本帖最后由 klwo2 于 2020-11-22 22:50 编辑
own 是中小学常用词,又不幸出了新词新义:
Trump is hell-bent on 'owning the libs' - Chicago Tribune 'Owning the Libs' Now Means Catching COVID-19
with obj. US informal utterly defeat or humiliate
〈美, 非正式〉彻底击败; 彻底羞辱:
yeah right, she totally owned you, man.
是的, 她彻底羞辱了你, 老兄。
[transitive] (especially US English, informal) to be completely successful, especially in a competition; to completely defeat somebody
own something She owned the stage, performing a medley of hit songs.
He didn't just finish the course, he completely owned it.
own somebody Yeah right, she totally owned you, man!
informal to defeat someone very easily or by a large amount虐,轻松打败:
Our team totally owned them!我们队把他们打惨了!
Cambridge Online:
[T] mainly US informal to defeat someone completely or be much better than him or her; to perform extremely well:
Last time we played them, we owned them!
Beyoncé owned that stage tonight !
Webster's Third New International Dictionary(新版):
5 : to have power or mastery over (as in competition) <a pitcher can virtually own one team and … have so little success against another —Sport >
问题来了,光从这些词典释义看,own应该是主要用在比赛的输赢才对,凭什么「own the libs」的own是这个意思呢?原来,这个词语的意义发展了:
Owned is a slang word[1][2] that originated among 1990s hackers, where it referred to "rooting" or gaining administrative control over someone else's computer. The term eventually spread to gamers, who used the term to mean defeat in gaming. Other variations of the word owned include own3d, 0wn3d, pwned, and pooned,[3] terms which incorporate elements of leetspeak.
The term's original usage was close to that of the traditional meaning of the word own – for instance, "I owned the network at MIT" indicated that the speaker had cracked the servers and had the same root-level privileges that the legitimate owner of the servers had. Some more examples are "I owned you" and "You got owned". Owned became more common in the late 1990s, as did the more abstract usage referring to any compromised security mechanism. By 1997, owned was regularly used in website defacements.
The term "owned" subsequently spread to gaming circles, where it was used to refer to defeat in a game. For example, if a player makes a particularly impressive kill shot or wins a match by an appreciable margin in a multiplayer video game, it is not uncommon for him or her to say owned to the loser(s), as a manifestation of victory, a taunt, or provocation.
In the late 2010s, the concept of ownage (specifically, "owning the libs") has become a defining ethos of right-wing politics in the United States.[9] Ben Shapiro describes the concept in the National Review:
再到21世纪10年代晚期……呃,不就这几年嘛,own的意思扩展到政治领域,出了一个短语「own the libs」——把自由派虐哭——呕,真的很黄很暴力啊
「own the libs」这个短语大概是太新了,连urbandictionary都没有很好的、让众人都认可的解释出来 —— 毕竟政治和宗教最容易吵出一地鸡毛。
2. 控制;支配
own one's own life 支配自己的生活
5. 服从于,顺从(某人的支配、控制等)
如果读者脑子灵光点儿,是可以通过「控制;支配」的意思猜出「own the libs」的意思的
「own the libs」会不会是「听自由派的话,做自由派的好学生」呢??