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- More than 1000 leveled books in multiple genres and formats meet the unique needs of every student
- Printable and projectable leveled readers at 29 reading levels
注:原始网站上是29个levles,包括A-Z共26个级别,及最最简单的AA级别及最难的Z1, Z2级别。这里分享的资源有AA及A-Z级别,缺最难的Z1和Z2级别。
![]() 注:7楼有朋友说这系列读物简单,大家请谨慎决定是否是自己需要的。我随机抽了本Z级书的词汇列表和一页正文供朋友们参考。
本帖隐藏的内容Reading A-Z's English leveled books have been carefully written in accordance with standardized Learning A-Z Text Leveling System and quality checked with custom software.
Leveled books are available in a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction genres and strengthen connections in literacy and content-area instruction.
The best-in-class, proprietary Learning A-Z Text Leveling System was developed over ten years with input from teachers and instructional experts. Thousands of books, ranging in difficulty from simple sentences to complex novels and academic texts, were put into the system to create developmentally appropriate levels for students.
The leveling criteria used by the Text Leveling System accurately and reliably measure text complexity to support differentiated instruction. Our Text Leveling System follows the guidelines for determining text complexity outlined in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The Standards call for an evaluation of student reading materials in three areas of text complexity: qualitative measures, quantitative measures, and reader and task considerations.
https://www.readinga-z.com/books/leveled-books/ 网站上有更多更新的leveled books。
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I5AGey9ipV7eYKRhsb-4Vw 提取码: isyb
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