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以“砖”为例来说明词典中的释义问题,使得此文有点像“砖家”说“砖”,此处“砖家”指手中拥有不少语言辞书者,就如同拥有大小不同的众多砖块似的。本论坛中中就有众多“砖家”。说“砖”,是说他试图借用这些状如“砖块”的词典中对“砖”的释义,来说明一个问题。之所以选择“砖”这一词语,又源于求学时老师讲的一个故事。(或可把它理解为“金砖国家”之“砖”更有价值!) 记得在师范学校求学时,一位老师曾举例来讲语文教学中的教育心理,说有一小学教师给小朋友讲到“砖”字,本来是司空见惯的东西,非要像词典一样解释,越解释越复杂,甚至加上“混凝土”之类的名词,让小朋友丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 这里涉及到一个学习心理的问题,即词汇的学习如何更适合学习者的心理需要。词典自然有词典解释词语的方式,但词典释义同时也考虑阅读对象,面对母语和外语读者,释义中所用的词汇的复杂程度有所区别,这就有了后来的大量的面向外语学习者学习型词典(Learner’s Dictionary)。 既然故事中提到“砖”,就以“砖”为例,看各家词典对释义及其译文的处理方式。 1《现代汉语词典》 砖:把黏土等做成的坯放在窑里烧制而成的建筑材料,多为长方形或方形。 如果是百科专业类辞书,则解释得更为复杂一些。 再看英文辞书及英汉双语版的处理方式: 2.《美国传统英语词典》(AHD): brick:A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material. 砖块:在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料 3.《新牛津》 brick:a small rectangular block typically made or fired sun-dried clay, used in building 砖,砖块 (其中英文释义没有翻译, 译出来就是“通常由晒干粘土制作或烧制的小的矩形块,用于建筑”) 4.牛津高阶9 brick:baked clay used for building walls, houses and other buildings; an individual block of this 砖;砖块 5.韦氏大词典(Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language) brick: a building or paving material that is made by molding clay into blocks while moist and hardening it sometimes in the sun (as was done extensively in ancient times) but usually today by baking or burning by fire either in a kiln or in clamps and that is ordinarily red in color due to the presence of iron compounds converted by heat into red oxide, a brown or yellow color being obtained by the addition of lime or magnesia to the clay 6.《英汉辞海》(该书以韦氏大词典为基础) brick 砖 一种建筑或铺砌材料,用湿粘土在模中制成块,不时在阳光下晒干(如在古代广泛使用),但现在常垒成均或放在窑中用火烘干或焙烧而成,通常为红色(由于含铁的化合物加热后变成红色氧化物),如在粘土中以石灰或氧化镁,则成为褐色或黄色 (此书按照英文释义翻译,但删去英文原文) 学习型词典的对一词语的释义不同于面向母语读者的或百科类的释义。下面再以韦氏大词典和《英语辞海》为例做一个小测试。请先读一段某一词语的释义,看你能否浏览一下就立即知道它解释的是什么东西。 **:any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic water-breathing craniate vertebrates that include the cyclostomes, elasmobranchs, and highergilled aquatic vertebrates with cartilaginous or bony skeletons or sometimes only the last of these groups, being on the one hand nearly coextensive with Pisces in its broadest use, on the other coextensive with Teleostomi, usually with the addition of Choanichthyes, that have typically an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which blood is sent through the thoracic gills to be oxygenated before passing to the organs and tissues of the body and returning in venous condition to the heart, that are usually oviparous, often producing great numbers of eggs which are fertilized in the water after they are laid, and that are important to man especially as a source of food, fertilizers, and oils and for sport (from Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged) 本来是日常生活中熟知的东西,词典中用一大段专业术语来解释。如果一开始不告诉你这一东西的名称,即使把这段翻译成汉语,恐怕也不能立即知道它是什么东西。 那现在给出上述英文释义的中文翻译,看你能否立马理解: 无数冷血的完全水生并在水中呼吸的有头脊椎动物,包括圆口类、板鳃类和具有软骨或硬骨骨骼的高等有鳃水生脊椎动物,或有时仅包括最后这一类群,一方面在最广义的用法中与鱼纲几乎同畴,另一方面与真口鱼类同畴,常再加上内鼻孔鱼类,典型为身体延长而略呈纺锤形,末端为宽的尾鳍,有鳍时,鳍是四肢所化,心脏二室,血液被送到胸位的鳃进行氧化,然后到身体各器官和各组织,而后以静脉血状态回到心脏;经常是卵生的,常产大量的卵,卵产出后在水中受精;对人很重要,特别是作为食物、肥料和油料的一种来源,以及作为垂钓的对象。 (王同亿《英汉辞海》) 这一长篇大论的释义,原来说的只是一个“fish(鱼)”字。好在汉语字符是形声字,解释中字符所带的“鱼”字偏旁和“鱼类”字样已经告诉我们解释的是哪一类事物。 如果以此英文词典为基础来编辑英汉词典,是要把这些解释都直译出来好呢,还是只用一个或几个中文字词(如“鱼”、“马”等)即可,而不用这么多的解释?