本帖最后由 entropy 于 2022-4-27 05:34 编辑
此词条抄袭自 The concise Oxford dictionary of current English
list2, v.t. (archaic; 3 sing. pres. list or listeth, past list or listed). Be pleasing to (shall do what him listeth; did as him list); desire, choose, (to do or abs.; ye who l. to hear; wind bloweth where it listeth). [OE lystan, cf. Du. lusten, G lusten, cogn. w. lust]
'shall do what him listeth' 出自圣经:'And the King shall doe what him list: he shall exalt himselfe, and magnifie himselfe against all, that is God, & shall speake marueilous things against ye God of gods, & shall prosper, till ye wrath be accomplished: for ye determination is made.'
普通当代人没必要学圣经英语语法。最新高级英汉词典编辑这操作,属于是画蛇添足,欲盖弥彰了。 |