Introduction Humans work together all over the world. When we do, we tend to organise ourselves into a structure so we can work more effectively. In jobs everywhere you can find bosses, managers and workers. But does this actually help us work better? It appears that chickens can help us learn the answer. What can chickens teach us about hierarchies? You'd be surprised! Neil and Catherine discuss the chicken experiment and teach you new vocabulary. This week's questionWhat is the record number of eggs laid by one chicken in a year? Is it a) 253 b) 371 c) 426 Listen to the programme to find out the answer. Vocabularyhierarchy
a way of organising people at different levels, for example workers in a company flock of chickens
a group of chickens productivity
the amount of work done suppressed
stopped something happening; stopped someone doing something imposed
forced on pecking order
a phrase to describe levels of importance in an organisation Transcript Note: This is not a word for word transcript