1. The midwife intimidated her, and when intimidated my mother took on a weightless quality, whisking about every time the midwife made one of her slow, solid movements.这一段是说母亲害怕那个助产士,不过weightless quality和whisking about应该怎么理解
2. “Isaiah doesn’t say which is evil, butter or honey,” Dad said, grinning as my brothers lugged the white tubs to the basement. “But if you ask, the Lord will tell you!”
When Dad read the verse to his mother, she laughed in his face. “I got some pennies in my purse,” she said. “You better take them. They’ll be all the sense you got.”
这里应该是用了cents(=pennies)和sense的pun, 上下文是父亲误解了圣经内容,把好好的奶制品都丢了花钱买了一堆蜂蜜回来,所以这里应该一是说父亲没钱了 二是嘲讽父亲没有sense(嘲讽他蠢?),这一句翻译成中文的话应该怎么处理合适啊