楼主 |
发表于 2021-5-5 12:55:15
其实我倒觉得 discard winter clothes in spring 这个例子过于雕琢了,discard 也可以说「丢在一边」嘛
World Book Dictionary
to give up as useless or worn out; throw aside:
You can discard clothes, ways of doing things, or beliefs.
美国人有些大手大脚的习惯,那时候的中国人不太理解,所以变通翻译成「换下」。更何况,discard 只是表达「丢」,你也可以丢了以后给慈善机构啊
Vocabulary.com Dictionary
When you discard something, you get rid of it. If your closet is overflowing with clothes you haven't worn since 1992, why not discard some of them?
When the verb discard first entered the English language in the sixteenth century, it referred to card playing and meant “to throw a card away.” Discard is still used to describe getting rid of unlucky cards, but today, you’ll also hear it used in a broader sense — we discard, or throw away, things that are undesirable or no longer useful. You might discard a worn out shoe, for example.