语常用短语走一波

  • TA的每日心情
    2019-10-12 00:12
  • 签到天数: 353 天









    Rank: 6Rank: 6


    QQ 章

    发表于 2018-9-17 12:11:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    abide by
    To respect or obey a  decision, a law or a rule
    account for
    To explain, give a  reason
    add up
    To make sense, seem  reasonable
    advise against
    To recommend not  doing something
    agree with
    To have the same  opinion as someone else.
    allow for
    To take into  consideration
    appeal to
    1. To plead or make a request
    2. To be attractive or interesting
    apply for
    To make a formal  request for something (job, permit, loan etc.)
    back away
    To move backwards, in  fear or dislike
    back down
    To  withdraw, concede defeat
    back up
    1. To give support or encouragement
    2. To make a copy of (file, program, etc.)
    bank on
    To base your hopes on  something / someone
    black out
    To faint, lose  consciousness
    block off
    To separate using a  barrier.
    blow up
    1. To explode
    2. To get angry
    boil down to
    To be summarized as
    boot up
    To start a computer  by loading an operating system or program
    break away
    To separate from a  crowd
    break down
    1. To go out of order, cease to function
    2. To lose control of one’s emotions
    break into
    To enter by force
    break out
    To start suddenly
    break out of
    To escape from a  place by force
    break up
    To come to an end  (marriage, relationship)
    bring up
    To raise (a child)
    brush up on
    To improve, refresh  one’s  knowledge of something
    bump into
    To meet by chance  or unexpectedly
    burn out
    1. stop (something) working
    2. become exhausted from over-working
    call back
    To return a phone  call
    call off
    To cancel
    calm down
    To become more  relaxed, less angry or upset
    carry on
    To continue
    carry out
    1. To do something as specified (a plan, an order,  a threat)
    2. To perform or conduct (test, experiment)
    check in
    To register at a  hotel or airport
    check out
    1. To pay one’s bill and leave (a hotel)
    2. To investigate
    clam up
    To refuse to speak
    clamp down on
    To act strictly to  prevent something
    come across
    1. To find by chance
    2. To appear, seem, make an impression
    come forward
    To present oneself
    count on
    To rely or depend on  (for help)
    cut down on
    To reduce in number  or size
    cut out
    1. To remove using scissors
    2. To stop doing something
    deal with
    To handle, take care  of (problem, situation)
    die down
    To calm down, become  less strong
    do without
    To manage without
    drag on
    To last longer than  expected
    draw up
    To write (contract,  agreement, document)
    dress up
    wear elegant clothes
    drop in
    To visit, usually on  the way somewhere
    drop off
    1. To deliver someone or something
    2. To fall asleep
    drop out
    To leave school  without finishing
    ease off
    To reduce, become  less severe or slow down (pain,  traffic, work)
    end in
    To finish in a  certain way; result in
    end up
    To finally reach a  state, place or action
    fall through
    To fail; doesn’t happen
    figure out
    To understand, find  the answer
    fill out
    To complete (a  form/an application)
    find out
    To discover or obtain  information
    focus on
    To concentrate on  something
    get along (with)
    To be on good terms;  work well with
    get at
    To imply
    get away
    To escape
    get by
    To manage to cope or  to survive
    get in
    To enter
    get into (+noun)
    To enter
    get off
    1. To leave (bus, train, plane)
    2. To remove
    get on
    To board (bus, train,  plane)
    get on with  (something)
    To continue to do;  make progress
    get on (well) with  (somebody)
    To have a good  relationship with
    get out
    To leave
    get out of
    To avoid doing  something
    get over
    To recover from  (illness, disappointment)
    get over
    To recover from  (illness, disappointment)
    get rid of
    To eliminate
    get together
    To meet each other
    get up
    To rise, leave bed
    give in
    1. To cease opposition; yield
    2. To To hand in;  submit
    give up
    To stop doing  something
    go through
    To experience
    grow up
    To spend one’s childhood;  develop; become an adult
    hand in
    To submit (report,  homework)
    hand out
    To distribute
    hang out
    To spend time in a  particular place or with a group of  friends
    hang up
    To end a phone  conversation
    hold on
    1. To wait
    2. To grip tightly
    hurry up
    To be quick,  act speedily
    iron out
    To resolve by  discussion, eliminate differences
    join in
    To participate
    join up
    1. To engage in, become a member of
    2. To meet and unite with
    keep on
    To continue doing  something
    keep up with
    To stay at the same  level as someone or something
    kick off
    To begin, start
    leave out
    To omit, not mention
    let down
    To disappoint
    look after
    To take care of
    look down on
    To consider as  inferior
    look on
    To be  a spectator at an event
    look for
    To try to find  something
    look forward to
    To await or  anticipate with pleasure
    look up to
    To admire
    make fun of
    To laugh at/ make  jokes about
    make up
    To invent (excuse,  story)
    mix up
    To mistake one thing  or person for another
    move in
    To arrive in a new  home or office
    move out
    To leave your  home/office for another one.
    nod off
    To fall asleep
    own up
    To admit or confess  something
    pass away
    To die
    pass out
    To faint
    pay back
    To reimburse
    put off
    To postpone, arrange  a later date
    put on
    To turn on, switch on
    put out
    To extinguish
    put up
    To accommodate, give  somebody a bed
    pick up
    To collect somebody
    point out
    To indicate/direct  attention to something
    rely on
    To count on, depend  on, trust
    rule out
    To eliminate
    run away
    To escape from a  place or suddenly leave
    run into
    To meet by accident  or unexpectedly (also: bumpinto)
    run out of
    To have no more of  something.
    set off
    To start a journey;
    set up
    To start a business
    shop around
    To compare prices
    show off
    To brag or  want to be admired
    show up
    To appear/arrive
    shut up (impolite)
    To be silent, stop  talking
    sit down
    To take a seat
    stand up
    To rise from a  sitting position
    stick up for
    To defend
    take after
    To resemble, in  appearance or character
    take care of
    To look after
    take off
    To leave the ground
    take on
    To hire or engage  staff
    take out
    To  remove; extract
    tell off
    To  reprimand/criticize severely
    think over
    To consider
    try on
    To wear something to  see if it suits or fits
    turn down
    To refuse
    use up
    To finish a product  (so that there’s  none left)
    watch out
    To be careful
    wear out
    1. To become unusable
    2. To become very tired
    work out
    1. To do physical exercise
    2. To find a solution or calculate something
    wipe off
    To clean (board,  table).