问题的起源,是诸多ESL 词典在common下面举例:
ORDINARY 普通的 [only before noun, no comparative] ordinary and not special in any way 普通的,平凡的
He insists that he is a revolutionary, not a common criminal.
他坚持说自己是个革命者,而不是普通的罪犯。 牛津高阶:
[only before noun] ordinary; not unusual or special 普通的;平常的;寻常的;平凡的
In most people's eyes she was nothing more than a common criminal.
4) 一般的、不特别的。
the common man 普通人
the common people 老百姓
He was treated like a common criminal. 他受到像普通刑事犯那样的对待。
It's common decency. 这是起码的教养问题。
8. 众所周知的;臭名昭著的
a common criminal 臭名昭著的罪犯 Webster's New World College Dictionary:
4. widely but unfavorably known [a common criminal]
网上有人发文章《谭译|common加上criminal可不普通啦! 》(http://www.sohu.com/a/151435067_256852),认为common + criminal 的搭配「应是“众所周知或臭名昭著的罪犯”,而非“普通罪犯”」。
先说common criminal为什么可以是「众所周知或臭名昭著的罪犯」,因为common的主要意思有两层,按照SOED的分法:
1. Of a public or non-private nature. ——共同、共有、公共
2. Of ordinary occurrence or quality. —— 平常、不稀奇、平凡,甚至低劣
SOED在Of a public or non-private nature. 这个分类下面有个小义项:
5.Generally known; spec. (of an offender or offence) public, notorious, habitual. ME.
J. Wesley Baptized liars and common swearers.
common nuisance etc. 广为人知、大家都知道。元照英美法詞典:
common nuisance
(→public nuisance; nuisance)
World Book Dictionary:
generally or publicly known; notorious:
a common pickpocket, a common liar. 这就是众所周知或臭名昭著的小偷骗子嘛
9. 聲名狼藉的。a common thief 一個聲名狼藉的小偷
问题来了,common能表达「众所周知或臭名昭著」,是不是意味着common + criminal 的搭配 只能表达「众所周知或臭名昭著」,绝不能表达另一层意思「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」呢?
a : without special rank or status平凡的;无特殊地位的
You're nothing but a common [=ordinary] thief!
编者已经贴心地说了「=ordinary」,那就应该照着「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」理解啦
再看下面这些google books 里面搜来的例句:
On his release, MacDermott was again anxious to deny that he had been given any special consideration. He was treated like a common criminal, he insisted, just like all the other DORA prisoners
很明显common是跟special 对立的
They treated me like a common criminal 'The way people are offended by it. Like, a guy wrh a list of convictions as long as yer arm, who can't believe that he was treated like a 'common criminal!' That somewhere there must be this one common criminal, and everyone else is a special class of criminal! 很明显common是跟special 对立的
common 自带「Of a public or non-private nature. 」「Of ordinary occurrence or quality.」两大意义,跟criminal 这类词搭配的时候,既可以表达第一类意思(公共+罪犯 =公众都认识的罪犯),也可以表达第二类意思(普通+罪犯=普通罪犯)。第二类意思是字面意思,一看就知道,所以英英词典着重解释第一类意思,但绝不是说没有第二类意思呀!
ESL 词典举例,只举了第二类意思,也不是说第一类错误,只是没提而已,万万不可搞出非此即彼的事情来!
common criminal
21世纪英汉大说「惯犯」,大概是从SOED「Generally known; spec. (of an offender or offence) public, notorious, habitual. 」这里看来的,不过还是说「人所共知的罪犯」比较好。