Introduction Tipping at a restaurant or cafe is a complicated issue. Should you leave a cash tip or is a card just as good? Do you prefer to pay a fixed service charge or do you think the whole thing is unnecessary? In 6 Minute English we discuss this tricky subject and discover some regional variations. Plus we serve up some useful vocabulary. This week's questionWhat is the biggest tip that we know somebody gave? Is it… A: $10,000
B: $250,000
C: $3,000,000 The answer is at the end of the programme. Vocabularytipping
giving someone extra money as a 'thank you' for good service i.e.
Short for the Latin phrase 'id est' and means 'in other words' or 'that is'. It's used to indicate that what comes next is a clear definition of what was just said or written. differs
is different the norm
normal or usual tacit
not spoken or written but still understood theoretically
adverb used to describe something that can be done but probably won't be Transcript Note: This is not a word for word transcript