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在8楼补充的OVA文章水平相当高,它比较侧重 tongue-in-cheek “措辞调皮但不乏深意”的方面,比如:
Tongue-in-cheek comments are often used in critiques. A tongue-in-cheek comment or observation begins seriously but ends humorously. However, behind the playfulness is truth. So, tongue-in-cheek comments often get people thinking.
另外它还有“看上去一本正经实际在胡说八道”的方面,根据语境可以译为“煞有介事”、“亦庄亦谐”、“半开玩笑”等。例如VOA文章里引用JFK的话,以及ODE的一例:"I swear there’s a female conspiracy against men!" he complained, tongue-in-cheek.
Tongue-in-cheek 字面上只是一个说话时的脸部表情:舌头戳在腮帮里,大致对应于“忍俊”。具体是真话多还是玩笑多,我觉得主要看当时环境下说话的内容、说话人的神态动作等等,不好一概而论,也不是这个词本身包含的属性。八卦一下,不妨参考《史记·滑稽列传》,以及“笑中有泪、乐中有哀”的《聊斋志异》来体会。
YouTube上的 English Idioms Online 频道刚好也有一集叫“Tongue in Cheek: Idiom Meaning”(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkEr4vi9fYM),使用的例子多为口语,比较侧重开玩笑的方面,整体质量也很高,对VOA的文章是有益的补充(比如第一段和末尾句),文本内容手录如下。(视频分享:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TIGzPGpTw48QMUyX-qUv-Q, ykhn)
The idiom "tongue in cheek" refers to the way something is said. It means that someone is speaking in a facetious or ironic manner but seems to be serious.
When someone wishes to convey that they were not being serious, perhaps to allay another person's anger or shock at something they've said, they will use this idiom to explain themselves: "I was just speaking tongue in cheek." Another variation is "I was being tongue in cheek."
Examples of use:
- "Of course I don't believe that women belong to the kitchen," said Hugh, "it was a tongue in cheek comment."(他刚说了这种歧视妇女的话,赶紧圆场:信口开河,别当真。)
- "It's only a thousand dollars? I may as well buy three." Penny said tongue in cheek.(正话反说:贵死了。)
This idiom is thought to have originated with the practice of sticking your tongue in your cheek, something people used to do after making a joke, most likely to keep from laughing or smiling.
Today, of course, the phrase does not indicate an actual facial expression and is only figurative. It is sometimes suggested that this action, of sticking your tongue in your cheek, was done to create a comical facial expression, to make it known that your were joking or to take the seriousness out of a statement. If so, this action would be similar to winking or eye rolling.