《汉大》“火田”义项1 为“以火焚烧草木而田猎”,《中华》编者恐将“田猎”理解为种地和打猎,才有了“for hunting or for cultivation”的解释。实际上“田”就是打猎的意思,《礼记·王制》“天子诸侯无事,则岁三田”,是说天子诸侯没有什么国家大事的话,每年要去打三次猎,而不是种三次地。即便“火田”还有义项 2“火耕之田”的意思,表示放火烧了草木是为了耕种,这一意思也已经在《中华》义项2“field burnt off for cultivation”中体现,不必在义项1 中重复,所以义项1 之补充说明中的“or for cultivation”应删。
(Court.) slightly: 薄具禮物, offer slight or humbly offer, gifts;
薄有研究 (modest) have made a little study.
(AC, rare, with undetermined meaning, perhaps similar to) just, and so: 薄伐玁狁 and invade the Huns;
薄澣我衣 will just wash my clothes;
薄言采之 and we picked them.