本帖最后由 pan 于 2021-10-1 09:59 编辑
https://weibo.com/1642088277/KAw ... t#_rnd1633050430694
Now this is a hot one, Mike.
As of this message, it's been forwarded 4514 times, commented upon 10832 times, and "like"d 201276 times.
A pundit proposes changing English as a foreign language from a compulsory to an elective course, so as to "depressure" the burden on students.
But the most popular comments from the netizens, most surprisingly, oppose the proposal.
So the answer is simple: Yes, English is still one of the most important for ALL students!
Let me translate a few threads for your benefit;
You're a dope if you actually believe him (the pundit). Among all courses in colleges, which ones do not necessitate reading and citing English references, except for Chinese language?
You must be trying to decrease the numbers of competitors for your child(ren). ADDRESSING THE PUNDIT
? How am I supposed to connect with the outside world without learning English? Isn't it a bit too soon to do this?
You sure? In what most advanced publications isn't English a basic requirement? Haven't we been talking about cultivating well-rounded talents with global perspectives?
本帖隐藏的内容我觉得大多数人数学也用不上中学以后的知识,也改选考? 认真去探索真正语言教育存在的问题才是真的。
I think for most people, mathemetic beyond middle school level is totally useless. How about change math from a compulsory to an elective, too? Seriously, what matters here is we should explore and address is the real issues confronting our language education...
Although I am not good at English, I would still advise against cancelling (?) English. We may downplay the score percentage of English, though, because for most students reading English references and publishing dissertaions in English is a must...
Physics. Mathematics. Chemistry. Biology.... You tell me, which one or ones can't be subject to the shift from compulsory to elective?
Pan. |