You can even write a script that only works on the selected part of the file you are editing. EditPad Pro will save the selection into a temporary file, pass it on the command line to the script (use %TEMPFILE% on the command line for the tool), and replace the selection with the modified contents of the file after your script has finished its job. That way you can easily add whichever text processing feature you want simply by implementing it in your favorite scripting or programming language. EditPad Pro does not have a built-in scripting language. Instead, it offers you extensive options to run external scripts using the scripting language's own interpreter. 至于正则的那个问题,并不是那么简单啊,我要替换这个地方是有个前提条件的,它必须是在一个大的class里面出现才要替换的,如果没有那个条件来限制的话,它会替换掉原本不需要改的地方,难点就在于如何先匹配中那个大的span class再做二次替换。