Introduction Pay bills, clean the house... these are boring tasks we all have to do regularly even if we don't feel like it. They're part of what we call 'life admin'. Neil and Rob discuss what makes life admin tasks more interesting and teach you related vocabulary. This week's questionThe website commissioned some research about how much time young adults – that's millennials - spend doing life admin. Do you know what proportion of their free time they spend doing life admin tasks? Is it… a) a quarter of a day b) a third of a day c) half a day? Listen to the programme to find out the answer. Vocabularya chore
a boring, ordinary task you do regularly admin
short for 'administration' – the activities and tasks you have to do make a business, organisation or just your life, run smoothly aka
also known as utility company
a company that supplies something such as electricity, gas, or water to the public procrastinate
delay doing things until later, probably because he doesn't want to do them super-doers
an informal term to describe people who get satisfaction out of doing life admin and do lots of it Transcript Note: This is not a word for word transcript