https://public.oed.com/blog/plac ... english-dictionary/
Probably the most immediately obvious situation in which place names make contact with the vocabulary at large is when they come to be used as elements of words or phrases that require definition in their own right. The OED does have an entry for Oxford, not to cover the name of the city itself, but to accommodate compounds where the name qualifies another word: like Oxford University and Oxford Union, as well as Oxford bags (a style of wide-legged trousers popular among students in the 1920s), Oxford John (a spicy eighteenth-century stew made with stale mutton ‘collops’, ripe for recreation by Heston Blumenthal), Oxford marmalade (first made commercially in the 1870s by the Cooper family at 83 High Street), and Oxford comma (the kind I have just used).
所以我一直不明白,为什么有人喊「有了OED其他英语词典都可以不要」,是对OED多不了解才这么说啊。新牛津/ODE是收录百科条目的 |