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[语言讨论] v-ing

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-11-21 09:39
  • 签到天数: 69 天









    发表于 2018-12-31 18:33:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
    本帖最后由 enti 于 2018-12-31 18:36 编辑

    有一天问了一个v-ing的问题, 想知道到底是用adj还是adv修饰, 别人分享了一个链接。我觉得挺好。摘抄几段我自己目前能理解的:

    1. The different types of word ending in -ing

    • The gerund is a verb which is used as if it were a noun (Examples 1 & 2 below). Since it is a verb, it can not be qualified by an adjective, nor preceded by an article, but, like other forms of the verb, it can be modified by an adverb and take a complement .
    • A verbal noun (Examples 3 & 4)  is a noun formed formed from a verb; some of these end in -ing.
      Verbal nouns, like other nouns,  can take a determiner, and be qualified by adjectives.
    • A participle is an adjective or part of a participial phrase qualifying a noun or a pronoun.  (Examples 5 et 6). The present participle is also used in the progressive aspect of verb tenses (Examples 7 & 8).

    2. The gerund in English : the verb used as a noun

    As the examples above show, the gerund is a verb used as if it were a noun, but not  in the same way as a noun. In other words, it keeps its verbal qualities.  Since it is not used like a noun, it cannot be qualified by an adjective; on the contrary, it keeps some of the essential features that distinguish a verb, notably that it can take a direct object (examples 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 above) , and/or be qualified by an adverb (examples 4 ,5 , 12 & 13

    3. Verbal nouns: nouns that are derived from verbs

    There are a large number of ways of creating a noun from a verb: among the most common of these are words that use the root form of the verb and a noun ending such as -ment (as in achievement), -ance (as in disappearance), -ion (as in confirmation) , or -ing (as in The changing of the guard.)  You can see that these -ing forms really are nouns, not verbs, as they can be qualified by adjectives.