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[经验心得] 必知动词短语,整理更新中

  • TA的每日心情
    2022-10-7 09:22
  • 签到天数: 832 天









    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

    发表于 2021-8-28 10:58:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

    account for——How can we account for the high electricity bill this month? Did we use the air-conditioning more than usual?我们如何解释这个月的高电费账单?我们是否比平时更频繁地使用空调?account for sth解释某事。Part of her job is to record and account for all the company's expenses.她工作的一部分是记录和说明公司的所有开支

    act as——Bobby is a big guy and he has studied boxing, so he can act as my bodyguard as well as my driver.鲍比是个大块头,他学过拳击,所以他既可以当我的保镖,也可以当我的司机。act as sth扮演某人。The hairs in the nose act as filters to help keep dust out of our lungs.鼻子里的毛发起过滤器的作用,帮助我们把灰尘挡在肺外。see also: function as

    act on——You should act on your teacher's advice and try to learn these phrasal verbs.你应该听从老师的建议,努力学习这些短语动词。We're acting on our tax lawyer's advice to set up an offshore company.我们正在按照税务律师的建议成立一家离岸公司。

    act up——调皮捣蛋(informal)My computer was acting up, so I took it a repair shop near my house and had it fixed.(非正式)我的电脑出毛病了,所以我把它带到我家附近的一家修理店修理了一下。I'll have to miss golf as my knee is acting up again and it's very sore.我将不得不错过高尔夫球,因为我的膝盖又犯病了,而且非常疼。See also: play up (inf)

    add to——On the film's opening night, the surprise appearance of several famous movie stars added to the excitement.在这部电影的首映之夜,几位著名的电影明星出人意料的出现增加了激动人心的气氛。add to sth add sth to sth.It's reputation for friendly staff added a lot to the hotel's value.友好的员工的声誉为酒店的价值增加了很多see also: contribute to

    add up——I don't believe his story. There are too many things that don't make sense and the whole thing just doesn't add up.我不相信他的故事。有太多的事情说不通,整件事就是说不通。add up (Usually negative, as in ‘It doesn't add up.')加起来(通常是负面的,比如‘ It doesn’t add up。')The boss's claim that he didn't know doesn't add up. He must have known.        老板声称他不知道,这说不通,他一定知道。

    add up to——What do 10, 7 and 6 add up to? Do they add up to 22, or is it 23?10、7和6加起来等于多少?它们加起来是22还是23?add up to add up to sth加起来等于。I've checked the receipts for expenses, and they add up to over $10,000.我检查了收据上的费用,加起来超过一万美元。see also: come to

    aim at——The new ads for Levi jeans are aimed at young people in particular and, like all ads, they're aimed at increasing sales.李维斯牛仔裤的新广告特别针对年轻人,就像所有的广告一样,他们的目标是增加销售额。(be) aimed at sb / sth (be) aimed at doing sth aim sth at sb/sth(be)瞄准某人/某物(be)瞄准做某事瞄准某人/某事。We've aimed this book at people who really want to learn phrasal verbs.我们把这本书瞄准了那些真正想学习短语动词的人。

    allow for——When you figure out what time to leave for the airport, allow time for traffic jams, and also take the weather into account.当你决定什么时候去机场的时候,要考虑到交通堵塞的情况,还要考虑到天气。(be) aimed at sb / sth (be) aimed at doing sth aim sth at sb/sth允许某事物。When you make the budget, don't forget to allow for rising prices.当你做预算的时候,不要忘记考虑到物价上涨see also: factor in

    amount to——A music CD needs to sell 100,000 copies or more to be a hit. Selling 10,000 copies doesn't really amount to success in the music business.一张音乐 CD 需要卖出100,000张或更多才能成为热门。销售10000张并不意味着在音乐行业取得成功。amount to sth相当于。Does having had two books published amount to a career as a writer?出版过两本书是否意味着作家的职业生涯?

    answer back——My son got into trouble at school for being impolite by answering back to his teacher.我儿子因为对老师顶嘴而在学校惹了麻烦。answer back to sb answer sb back向某人顶嘴。One of our players was sent off for answering back to the referee.我们的一名队员因回答裁判的问题而被罚下场。see also: talk back参见: 顶嘴

    appeal for——After the earthquake, the government appealed for emergency aid and assistance from neighbouring countries.地震后,政府呼吁邻国提供紧急援助。appeal for sth appeal for sth from sb。appeal to sb for sth呼吁某人呼吁某事呼吁某人呼吁某事。After she disappeared, the girl's family appealed to the public for help.女孩失踪后,她的家人向公众求助see also: ask for

    appeal to——Teenagers are a major market for mobile phones, so we need to design a range of cool phones that will appeal to them.对青少年的吸引力是手机的主要市场,所以我们需要设计一系列对他们有吸引力的酷手机。appeal to sb吸引某人。The small apartments will appeal to single people more than families.        小公寓对单身人士的吸引力大于家庭。

    apply to——The company's new regulation to ban smoking in offices applies to everyone, from cleaners and guards to the CEO.公司禁止在办公室吸烟的新规定适用于所有人,从清洁工、警卫到首席执行官。apply to sb适用于某人。Some young people from rich families think the law doesn't apply to them.一些来自富裕家庭的年轻人认为法律对他们不适用。

    arrive at——After doing research into diet, he arrived at the conclusion that a good diet included fish and seafood but didn't include animals or birds.在对饮食进行研究后,他得出结论,好的饮食包括鱼和海鲜,但不包括动物或鸟类。arrive at sth得出。They arrived at the retail price by considering all their production costs.他们通过考虑所有的生产成本得出了零售价格。

    ask after——I got an email from Elisa and she asked after you. I said you were fine and doing well in your new job.我收到了 Elisa 的邮件,她问起了你。我说你很好,新工作做得很好。ask after sb问候某人。Whenever I meet James, he asks after you and I tell him you're fine.每次我见到詹姆斯,他都问候你,我告诉他你很好。

    ask for——If you get lost, ask someone for directions to your hotel and they'll tell you where to go.如果你迷路了,问别人去你的旅馆怎么走,他们会告诉你去哪里。ask for sth ask sb for sth问某人问某事。I tell my staff not to be afraid of asking for help or advice if they need it.我告诉我的员工不要害怕寻求帮助或建议,如果他们需要的话。

    ask out——If you like Mirka, you should as] her out Tell her you'd like to take her to dinner and then see a movie or go dancing or whatever.如果你喜欢米尔卡,你应该约她出去,告诉她你想带她去吃晚饭,然后看场电影或者去跳舞或者其他什么。ask sb out ask sb out for sth约某人出去约某人出去。Do you think it's strange for a girl to ask a guy out for dinner or for a date?你认为一个女孩约一个男孩出去吃饭或约会奇怪吗?See also: invite out (邀请)

    ask over/around——We're asking some friends over to our new apartment for dinner on Saturday night.我们正在邀请一些朋友星期六晚上到我们的新公寓吃晚饭。ask sb over ask sb around。Let's ask a few people from work around to play cards on Sunday.让我们邀请一些周围工作的人在星期天打牌。see also: invite over / around

    attach to——You shouldn't attach too much importance to what the critics say about your book. What really matters is what your readers think.你不应该过分重视评论家对你的书的评价。真正重要的是你的读者怎么想。attach sth to sth将某事物与某事物联系起来。I think our boss attaches too much significance to how someone looks.我觉得我们老板太看重一个人的外表了。

    attend to——We have to make sure there are enough sales staff in our stores to attend to all the customers who need help, especially at busy times.我们必须确保店里有足够的销售人员来照顾所有需要帮助的顾客,特别是在繁忙的时候。attend to sb / sth照顾某人[某事物]。There're two more issues that we should attend to in today's meeting.在今天的会议上,我们还应该注意两个问题。see also: deal with, see to

    average out——Some days we sell more, some days we sell less, but sales average out at about 150 units a day.平均销售有些日子我们卖得更多,有些日子我们卖得更少,但平均每天的销售量约为150台。平均销售额平均销售额平均销售额。average out average sth out average out at sth。His income depends on sales, but it averages out at about $3,000 a month.他的收入取决于销售额,但平均每月约3000美元。