本帖最后由 jijiko 于 2021-12-4 21:59 编辑
本文首发于 微信公众号 英语漫记
239 Stories for Reproduction 由Y.C. Lee整理发布自英语漫记。合集文章均选自 Stories for reprodction,原著作者为L.A. Hill。在这里向L.A. Hill脱帽敬礼。
L.A. Hill简介
Leslie Hill (1918-2009) was a giant in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). When he died in 2009, the world of EFL lost its most prolific writer. His output was prodigious – over 200 books, of which 100 were still in print at the time of his death. He was by far and away the most famous and successful author in this field to have ever lived.
His greatness was not limited to quantity. Hill pioneered the technique of controlled vocabulary in EFL. His readers, which were published by Oxford University Press, were graded in steps of 500 words, 750 works, 2000 words and 2500 words. This concept has now become a standard for writing in this field. His stories sparkled with wit and humor, making enjoyable reading for anyone – and not only students of English as a Second Language, and have been appreciated by learners of English all over the world.
更多关于L.A. Hill本人的介绍,可访问http://lahill-english.org/。
此合集(英语复述用故事集)同样分为四个等级,Level 1 所有文章的除极个别词汇外,均出自一份总词数为750词的词表,Level 2A-2B 1000词, Level 3 1500词,Level 4 2075词。文章难度和长度据等级而递增。其中Level1: 40篇,Level2A: 55篇,Level2B: 30篇,Level3: 54篇,Level4: 60篇,总计239篇。
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