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[写作] 雅思写作基础能力夯实与提升 172 句必背










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发表于 2022-10-29 08:59:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
  1. # 第一章 lt 作形式主语及形式宾语的句型
  2. ##  It is + n./adj. + to v.  
  3. It is interesting to learn English. 学英语很有趣  
  4. It is difficult for me to speak English. 说英语对我来说太难了  
  5. It is kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真好心。

  6. ## It is + n./adj. + that …  
  7. It was natural that George could solve the problem. 乔治能决这问题是理所当然的。  
  8. It is a great pity that you shouldn't know the fact. 很遗憾你居然不了解这个事实。

  9. ## It is + 过去分词 + 名词性从句  
  10. It is said that he is very wealthy. 据说他非常富有。  
  11. It is believed that the rumor is true. 人们认为那个谣传是真的。

  12. ## It seems / appears that … 似乎/好像 ……
  13. It seems that the rain is coming. 好像要下雨了。  
  14. It appears that he knows the fact. 他似乎知道实情。

  15. ## find it + n./adj. + to 引导的不定式短语 发现 …… 是 ……  
  16. I found it difficult to make others laugh. 我发现要逗别人笑很难。  
  17. He believed it right to tell the truth. 他相信说实话是对的。

  18. ## think it + n./adj. + that 从句 认为 ……  
  19. I think it certain that our team will win. 我认为我们队赢定了。  
  20. He made it clear that he objected to the proposal. 他已经表示得很清楚,他反对那项提议。

  21. ## It takes + 时间名词 + to 引导的不定式短语 做 …… 花若干时间  
  22. It took me five months to write this book. 写这本书花了我五个月的时间。  
  23. It cost him 1,000 dollars to collect the stamps. 搜集这些邮票花了他 1000 美元。

  24. # 第二章 to 引导的不定式短语  
  25. ## 表示目的、结果的不定式短语  
  26. I went to the shop to buy some ice cream. 我到商店买冰淇淋。  
  27. He tried a second time, only to fail again. 他再试一次,竟然还是失败。  
  28. He must be crazy to drive so fast. 他一定是疯了,竟然把车开得这么快。

  29. ## too + adj./adv. + to + v. 太 …… 而不能 ……
  30. Kate was too tired to walk anymore. 凯特累得走不动了。  

  31. ### enough to + v. 足以 ……  
  32. He was kind enough to drive me home. 他开车送我回家真是好心。

  33. ## 疑问词 + to 引导的不定式短语  
  34. How to begin is far more difficult than where to stop. 如何着手远比在何处结束更困难。  
  35. Tell me what to do next.  告诉我下一步该怎么做。

  36. ## want / ask + sb. + to 引导的不定式短语 想要某人 ……  
  37. She wanted me to bring her a pizza. 她要我给她带份披萨。  
  38. I asked Bob to wait a minute. 我要鲍勃等一下。

  39. ## 感官动词 + sb. + 原形动词 听到某人 ……  
  40. I have never heard him play the guitar. 我从未听过他弹吉他。

  41. ## 不定式短语作独立副词短语  
  42. To tell the truth, I don't think we can figure out a solution. 老实说,我认为我们想不出解决方法。  
  43. Needless to say, the budget is the main concern of the project's manager. 不用说,预算是项目经理的主要专注点。

  44. # 第三章 分词句型  
  45. ## 主语 + 动词 + 分词补语  
  46. The old man sat by the window watching people passing by. 老先生坐在窗边看着路过的人群。  
  47. The cat lay on the bench dozing off. 这只猫躺在长椅上打盹儿。

  48. ## 现在分词与过去分词作宾语补足语  
  49. I can see birds hopping around in the tree. 我可以看到小鸟正在树上跳来跳去。  
  50. I heard the girls whispering together. 我听到这些女孩正在一起说悄悄话。

  51. ## go + v.-ing 从事 ……  
  52. Would you like to go biking with me? 你想和我一起去骑车吗?  
  53. ## be busy + v.-ing 忙着做 ……  
  54. She is busy making a cake for her daughters birthday. 她正忙着为女儿的生日做蛋糕。

  55. ## 分词结构  
  56. Having a bad cold, I can't go on business today. 因为重感冒的缘故,我今天无法出差。  
  57. Dressed in white, Mary looked beautiful and elegant. 玛丽穿着一身白色的衣服,看起来美丽又高雅。

  58. ## 独立分词结构  
  59. The room remaining locked, he could not enter it. 房间仍锁着,他无法进去。  
  60. His work (having been) finished, he left with joy. 工作结束后,他高兴地离开。

  61. # 第四章 含动名词的句型
  62. ## cannot help + v.-ing 不得不 ……;不禁 ……
  63. He cannot help loving her because of her beauty. 因为她长得美,他不禁爱上了她。  

  64. ## There is no + v.-ing 做 …… 是不可能的;没人能 ……  
  65. There is no telling if there will be flying cars in the next century. 没人知道下一个世纪会不会有飞行车。

  66. ## worth + v.-ing 值得 ……
  67. Paris is a city worth visiting. 巴黎是座值得参观的城市。  

  68. ## on + v.-ing 一 …… (就) ……  
  69. On hearing the news, he turned as excited as a kid. 一听到这个消息,他立刻变得像孩子一样兴奋。

  70. ## prevent … from + v.-ing 使 …… 无法 ……  
  71. The noise prevented me from falling asleep. 噪音让我无法入睡。  
  72. What stopped him from settling down? 什么原因使他无法安顿下来?

  73. ## 动名词作宾语  
  74. Do you remember our meeting in Tokyo three years ago? 你还记得 3 年前我们在东京见过面吗?  
  75. My parents don't like me going out alone. 我父母不喜欢我单独出门。

  76. # 第五章 助动词  
  77. ## have to + 原形动词  
  78. I had to go shopping that afternoon. 那天下午我得去购物。  
  79. You don't have to wash the car. 你不必洗车。  
  80. ## be going to + 原形动词  
  81. I was going to leave when it began to rain. 我正要离开时便开始下雨了。

  82. ## used to + 原形动词 从前曾经 ……  
  83. He used to go to church on Sundays. 他以前每个星期天都去做礼拜。  
  84. There used to be a museum in my neighborhood. 以前我家附近有一个博物馆。

  85. ## would 及 should 的特别用法  
  86. I would like to know her name. 我想知道她的名字。  
  87. I would rather drink tea than coffee. 我宁可喝茶,也不喝咖啡。  
  88. It is strange that he should know me so well. 说来真怪,他居然这么了解我。

  89. ## may well + 原形动词 大可 ……;极有可能 ……
  90. The clever boy may well be called a genius. 这个聪明的男孩大可称得上是天才。  

  91. ### may as well + 原形动词 不妨 ……  
  92. We may as well go home because it's getting dark. 我们最好回家,因为天快黑了。

  93. ## must / may / might / cannot have + 过去分词  
  94. The poet must have been very young when he wrote this poem. 这位诗人写这首诗时一定非常年轻。  
  95. Mike may have heard the news.  迈克很可能听到过这个消息  
  96. He cannot have completed the work by himself. 他当时是不可能独立完成这份工作的。

  97. ## would / could / should / ought to / need not have + 过去分词  
  98. You should have been more careful then. 你当时应更小心点儿才是。(你当时并未小心)  
  99. You need not have bought so many things you don't need. 你原本不必买那么多你不需要的东西。(你当时却买了)

  100. # 第六章 代词  
  101. ## 代词 one, we, you 泛指全体的用法  
  102. One should not waste one's youth.   
  103. =We should not waste our youth.  
  104. =You should not waste your youth. 我们不应当浪费青春。

  105. ## 避免名词重复的用法 that of … / those of …  
  106. The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London. 东京的人口比伦敦的人口多。  
  107. The students work harder than those of our school. 这些学生比我们学校的学生用功。

  108. ## the former … the latter … 前者 …… 后者 ……
  109. May and Rosa are neighbors. The former is 17, while the latter is 18. 梅和罗莎是邻居,前者 17 岁,而后者 18 岁。

  110. ## one … the other … 一个 ……,另一个 ……
  111. I have two uncles; one lives in Nanjing and the other in Bejing. 我有两个叔叔;一个住在南京,另一个住在北京。  

  112. ### some … others … 一些 ……,另一些 ……  
  113. Some people believe in God, while others don't. 有人相信上帝,有人则不相信。

  114. # 第七章 关系词  
  115. ## 关系代词 who, whom, which, that  
  116. Those who like borrowing money dislike paying back. 喜欢借钱的人都不喜欢还钱。  
  117. He is a man whom l can trust. 他是我可以信赖的人。  
  118. I have read the book which he just mentioned. 我看过他刚提到的那本书  
  119. This is the picture that he took yesterday. 这是他昨天拍的照片。

  120. ## 关系代词所有格 whose  
  121. This is the boy whose mother is a college professor. 这就是那个妈妈是大学教授的男孩。  
  122. What is that building whose roof is painted blue for? 那栋屋顶漆成蓝色的建筑物是做什么用的?

  123. ## 有关 what 的其他重要用法  
  124. His father gave him what little money he had saved. 他的父亲把仅存的一点儿钱都给他了。  
  125. He is what you call a "walking dictionary. 他就是你所谓的“活字典”。  
  126. He is a good scholar, and what is better, a good teacher. 他是个优秀的学者,更棒的是,他还是个好老师。  
  127. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 读书之于心灵犹如运动之于身体。

  128. ## 准关系代词 as, than, but  
  129. I want the same watch as you are wearing. 我想要一块和你戴着的那块一样的手表。  
  130. This is the same camera that I lost yesterday. 这就是我昨天弄丢的照相机。  
  131. He is not such a man as will tell lie. 他不是那种会说谎的人。  
  132. The rich have more money than (is) needed. 有钱人拥有的金钱超过他所需  
  133. There is no rule but has exceptions. 每一种规则都有例外。

  134. ## 关系副词 when, where, why, how  
  135. Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive. 告诉我下一班火车抵达的确切时间  
  136. There are some countries where the supply of fuel is very much limited. 有些国家的燃料供应非常有限。  
  137. Please tell me the reason why you were absent then. 请告诉我当时你为什么缺席。  
  138. That's the way / how he treats people. 那就是他的待人之道

  139. ## 复合关系代词 whoever, whomever, whatever,  
  140. whichever I'll teach English to whoever wants to learn it. 谁想学英语,我会教他。  
  141. You may do whatever you like. 你可以随心所欲地做任何你喜欢的事。

  142. # 第八章 连词  
  143. ## 并列连词 and, or 的用法  
  144. Make haste, and you will be in time for class. 动作快一点儿,你才来得及上课。  
  145. Do it at once, or you will regret it. 马上办这件事,否则你会后悔。

  146. ## not … but … 并非 …… 而是 ……
  147. She is not my sister but my niece. 她不是我的妹妹,而是我的侄女。  

  148. ### not only … but (also) … 不仅 …… 而且 ……
  149. The novelist is famous not only in China but also the world over. 这位小说家不但闻名中国且扬名全世界。  

  150. ### either … or … 要不 …… 就是 ……
  151. Either you or he has to do the work. 不是你就是他得做这项工作。  

  152. ### neither … nor … 既非 …… 也非 ……  
  153. Neither she nor I was able to understand him. 我和她都无法了解他。

  154. ## both … and … …… 和 …… 两者皆  
  155. His speech was both interesting and instructive. 他的演讲既有趣又有益。  

  156. ### … as well as … …… 以及/和 ……  
  157. He speaks French as well as English. 他会说法语和英语

  158. ## As soon as …  
  159. = The moment / instant / minute …  
  160. = Once …  
  161. As soon as he arrived in the city, he phoned his friend. 他一到这个城市,就打电话给他的朋友。  
  162. The moment he saw a policeman, he stopped the car at once. 他一看见警察,立马停车。

  163. ## not … because …. 不要因为 …… 而 ……  
  164. You may not despise a man because he is poor. 你不可因一个人贫穷而轻视他。  

  165. ### not that … 并非 ……  
  166. Not that I hate the work. It's just that l'm not equal to it. 并非我不喜欢这份工作,而是我无法胜任。  

  167. ### now that … 既然 ……  
  168. Now that you are well again, you can travel. 既然你已康复,你可以去旅行了。

  169. ## so that / in order that … 以便 ……  
  170. Read the questions carefully so that you will not make a mistake on the test. 考试时要仔细审题,以免答错。  
  171. My brother works hard in order that he can get promoted. 为了能升迁,我哥哥很努力。  

  172. ### lest … 以免 ……  
  173. Take care lest you should fall into his trap. 当心,免得落入他的圈套。

  174. ## so … that … 如此地 …… 以至 ……  
  175. The dog is so tame that I am not afraid of it. 这只狗如此温驯,因此我并不怕它。  

  176. ### such … that … 如此的 …… 以至 ……  
  177. She is such a good piano player that all her friends want to listen to her play. 她钢琴弹得这么好,因此她的朋友都想听她弹奏。

  178. ## as 取代 though 的用法  
  179. Alone as he is, he doesn't feel lonely. 虽然他独自生活,但他却不孤独。  
  180. Well as he knows Beijing, he lost the way. 他虽然很熟悉北京,却还是迷路了。

  181. ## as … 按照/如同 ……  
  182. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.  人乡随俗。  

  183. ### so long as / as long as … 只要 ……  
  184. You're sure to achieve your goal as long as you try your best. 只要你尽全力,一定可以达到目标。

  185. ## 表“无论 ……”之句型  
  186. Whatever you (may) do, I will support you. 无论你做什么,我都支持。  
  187. However fast you run, you can't catch up with time. 无论你跑多快,你都追不上时间。

  188. ## whether … or … 无论是否 ……  
  189. Whether the news is true or false, I won't change my plan. 不管消息是真是假,我是不会改变计划的。  
  190. Whether (she is) at work or at home, she always checks the e-mails. 不管她上班或在家,她总是会查看电子邮件。

  191. ## Though / Although …, … 虽然 …… 但是 ……  
  192. Though shopping online brings us great convenience, we should be more cautious. 虽然网购带给我们很大的方便,但是我们要更谨慎。  
  193. Although life in big cities is not as easy as we imagine, it is a good experience. 大城市生活没有我们想象的那么容易,却是个很不错的体验。  

  194. ### It is true that …, but … 固然 …… 但是 ……  
  195. It is true that traveling by train is tiring, but it enables you to enjoy the scenery long the way. 乘火车旅行固然累,但却可以让你饱览沿途风景。

  196. # 第九章 比较级句型
  197. ## as … as … 和 …… 一样 ……  
  198. I am as busy as you. 我和你一样忙。  
  199. She is not as/so young as she looks. 她看起来比实际年轻。

  200. ## 倍数词相关句型  
  201. This room is five times as large as that one. 这个房间比那个房间大 5 倍。  
  202. He earns twice as much as he used to. 他赚的钱比过去多出一倍。  
  203. She spent half as much money as you (did). 她花掉的钱只有你花掉的一半。

  204. ## not so much … as … 与其说是 …… 倒不如说是 ……  
  205. He is not so much a philosopher as a psychologist. 与其说他是哲学家,倒不如说他是心理学家。  
  206. I lay down not so much to sleep as to think. 我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。

  207. ## the + 比较级 …, the + 比较级 … 越 …… 就越 ……  
  208. The older he grew, the weaker his memory became. 他越老,记忆力越差。  
  209. The hotter the weather (is), the more short-tempered I become. 天气越热,我的脾气就越差。

  210. ## no more … than … …… 不是 …… 正如 …… 不是 ……
  211. A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 鲸鱼不是鱼,正如马不是鱼一样。  

  212. ### no less … than … 和 …… 一样 ……  
  213. He is no less wise than his older brother. 他和他哥哥一样聪明。  

  214. ## 副词短语 no more than, no less than, at most, at best, much less, still less  
  215. I have no more than $100. (常用)  
  216. = I have not more than $100. 我最多只有 100 美元。  
  217. He is at most ten years old. 他最多只有 10 岁。  
  218. She can't sing, much less dance. 她不会唱歌,更别提跳舞。

  219. ## 比较级 + than any other … 比任何其他都 ……  
  220. Autumn is better for reading than any other season. 秋天比任何季节都适合读书。  
  221. Health is more important than anything else in the world. 健康比世界上其他任何东西都重要。

  222. ## 有关最高级的重要用法  
  223. The richest man in the world cannot buy everything. 即使是世界上最富有的人也无法买到一切。  
  224. That's the best book that I have ever read. 那是我看过的最好的书。  
  225. Of the three ideas, yours is the most creative. 三个想法中,你的最有创意。

  226. # 第十章 虚拟语气  
  227. ## 纯条件的虚拟语气  
  228. If you accept the offer, he will be pleased. 如果你接受那项提议,他会很高兴。  
  229. You will miss the train unless you start right now. 除非你现在出发,否则你会误了火车。

  230. ## 与现在事实相反的虚拟语气  
  231. If l were ten years younger, I would start up my own business. 如果我再年轻 10 岁,就会自己创业。  
  232. If could fly, l would fly you to the moon. 如果我会飞,我就带你飞到月球去。

  233. ## 与过去事实相反的虚拟语气  
  234. If I had seen him, I would have told him the truth. 如果我当时看见他,我会告诉他实情。  
  235. I could have finished the task if I had had more time. 如果当时我有多一点儿时间的话,就能完成这项任务了。

  236. ## 与将来事实相反的虚拟语气  
  237. If l should make as much money as $100 million, I would buy a huge villa in the countryside.  一我将来赚够一亿美元,我会在乡下买一栋大别墅。  
  238. If we were to meet in 100 years, I would recognize you.   如果 100 年后我们再相遇,我会认出你来。

  239. ## I wish (that)... 我多希望 ……(实际并非如此)  
  240. I wish he were still alive. 我真希望他现在还活着。  
  241. I wish I had known you ten years ago. 真希望 10 年前就已认识你。

  242. ## as if / as though … 仿佛 ……  
  243. She speaks English as if it were her mother tongue. 她说起英语来仿佛那就是她的母语。  
  244. He looks straightly at me as if he had never seen me. 他直视着我,好像从没见过我似的。

  245. ## if it were not for … 若非 ……  
  246. If it were not for the internet, I would never keep in contact / keep in touch with you. 若不是有互联网,我就再也联系不到你了。  
  247. If it had not been for your assistance, I couldn't have managed the firm then. 若非有你的帮助,我当时是无法经营这家公司的。

  248. # 第十一章 特殊句型 66 倒装句  
  249. ## 倒装句  
  250. Happy is a child who gets such great gifts. 小孩子收到这么棒的礼物都开心得不得了。  
  251. Never have I had such a terrible experience. 我从没有过这么糟糕的经历。  
  252. So excited was I that I unpacked the box that was beautifully wrapped. 我太激动了,便打开那个包装精美的盒子。  
  253. Around me sat many people with a cellphone in their hands. 许多人坐在我旁边,手里都拿着手机。

  254. ## "It is …"的强调句型  
  255. It is John who should be responsible for it. 该对这事负责的是约翰。  
  256. It was yesterday that he came. 他是昨天来的。

  257. ## 插入语  
  258. He is a man who I believe can do it. 他是个我相信能办这事的人。  
  259. There is no one whom / who I think I can trust. 没有一个我认为我可以信赖的人。  
  260. Who do you think can do it? 你认为谁能做这件事?

  261. ## 强调语句  
  262. What in the world are you doing here? 你到底在这儿做什么?  
  263. Who on earth is he?   他究竟是谁?

  264. ## 省略句型  
  265. He is quiet, and his brother (is) active. 他很安静,他的弟弟则很活跃。  
  266. You can come with me if you want to. 你可以和我一起来,如果你想的话。

  267. ## not … all 并非全部都(部分否定)
  268. I haven't read all of his works. 我并没有看过他所有的作品。  

  269. ### not … both 并非两个都(部分否定)  
  270. I don't know both of his friends. 他的两个朋友我并不是都认识。

  271. ## never … without + v.-ing 每 …… 必然 ……  
  272. I never come to the restaurant without ordering the dish. 我每次来到这家店都会点这道菜。  

  273. ### never … but … 每 …… 必然 ……  
  274. He never reads a book but he feels sleepy. 他一看书就想睡。

  275. ## be far from … 一点也不 ……
  276. His explanation was far from satisfactory. 他的解释一点儿也不令人满意。  

  277. ### be free from … 没有 ……  
  278. The hill is completely free from trees. 这座山丘上一棵树也没有。

  279. ## cannot … too … 再 …… 也不为过,越 …… 越好 cannot … enough …  
  280. You cannot be too careful when driving a car. 开车时越小心越好。  
  281. Pat was too tired to say anything when he got home. 派特回到家太累了,什么都不想说。

  282. ## be the last … to + 原形动词 绝不可能是 …… / 最不像是 ……  
  283. Mike is the last man to break his word. 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。  
  284. He is the last man (that) I want to see now. 他是我现在最不愿见到的人。









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 楼主| 发表于 2022-10-29 09:02:58 | 只看该作者
干净的 Markdown
  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2022-10-30 11:52:14 | 只看该作者
  • TA的每日心情

    2020-8-15 10:40
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