本帖最后由 loveaffairs 于 2019-10-24 08:45 编辑
承蒙@lmjiao兄指点,最近首次了解了两部词典。一是台湾颜元叔主编的《新时代英英·英汉大辞典》(又名《颜氏美语大辞典》,下称"《新时代》"),一是其原型, 美国上世纪初出版的The Winston Simplified Dictionary (下称"WSD")。
据网友Πιστεύομεν τῷ θεῷ引述,《新时代》里“中文的注解是由专门学文的本国人士担任……拟定了新的比较精确的注释”(http://www.yiwen.com.cn/mybbs/announce/announce.asp?BoardID=18&id=267763),做翻译时拿来提示词语的中文译法,应该是颇有价值的。而其母本WSD,则值得随时翻查,领略和模仿其精炼和工整的语言风格。
WSD目前能查阅到三个版本,分别是1919年的标准版、1922年的便携版(handy edition)和1927年的百科版(encyclopedic edition),能下载到的是前两个版本。其中百科版有词源、有同反义词,但无例句;标准版最工整,有例句,但无词源和同反义词;便携版与标准版基本一致,略有简省。《新时代》能部分查阅到台版《时代英英·英汉双解大辞典》(少了个“新”字哈),不仅保持了百科版和标准版的所有优点,更是扩充了语法和搭配信息、增列了大量实用片语和词义辨析。唯一的遗憾是,在借用和改编母本时,英文定义出现了一些值得商榷的变动,例句的翻译也偶见似欠精准之处。或许一个两全其美的做法是,结合WSD使用《新时代》。
Access: n. [< Lat. ad, to + cedere (cessus), to come] - admittance or approach to a person or place;
- means of approach or admission; passageway;
- addition or increase, as of land: now usually accession;
- an attack, as of disease.
Demonetize: v.t. [< Lat. de, away from + moneta, money] - to deprive of standard monetary value, as a metal or money which has had such value;
- to withdraw from current use as money.
Access: n. - admittance or approach to a personor place;
- means of approach or admission; as, the access to a building;
- addition or increase, as of land.
Demonetize: v.t. - to deprive of value, as money;
- withdraw from use, as money; as, the government will demonetize old torn paper money.
Access: n. - admittance or approach to a person or place;
- means of approach or admission; as, the access to a building;
- addition or increase, as of land.
Demonetize: v.t. - To deprive of value, or from use, as money.
Access n. [L. accessus approach 接近 via M.F.] - [U] Admittance or approach to aperson or place. 进阶;通路;接近(to)。-- The fort is difficult of access. 堡垒难入。
- [C] Means of approach or admission. 接近(进入)之方法(to)。-- the access to a building 进门之路。
- [C; U] Addition or increase, as of land. 增长;加增(土地)。-- an access of territory 版图之扩大。
- [C] An attack. 发作。-- an access of fever 发热。
easy [difficult] of access 容易很难达到、完成、接近、见到。
gain access to 接近;见到。
give access to 使能接近。
have access to 有门路接近;可进去;可见到。
in an access of (fury) 在发(怒)中。
within easy access of 从(某地)可以轻易到达的范围内
Cf. Access 为接近人或物之方法:How could the thief have gained access to the vault? 小偷如何能进入保险库的? Excess 为盈余数;过量:Dieting will take off your excess weight. 节食将会除去你过量的体重。
Demonetize [de- + L. moneta money 钱] v.t. [T, n]
- To deprive of value, as money. 使失价值(如通货)。-- When was gold demonetized? 黄金是何时贬值的?
- To draw from use of money. 废止(货币)之通行。-- The government will demonetize old, torn, paper money. 政府将废止使用破旧的纸币。