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高清pdf Battles That Changed history 改变历史的战争 133MBs 本书序言与简介为自己翻译,水平有限,如有不妥之处,还请各位大神多指正。 序言 多少战争改变了历史进程?这是一个好问题。当我们读到一些军队在一个古战场上列阵,会很容易想到这些只是一个历史事件罢了,而非关系到我们的今天。可是事实是,历史上战争的结果已经改变了不同的国家,帝国,文明,和我们每个人的生活和大家。在欧洲,国家和民族是在不同征战势力战争中诞生出来的,同时在东方的大山和沙漠中,古代战争造就了家国边界,在不同的方面,塑造了不同的文化。这些不同的文化习惯和对他们的现今的生活还继续起着重要的作用。 穿越中欧大陆板块,成吉思汗的蒙古共帝国,改变了一个世界巨大纽带的外观。在南美,西班牙语作为通用语的使用也可以追溯到Cortes对于阿茲特克人的城市特諾奇提特蘭城的征服。同时美国从它的独立战争和美国内战中继承了可观的政治和文化遗产,更近可以到近代,在它对冷战幕后操控中已经有对于同一时代的地缘政治和现代战争产生了巨大的影响力。但本书记载不仅仅是在这些战争中揭露出一些大历史的片段。每个军队的碰撞和征战就是在当时政治和文化和背景中的一个缩影。 当地居民的愤怒,挫折,和惧怕;征战士兵的衣服和武器,由策士和军队将军决定的宿命的决议也体现在内,軍械的碰撞也被阐明。虽然这书不是想要展现地上战争的复杂的綱要,也不是斗争艺术的手册,其目的而是要呈现给读者在这巨大的世界历史上每场战争中所发生的惊鸿一瞥,也同时呈现在那特定历史时间中的方方面面。 最后,本书是对于过去历史事件简洁而又引人入胜的回溯,值得对这些逝去军事历史的贡献和牺牲的纪念。这些军事历史不光是由勇士们们所构成,也是由这些人的生命逝去所组成。当我们回望这些过去的战争,我们会更好地怀念这些历史,珍惜现今来自不易的和平。 ---Sir Tony Robinson
简介: 关于本书 改变历史的战争,是一本对于历史上那些最著名的战争的插图版指南。这些战争爆发在军事史上从古代战争到美国内战,第一次世界大战,第二次世界大战,冷战,还有更远的。那些令人震撼的特色的特写和深度的分析,这本军事历史书使用各种地图,绘画,和历史照片来揭示那些在超过90场已经发生过的最著名战争背后的动人故事。 从中世纪战争和大航海战争到高科技时代的空战,至关重要的战争和战役都被详细分析了。分别是从战争中各种武器,士兵,军事策略,和那些导致荣耀的胜利和惨败的重要的决定来分析的。著名的军事首领们都有传略,分别包括亚历山大大帝,成吉思汗铁木真,珍尼·德阿克_圣女贞德,拿破仑,隆美尔等,和重要的军事行动,盔甲和装备也被详细的说明。 不管是在黑斯廷斯,中国赤壁,葛底斯堡斯,和大林格勒,本书都将为你拨开重重迷雾中的战争并为你揭露王国之间和帝国之间怎样在历史的战场上赢得胜利或失去战争。
How many battles did change the course of history? It’s a good question. When we read about some troop deployment on an ancient battlefield, it’s easy to think of it as a mere historical curiosity rather than as a
confrontation still relevant to us today.
The reality is, though, that the outcomes of historic battles have shaped countries, empires, civilizations, and the lives of each and every one of us. In Europe, nations were born from the crucible of warring powers, while in the mountains and deserts of the East, ancient rivalries created borders and molded cultures in ways that are still central to the lives of their inhabitants today.
Across the great landmass of central Europe, the expansion ofGenghis Khan’s Mongol empire changed the face of a huge
swathe of the world. In South America the use of Spanish as a lingua franca can be traced to Cortés’s conquest of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlán, while the US owes much of its political and cultural heritage to the Revolutionary War and the American Civil War. Closer to the present, the behind-the-scenes dealings of the Cold War have had an enormous influence both on contemporary geopolitics and on modern combat. But it’s not only the great defining moments of history that are revealed in these battles. Each military engagement is a snapshot of the political and cultural background in which it took place; the anger, frustrations, and terror of the local inhabitants; the clothes and weapons of the fighting forces, the fateful decisions taken by civilian and military leaders—all are reflected in, and are illuminated by, the clash of arms. And while this book isn’t intended as a comprehensive compendium of the world’s warsor as a manual on the art of warfare, it does aim to offer
a glimpse of the broader world in which each battle took place, as well as the ways in which history was made at a particular moment in time.
Finally, as tempting as it is to look back at historical events simply as fascinating echoes of years gone by, it’s always worth remembering the sacrifices of the fallen. Military history is forged not only by bravery but by loss of life, and we would do well to remember this when we look back at the struggles of the past.
About Battles That Changed HistoryThis illustrated guide to history's most famous battles explores military history from ancient battles to the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and beyond. Featuring stunning illustrations and in-depth analysis, this military history book uses maps, paintings, and photographs to reveal the stories behind more than 90 of the most important battles ever to take place. From medieval battles and great naval battles to the era of high-tech air battles, key wars and campaigns are analyzed in detail--the weapons, the soldiers, the military strategy, and the fateful decisions that led to glorious victories and crushing defeats. Famous military leaders are profiled, including Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Rommel, and others, and crucial arms, armor, and equipment are explained. Whether at Hastings, Gettysburg, or Stalingrad, Battles That Changed History takes you into the thick of combat and shows how kingdoms and empires have been won and lost on the battlefield throughout history.