本帖最后由 heyday 于 2018-11-8 18:01 编辑
https://blog.greensdictofslang.c ... of-slang-to-go-free
以前是部分免费,查例句需要付费订阅。现在作者居然宣布彻底免费向公众开放。看到这个消息真是又惊又喜,真是我们广大学习者的一大福音呐!! 目前唯一的缺点是这个网站访问速度好像比以前慢了,查词结果要加载半天。。。 只能期待高手出手抓取制作成mdx了 。
这个俚语词典的内容有多庞大呢?单词、复合词、短语加起来差不多有将近10万,例证更是多达64万多(例证收录范围很广,英式、美式、澳洲、南非、新西兰等等各种地区的英语,还贴心地以国旗标示)。可以说是最权威的俚语百科全书了,虽然不及urban dictionary庞大,但后者毕竟是网友自由编写的,很多解释未必可靠。
“There are now just over 55,000 headwords, within which can be found nested, i.e. included at the primary noun, verb and sometimes adjective: 1,278 derivatives
18,776 compounds
19,880 phrases All of which are backed up by 640,451 illustrative citations.”
1. 行政管理工作对辞书编纂者来说太枯燥了,这些事情只是让政客“高潮”而已。
“There are a number of practical reasons, mainly to do with administration, an area of expertise that has never traditionally appealed to lexicographers but which over-excites the various authorities who demand it. Those, however, are secondary.”
2. 得不到出版机构的支持,没有出版商觉得这项工作有什么意义或价值。作者只能一个人继续做下去,同时希望自己的工作能被更多的人看到并从中受益。作者有志于持续把这部俚语词典打造成为有史以来最好最全面的俚语词典。
“In an ideal or perhaps older world, the work might have gained institutional backing, the usual means being a publisher. But I have come long since to accept that no publisher, even including the one who (reluctantly, as they made clear) put out the print edition in 2010, feels that the work is of value or worth. No matter; death will see me off, dismissal will not. I have no choice but to continue alone and in so doing, what truly matters is visibility.
So ego, of course, enters the picture: one does the work, one wishes it to be seen and used. Otherwise one becomes nothing more than an ever-older old man, sitting in a small room, tracking down new words for, inter alia, masturbation. When the print version appeared, a reviewer was kind enough to declare the work ‘Quite simply the best historical dictionary of English slang there is, ever has been […] or is ever likely to be.’ I am no longer responsible for proving the first half of that encomium, I am very keen to justify the second.” Jonathon Green aka Mister Slang